Our goal is to empower you to be more effective in your administrative tasks, so you can focus on the most important work of kingdom building. Let's explore the essential tools that will make your ministry more efficient and impactful. Quick Links: Ministry Management BinderSchedule a CallEpisode 035 1: Website A well-designed website can serve as a hub for your community, providing information, resources, and engagement opportunities. In today’s society nearly every new visitor will research your church online before ever setting foot inside the door. Therefore your address, service times, and phone numbers should be clear. Images of services, classes, and events are very helpful. 2: Digital Calendars Managing your ministry's events and appointments can be a complex task. Digital calendars can be a LIFESAVER. It can help you streamline every department’s schedule while giving the freedom to staff and leaders to update events and add important information. I mentioned in the last episode that Google Calendar is my personal favorite. 3. Online File Storage and Sharing Centralized document management is a game-changer for ministries. It is convenient, efficient, and organized. Say goodbye to scattered documents and having to dig through file cabinets! There are many systems to choose from but if you are already using Gmail or Google Calendar then you also have access to Google Drive. 4: Virtual Meetings In 2020, everyone got a crash course in conducting and attending virtual meetings. Zoom quickly became a household function. During this time, ministries realized what an asset this piece of technology is. Especially for ministries that extend beyond one community. It is a great way to have face-to-face meetings without leaving the comfort of your home or office. 5. Social Media This one might be a bit controversial still, however, social media is a powerful tool for ministry outreach. This is much information out there on how to manage social media. You can learn strategies for engaging and growing your ministry’s online presence, complete with examples, sample templates, and tips for reaching the demographics in your area. There are even “social media managers” who you can hire to help with this. If your church does not have some type of social media presence, you are missing out on the best free advertisement and marketing strategy. 6. Digital Newsletters and Email Marketing Email marketing remains a key channel for engaging your congregation and supporters. This is a great way to communicate upcoming events, share words of testimony, and encourage the flock. There are several email platforms available and this is something else that a church management software might provide. Two common stand-alone email platforms are MailChimp and Constant Contact. This is a great way to generate a digital newsletter. This is another way to engage with your congregation and help them feel connected. 7: Project Management Software Project and team management are crucial for efficient ministry operation. My favorite tool for this is Trello. I talked about how I personally use Trello in the last episode if you want to jump back and listen to it. Ministries can use this to track visitor follow-up, enlist and train volunteers, and plan the upcoming staff party or Christmas Play. You can share your “Trello Boards” with others on your team so that you can collaborate together. You can assign tasks to people on your team and check off when things get done on the list. You can also assign due dates and set reminders. I have used this method for planning several conferences and women’s retreats. There, of course, are a plethora of other systems available that you can check out. Keeping projects and teams on track is a challenging task and I am all for finding ways to do that more efficiently. In fact, several years ago, I created the “Ministry Management Binder”. I have a physical printable version that can be put in a binder and I have a digital version on a Trello Board. Or you can get both at a discounted price. 8: Online Giving It is a fact that churches that had an online giving option during the Covid pandemic saw less of a decline in finances than those who did not. Online giving has become more and more accepted as most of the younger generation pays their bills online and doesn’t carry cash or checks. There are many options for receiving offerings online and I am not going to recommend one over another. Choose a platform that is easy to use for individuals and for the church. If it integrates with your accounting software that is a huge plus. This may require a little research to pick the one that fits best. I would start by asking what others in your community and organization have had success with. There is also a feature called text-to-give. You can do a quick search to find out more about that as well. 9: Accounting Software Effective financial management is a cornerstone of ...