• Pastors that Don’t have a Biblical Worldview
    May 19 2022

    In a recent survey, the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University found that only 37% of pastors have a Biblical worldview. That is that they view issues and situations in life through the lens of the Bible. That is a scary thought. 

    Those in higher level pastoral roles were found to be more likely to have a Biblical worldview. Those who were teaching classes or youth were found to be least likely to have a Biblical worldview. Many had a split worldview, where they believed partially in a Biblical worldview, but held other beliefs on certain matters outside the Christian worldview. 

    It's concerning that those who are tasked with leading the church in this world may not even believe the words of the Bible. It's shocking that those who are teaching and instructing our youth are less likely to believe the words they are saying. It seems that they have taken on the profession as a job rather than a calling. 

    We need God's intervention in our society. We need those who are not afraid to stand and proclaim the word of God and to stand on Biblical truth. 

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    16 mins
  • Are we really surprised at what is happening across America?
    May 15 2022

    There were more shootings across the nation this weekend. An 18 year old walked into a store and shot 13 people, killing many of them. We immediately want to start laying blame in many places, instead of the one place that it really should fall. 

    For example, dare we talk about the possibility of violent video games being involved in this shooting? The shooter used a popular streaming service for gamers to live stream the shooting. Should we talk about how that is perhaps a concern? Kids believe that they can shoot someone and they simply get to start a new game, but that's not how life works. 

    Or perhaps we talk about the main accusation. The media and others immediately jumped on this shooting as a racially motivated shooting. That could be the case. The shooter could have been looking to kill people of a different color, but that continues to ignore all the other things. We shouldn't so quickly jump to a conclusion when there is obviously a much simpler answer. 

    That answer is that we are a nation who has denied God His place in our nation. We have been more interested in forcing Him out of our nation, than letting Him in. The very teachings of scripture build a moral foundation for life. But we took that out of schools. We have taken prayer out of schools. God has no place in American society it seems.

    God has been taken out of our homes. He has been taken out of our personal lives. Then we want to question why the wickedness in our nation is happening? We really want to question why there is a lack of morality and concern for others when we have said that God does not exist or that God is not important. Rather than driving us to find answers, these events should drive us to realize that we need God now more than ever. It should drive us to our knees to ask God back into our nation and to intervene. 

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    13 mins
  • A Roe vs Wade victory does not end the abortion debate
    May 5 2022

    Earlier this week, there was a leak at the Supreme Court that indicates Roe vs Wade may be overturned. On one side, there has been a lot of celebration that the horrible law may be overturned. On the other side, there has been an outpouring of emotions. 

    We have to start out and realize the facts about abortion. Abortion is murder. The Bible clearly states that murder is sin. It also clearly states that life begins well before our actual birth from our mother's womb. We have to keep those facts in mind when talking about this. 

    It is true, Roe vs Wade was a sick ruling from the Supreme Court, but we must face the facts. Overturning the law does not end abortion. It simply allows states to decide if they will allow abortions within their borders. There are two other things that Christians must pay attention to in this situation however. 

    First, is that our President said that abortion aligns with mainstream religions. Even the President's own Catholic faith does not support abortion. Abortion is not supported in Scripture, the Christian faith, or in any logical sense of understanding the teachings of the Bible. In fact, the Bible would teach us exactly the opposite. Such a gross misrepresentation of faith is a dangerous position to be in for any Christian. What the President is asking the Supreme Court to do is violate First Amendment rights of Christians. He wants the Supreme Court to continue to overrule the Bible and the laws of God for the convenience of abortion. He wants to claim abortion is a constitutional right, but our very constitution does not speak to any right allowing you to murder someone. 

    The second thing that Christians must pay attention to is the start of a great spiritual war in our nation. It most likely started several years ago, but this is a significant piece of the battle. We have already heard for cries to eliminate Christians from society and from having a voice. Those cries will only get louder now. 

    We may have prayed hard for God to allow the overturning of Roe vs Wade, but now we need to pray even more. We need God's help and guidance in the spiritual war ahead. This was just one battle, but things appear that they are about to get really ugly. 

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    12 mins
  • We need less noise and more God
    Apr 30 2022

    Around our world, it’s nothing but absolute sickening chaos. Violent crime is on the rise. You read stories about smash and grab violence. Murders and other sickening crime is being committed. Yet, everyone wants you to believe they have a solution. 

    They want you to believe that the solution is to give things away for free, like education and healthcare. They want you to believe that to solve the world’s problems we need uninhibited social media platforms. Or perhaps the greatest lie of all that we need more politics. 

