Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Winter Fair Fumbles: A Comedy of Cold Weather Blunders Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-09-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Obala Blejskega jezera je bila prekrita s svežo snežno odejo.En: The shore of Blejski jezero was covered with a fresh blanket of snow.Sl: Poti so bile zaledenele, a čudovite stojnice z zimskega sejma so bleščale v sončnem jutru.En: The paths were icy, but the beautiful stalls of the winter fair were glistening in the morning sun.Sl: Matej je z nosom rdečim od mraza nosil škatle z dekoracijo proti stojnici.En: Matej, his nose red from the cold, was carrying boxes of decorations toward the stall.Sl: "Pozdravljena, Anja," je veselo zaklical, ko je videl, da Anja že zlagoma ureja stvari.En: "Hello, Anja," he called cheerfully when he saw that Anja was already leisurely arranging things.Sl: "Matej!En: "Matej!Sl: Zamikamo!En: We're moving along!"Sl: " Anja je popravila šal okoli vratu.En: Anja adjusted her scarf around her neck.Sl: Njena velika skrb so bili jasne in lepo urejene stojnica.En: Her great concern was having the stalls clear and nicely arranged.Sl: Matej je oboževal njeno zagnanost, čeprav ga je velikokrat prestrašilo, da ne bi vse izpadlo popolno.En: Matej loved her enthusiasm, though he was often afraid that everything might not turn out perfect.Sl: Matej je takoj začel montirati lučke.En: Matej immediately started setting up the lights.Sl: Roke so mu drhtele od mraza in malce od živčnosti.En: His hands trembled from the cold and a bit from nervousness.Sl: Želel je narediti dober vtis.En: He wanted to make a good impression.Sl: A že se je prvič zaletel v mizo, na kateri so ležali skrbno urejeni izdelki.En: But he already bumped into the table where the carefully arranged products laid.Sl: "Ops, Anja, oprosti," se je nasmehnil, ko je pobiral raztresene sveče.En: "Oops, Anja, sorry," he grinned as he picked up the scattered candles.Sl: "V redu je, Matej.En: "It's okay, Matej.Sl: Več previdnosti," je rekla Anja s kančkom smeha.En: More caution," said Anja with a hint of laughter.Sl: Ko je vzdignil polico s čokoladnimi izdelki, mu je spolzela iz rok.En: When he lifted the shelf with chocolate products, it slipped from his hands.Sl: Anja je sunkovito obrnila glavo.En: Anja sharply turned her head.Sl: "Nič hujšega," se je Matej trudil, da bi situacijo obrnil na šalo: "Zdaj imamo sladke tla.En: "No big deal," Matej tried to turn the situation into a joke: "Now we have sweet floors."Sl: "Anja je vzdihnila, vendar je bila Matejeva zabavna narava tisto, kar ji je bilo pravzaprav všeč.En: Anja sighed, but it was Matej's playful nature that she actually liked.Sl: Čeprav se vedno spraševala, ali bi mu morala oporekati, je nekako šlo.En: Even though she always wondered if she should oppose him, somehow it worked out.Sl: Nenačrtovana avantura se je zgodila, ko je poskušal razvozlati novo škatlo z lučkami.En: An unplanned adventure happened when he tried to untangle a new box of lights.Sl: Malo po malo, namesto da bi razvozlaval, je Matej začel vezati lučke okoli sebe.En: Bit by bit, instead of untangling, Matej began wrapping the lights around himself.Sl: Kmalu je bil privezan ob velike snežaka.En: Soon he was tied to a large snowman.Sl: Poskušal se je izviti in ob tem skoraj povlekel celotno stojnico za seboj.En: He tried to free himself and in doing so almost pulled the entire stall along with him.Sl: "Matej!En: "Matej!"Sl: " Anja je presenečeno vzkliknila, a se nato, ob njegovem klovnovskem obrazu, najprej nasmehnila, potem pa začela glasno smejati.En: Anja exclaimed in surprise, but then, seeing his clownish expression, first smiled, then began to laugh loudly.Sl: Matej si je premislil.En: Matej reconsidered.Sl: "Nič hudega, lep snežakova kapica samo!En: "No worries, just a nice snowman hat!"Sl: " Poln pozitivne energije, je z obema rokama teatralično dvignil še preostali del dekoracije.En: Full of positive energy, he theatrically lifted the remaining decorations with both hands.Sl: Anja se je smejala in ji ni ostalo drugega, kot da se zmehča.En: Anja laughed and had no choice but to soften.Sl: "Veš kaj?En: "You know what?Sl: Mogoče pa lahko gremo kar s tokom.En: Maybe we can just go with the flow.Sl: Mraz je, smeh naj nas ogreje.En: It's cold; laughter should warm us up."Sl: "Matej, še vedno nekoliko zavozlan v lučke, je pokimal zadovoljno.En: Matej, still somewhat tangled in lights, nodded contentedly.Sl: Ta dan nista dosegla popolnosti, kakršno si je zamislila Anja, toda njuna sposobnost za humor in improvizacijo je osnovala novo prijateljstvo - in morda kaj več.En: That day they did not achieve the perfection that Anja had imagined, but their ability for humor and improvisation laid the foundation for a new friendship—and perhaps something more.Sl: Z mrzlim vetrom, ki je pelu mimo, sta nadaljevala delo, vendar z drugim pogledom na ...