From 2020-2025, IMB missionaries across Sub-saharan Africa have the driving goal of reaching 55 of the largest unreached people groups in Africa with the gospel. Listen our “55 in 5 Prayercast” to hear too, how there is still work to be done. Pray with us for the people and places that the hope of Christ has yet to be received. Pray with us to see the Revelation 7:9 vision of all nations around the throne of God, worshipping Him forever. This PrayerCast will guide you to pray for the Bambara of Senegal, the Zigua of Tanzania, the Antefasy of Madagascar, the Kotokoli of Togo, the Manga Kanuri of Nigeria, the Ingessana of Sudan, the Bangobango of the DRC, the Manyika of Mozambique, the Jula of Mali and Burkina Faso, and the Northern Teke of Gabon. Transcript:
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