Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Strum and Shine: Conquering Stage Fright in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-10-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Dnevi v internatu v Ljubljani so bili polni živahnih priprav.En: The days in the dormitory in Ljubljana were full of lively preparations.Sl: Sneg je nežno padal na hribe okoli zgodovinske zgradbe, kjer so živeli Matej, Jana in Anja.En: Snow gently fell on the hills around the historic building where Matej, Jana, and Anja lived.Sl: Bližal se je čas zimskega talent šova, ki je vsako leto privabil veliko dijakov.En: The time for the winter talent show, which attracted a lot of students every year, was approaching.Sl: V veliki dvorani so že začeli obešati svetleče lučke, ki so prostoru dajale čaroben občutek.En: In the large hall, they had already started hanging twinkling lights, giving the space a magical feeling.Sl: Matej je sramežljivo sedel v kotu sobe s svojo kitaro.En: Matej sat shyly in the corner of the room with his guitar.Sl: Bil je nadarjen glasbenik, a ga je bila misel na nastop pred množico strašansko.En: He was a talented musician, but the thought of performing in front of a crowd terrified him.Sl: Jana, navdušena in samozavestna organizatorka, je hitela gor in dol po hodnikih, usklajevala vse.En: Jana, an enthusiastic and confident organizer, rushed up and down the hallways, coordinating everything.Sl: Njen smeh je odmeval, ko je pomagala ostalim pri pripravah.En: Her laughter echoed as she helped others with the preparations.Sl: Anja, Matejeva najboljša prijateljica, se je približala in sedla poleg njega.En: Anja, Matej's best friend, approached and sat next to him.Sl: "Matej, zakaj si tako zaskrbljen?En: "Matej, why are you so worried?"Sl: " je vprašala.En: she asked.Sl: "Strah me je," je priznal Matej.En: "I'm scared," Matej admitted.Sl: "Kaj če naredim napako pred vsemi?En: "What if I make a mistake in front of everyone?"Sl: "Anja ga je pogledala s toplimi očmi.En: Anja looked at him with warm eyes.Sl: "Vem, da si živčen, ampak veš, da ti lahko zaupaš svoji glasbi.En: "I know you're nervous, but you know you can trust your music.Sl: Jana in jaz ti lahko pomagava.En: Jana and I can help you.Sl: Ne skrbi, do tega šova bova ob tebi," je rekla.En: Don't worry, we'll be by your side for the show," she said.Sl: Matej je počasi začel verjeti v njene besede.En: Gradually, Matej started to believe in her words.Sl: Odločil se je, da bo zaupal Anji in Jani.En: He decided to trust Anja and Jana.Sl: Skupaj so preživeli ure v vajah v dvorani.En: Together, they spent hours rehearsing in the hall.Sl: Jana mu je kazala, kako stopiti na oder, Anja pa ga je vedno spodbujala.En: Jana showed him how to walk onto the stage, while Anja constantly encouraged him.Sl: Skupna energija prijateljstva je Mateju vlivala pogum.En: The shared energy of friendship instilled courage in Matej.Sl: Končno je prišla noč talent šova.En: Finally, the night of the talent show arrived.Sl: Dvorana je bila polna, na odru pa so lučke nežno sijale.En: The hall was full, and the lights softly shined on the stage.Sl: Matej je stal za zaveso, srce mu je hitreje bilo.En: Matej stood behind the curtain, his heart beating faster.Sl: Jana mu je pomežiknila izpod odra, Anja pa mu je tiho zašepetala, da verjame vanj.En: Jana winked at him from below the stage, and Anja whispered quietly that she believed in him.Sl: Dihal je globoko in stopil na oder.En: He took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.Sl: Po začetni tremi in nekaj lažjih zadihov se je Matej zbral.En: After initial stage fright and a few calming breaths, Matej composed himself.Sl: Njegovi prsti so z nežnim dotikom zaigrali po strunah kitare, zvok pa se je razlezel po dvorani.En: His fingers gently played the guitar strings, and the sound spread throughout the hall.Sl: Počasi je izgubil strah pred občinstvom in se prepustil glasbi.En: Slowly, he lost his fear of the audience and gave in to the music.Sl: Ko je zadnji ton potihnil, je nastala tišina.En: When the last note faded, there was silence.Sl: Potem pa glasen aplavz, ki je napolnil dvorano.En: Then a loud applause filled the hall.Sl: Matej je z olajšanjem in zadovoljstvom objel svojo kitaro.En: Matej embraced his guitar with relief and satisfaction.Sl: Zmaga nad strahom mu je dala novo samozavest.En: Conquering his fear gave him new confidence.Sl: Pozneje, ko so se luči ugasnile, so ga prijatelji objeli.En: Later, when the lights went out, his friends hugged him.Sl: Anja mu je rekla: "Vedela sem, da zmoreš," Jana pa je pohvalila njegovo pogumno srce.En: Anja said, "I knew you could do it," and Jana praised his courageous heart.Sl: Matej je vedel, da se je pomembno pogumno soočiti z izzivi.En: Matej realized how important it was to face challenges bravely.Sl: Z nasmehom na obrazu je razumel, kako dragoceno je bilo stopiti iz cone udobja.En: With a smile on his ...