In our 2nd episode, Steve Harrop is joined by Gordon Profit, Managing Director of Citrus Office Group Ltd.
Join with us in hearing the experiences of Gordon, one of a few in our industry who’s worked across all sectors - manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer and therefore has some pretty informed views of where the industry has it’s highs and low points, especially over the past 18 months.
Having worked in Office Supplies for over 30 years, Gordon has witnessed some major changes to the industry; not least in the past 18 months. In early 2020 Gordon was in intensive care with COVID19, the country had gone into national lockdown, businesses were shutting down and as a result, sales had dropped to a 1/3 for Citrus Group.
In this episode, Gordon discusses how he and his team overcame both the personal and business challenges of COVID, diversifying their product ranges and making key changes to ensure that their business could once again rise above the turbulence caused by the pandemic.
In March 2021, Citrus Office Group switched their system Prima as they were attracted by the automation and integration of our back office and eCommerce solution. As they continue to enjoy the added efficiencies that Prima brings, they are now looking at taking advantage of additional solutions. Utilising PrimaGO's eCommerce punch-out facility and publishing a wholesale product file on Prima Marketplace with electronic ordering links to automate order processing for other Business Supplies resellers.
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