Inside Audible

It’s an Exciting Time of Growth at Audible, says Ricardo Ortegon

A photo of Ricard Ortegon in the lobby of Audible's Newark HQ. Ortegon is smiling and wearing a blue button-down shirt.

It’s fairly common to move for a job, but for a career to take you to 10 different countries? Ricardo Ortegon has been fortunate enough to have this great adventure. His expertise working with information systems, data and cutting-edge technology like AI has led him to leadership roles at global brands from from Belgium to Hungary to Mexico—and now to Audible’s headquarters in Newark, New Jersey.

As Audible’s Head of MarTech, Ortegon leads his teams in using technology and data insights to help Audible find the most engaging and effective ways to connect with customers, whether that means introducing Audible to new users through an Instagram post or personalizing a longtime listener’s carousel of recommendations. He’s energized by Audible’s growing popularity worldwide, the ways we are continuously innovating audio storytelling, and the possibilities for AI to help us make listening even better for our customers.

Here he shares a little of what he’s learned along his incredible globe-trotting journey.

How would you describe your philosophy of leadership?

I truly believe in the power of teamwork. I put energy into building trust and deep collaboration with anyone I interact with. I tend to actively listen to people, put myself in their shoes and identify how our teams or our disciplines can complement one another to achieve better results. When it comes to managing teams, I like to give autonomy to my team and step in to remove blockers from their way. In the end, I trust they’re the experts.

What’s the most exciting thing about leading at Audible right now?

We have many opportunities to continue to grow—from growing in the markets where our service is still new, to expanding our catalog, formats and listenership in the markets where Audible is more established. And we have opportunities to improve Audible’s offering through AI, such as content discovery, reviews at a glance, and more, through even more personalized, effective and engaging communication with our customers.

What are some “left turns” you took on your career journey?

Life and work led me to live in 10 different countries over the years—several of those were unexpected. At some point I was invited to move to Budapest to create a new function, and I lived there for four amazing years. I moved to Moscow for two years to turn around an operation that needed improvement. And I moved to Mexico City following an acquisition. Each of the 10 moves was an opportunity to learn professionally, and also to learn about the local culture, mentality and work dynamics.

If you could have any super power what would it be?

I would like to slow time. I enjoy so much about life—family, friends, travel—that sometimes I wish time wouldn’t go so fast so I could enjoy even more of it.

Lightning round
  • Coffee or tea? Coffee. Good, plain espresso.
  • Morning person or night owl? Definitely a morning person.
  • Where are you working from currently? Newark, New Jersey.
  • How long have you been with Audible? Since December 2023.
  • Who is your biggest inspiration, career-wise? I admire people who truly enjoy their work and continue to do it into their late years, from singers to philanthropists to founders and CEOs.
  • Dine in or take out? Dine in; I enjoy discovering good restaurants.
  • Favorite hobby? I’ve followed Formula One racing for many years.
  • Favorite Audible listen, go. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight—quite an example of perseverance.
Shoe Dog cover art
Shoe DogBy: Phil Knight / Narrated by: Norbert Leo Butz, Phil Knight - introduction
