sharlyne Gooding

sharlyne Gooding

Growing Up Stranger United States
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My name is Sharlyne, but everyone calls me Charlie. I am a single mom of three wonderfully different boys of color. My 1st born is 23 years old, he is my rock. He is the one child that has been with me through all my ups and downs. He understands my struggles and pushes me to be great! He is also very respectful and protective of his family. My middle child is 10 years old. He is my little firecracker! He also has lots of energy that he often puts to good use. My middle child is also very loving and tends to wear his emotions on his sleeves. Finally, my 3rd child who will soon be turning 2 years old is also very loving. However, he has less energy than my middle child and is usually calm. Although my boys are different, they are simply amazing, and I could not imagine life without them. My boys are my reasons to keep pushing forward. As a single mother, I am determined to obtain my goals despite life's challenges. With that being said in 2018 I took a leap of faith and walked away from my conventional paying job. I decided to focus on raising my children, all while learning ways to achieve my goals of becoming an entrepreneur. I chose to walk away from my that job due to being emotionally, physically and financially drained. Emotionally drained due to burnout and guilt of being unable to spend time with my children. Physically drained due to the job's demand I was working 50 plus hours a week, and Financially drained from only being able to cover the cost of my living expenses with very little left for simple fun activities for myself or the kids. During my time of uncertainty, I read a quote that said, “Keep your dreams alive. What I from that quote was to achieve anything it would require me to have faith, believe in myself, have a vision and put in hard work, determination, and dedication. That quote was written by Gail Devers and it has kept me motivated and determined to keep climbing the ladder of success. It also stands as a testament to my children because they look to me to be their role model and I need them to know they can also follow their dreams and one day make it their reality. Gail's quote stuck with me and within that same year (2018) I started a transportation company called Mommy's Drive. The company transported children to and from school. I would also sometimes babysit children for some of my parents who worked later then the regular daycares would accept children. I was well on my way to gaining more clients and making more money when THE PANDEMIC of 2020 hit. While nothing could prepare me for THE PANDEMIC, Gail Devers quote echoed in my head constantly. I had lost EVERYTHING it was basically like starting over and to top it all off myself my youngest and middle son were all diagnose with the Covid-19 days after Thanksgiving. During our quarantine I was affected the worst. As I laid there fighting to get better and praying to pull through it all I made a promise to myself if I lived through this difficult time I could conquer anything. All of these events reminded me that no matter what life throws at me, I cannot give up! Weeks later with my boys in mind and all of our negative Covid-19 test result in hand I reinvented myself and decided to turn my daily experiences of raising my black boys into a line of children’s books. It is important for me to write books with characters that represent not only my children but other children of different cultures. My books focus on tough topics such as police brutality, racism and unwanted touching to name a few. These topics are what we see happening in the world today. They are also topics that are heavily discussed among many adults yet a lot of parents sometimes find it difficult to bring up with their children. My books have the potential to help parents build those lines of communication with their children. I am a firm believer that it takes a village to raise a child and I am hopeful that my books will one day create a space where parents feel comfortable speaking about tough topics such as these with their children. “Knowledge is the new rich, arm yourself with it.” Toni Payne
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