    Republicans and Democrats alike have left us in this situation. The decline into despair of our nation is not the result of politics or social agenda’s. The decline of our nation is a direct result of our nation leaving our main founding prinicple: God. 

    When we started placing other things in front of God, it allowed sin to be unchecked in our society. We have lost ethics and morals entirely as our nation and world is more focused on self than God. 

    Rather than believing that we need more politics or social solutions, when will we realize that we truly need less noise and more God? 

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    13 mins
  • Florida vs Disney is more than just politics
    Apr 23 2022

    This week, there has been a pretty big focus on Florida vs Disney among the media. Florida took the step of removing Disney’s self-governing status that it has held for over 50 years. The move was a political one, but it should highlight several other things for Christians as we look at it from a Christian perspective. 

    The move was not driven by political reasons, but we should be thankful for the move. The move to protect children from things that are a direct contradiction to the word of God is always the right thing. While many may disagree in the social aspects of the law, it would align with the teachings found in Scripture. 

    It also highlights the need for parents to be very watchful of the content that their children take in. Disney makes no secrets that they are willing to put social messages in their content. Sometimes that can be good, such as accepting people that look different or are of different colors. The company is interested in pandering to social justice and special interests, however. Those we must pay attention to. 

    More than that, it highlights the move of the world to make anything that is a stance for God's truth to be "hate speech." Take for example the case from the UK where the street preacher was recently cleared from charges of hate speech after saying that marriage is between one man and one woman. The statements align with teachings from the word of God, but that is considered hate speech to our world today. 

    Christians must be praying and asking for wisdom and guidance as we take a stance on issues publicly. We should not hate the people involved, but we should absolutely take a stand for God's truth and what is right. We should pray for God's guidance and help as we navigate these issues to know that we address them the right way. 

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    21 mins
  • Is there really a pro-life bill?
    Apr 16 2022

    Earlier this week, there was a lot of celebration among pro-life circles as another state passed a pro-life bill. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill which bans abortions after 15 weeks in most instances. The previous law was 24 weeks.

    The law is a positive step in the right directions, but should Christians really be happy with 15 weeks? So many Christians find themselves on both sides of the political argument. The Bible is clear that life is valuable and that applies to any life. Scripture teaches about how a child is known in the womb. Even science confirms that a child can hear and learn from the woman. Yet, that same “science” wants to argue that this is simply a clump of cells or a fetus, attempting to dehumanize the child. 

    Rather than focusing on the political side, we should focus on the spiritual side. Scripture teaches the importance of life. It teaches the value of life. While the passage of the Florida bill is a good thing, should it really be celebrated? Or should Christians still continue pushing for a protection for all life? 

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    8 mins
  • Should racial division be a focus during Lent?
    Apr 11 2022

    Various denominations of Christians around the world celebrate Lent. It comes from the recognition of the 40 years the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness and the 40 days of fasting that Jesus spent in the desert. While not all denominations may celebrate it, it is a time where something that is favored is given up in order to have a closer relationship with God. 

    One church in Illinois is focusing on Lent from a racial divide this year. They announced that they would give up "whiteness" in order to celebrate Lent. Is that really spreading the Christian faith through sharing the racial divide? Such language is the talking point of poltical leaders and social justice groups and shouldn't be the focus of churches. 

    In fact, if churches were focused on racial equality throughout time, we probably would not be having this happen. Jesus taught us that He was not concerned with one skin color over another. He shared that His message was for all. His salvation was for all. He did not specify it for one group or another. So why are we looking at it from a divisive perspective? 

    Instead, we should be focusing on this from a Christian perspective. One of sharing the love of God, no matter the person's skin color, background, or any other social classes that the world says we should focus on. We should love and share like Jesus. 

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    14 mins
  • Looking at the situation in Ukraine from a Christian perspective
    Apr 11 2022

    For over a month, the people of Ukraine have suffered. Through war, they have experienced things that no one should have to experience. Yet, we find ourselves stuck between the public opinion battle of the left and right. Instead, perhaps we can consider the Christian point of view. 

    As a Chrisitan, we should desire peace instead of war. We know from the Bible that war is a fact of life. It has happened, is happening, and will happen as long as we exist. Yet, we should pray for peace. 

    The situation in Ukraine has highlighted a tremendous opportunity. Not only for the spread of the gospel in areas like Ukraine around the world, but also through the tragedy that is currently happening. Organizations like Samaritan's Purse have taken steps to help the people of Ukraine and spread the gospel with them while doing so. 

    While the events are unfortunate and troubling, we must pray for the people of Ukraine. We should avoid getting caught up in the political battle, realizing that the future of people is at stake. 

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    13 mins