
  • ATC Office Hours: growth ratio, measurement units, & turf math with Jason Haines & Bjarni Hannesson
    Feb 9 2024

    Jason and Bjarni joined me to talk about some useful turfgrass math, especially the turfgrass growth ratio, which you can read more about at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/tag/growth-ratio/

    • Find more infomation at PACE Turf: https://www.paceturf.org/
    • And at the ATC website: https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
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    2 hrs and 13 mins
  • Autumn #OM246 review with "the guy who doesn't do maintenance Mondays"
    Nov 20 2023

    For the third consecutive autumn, Chris Tritabaugh joined me to review the OM246 (total organic material by depth) test results from the greens at Hazeltine National Golf Club. We discussed playing conditions, maintenance work, and testing.

    Here are some links.

    • Chris's Substack: https://ctunderscoreturf.substack.com?utm_source=navbar&utm_medium=web&r=dakt8
    • ATC website: https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
    • ATC's OM246 page (with link to sampling recommendations): https://www.asianturfgrass.com/project/om246/
    • PACE Turf: https://www.paceturf.org/
    • Tim VanLoo's article on "Organic matter accumulation in sand-based [sports field] rootzones:" https://sportsfieldmanagementonline.com/2010/08/02/organic-matter-accumulation-in-sand-based-rootzones/4463/
    • Tim VanLoo's thesis about OM and OM testing on sand-based sports fields: https://d.lib.msu.edu/etd/39253/OBJ/view
    • My report about composite soil sampling for turfgrass: https://www.asianturfgrass.com/publication/woods-2020-sampling/
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    2 hrs and 42 mins
  • Firm bentgrass greens and OM management with Richard Forsyth
    May 10 2023

    Richard Forsyth is the director of courses at Royal Melbourne Golf Club. We discussed playing conditions, maintenance work, and grass types in relation to production of firm putting surfaces.

    Chris Tritabaugh and Doug Soldat also spoke about putting green firmness in this podcast: https://open.substack.com/pub/ctunderscoreturf/p/doug-soldat

    A note about soil surfactants: https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/what-do-wetting-agents-really-do/

    Read more about all kinds of turfgrass topics at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
    See ATC's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/asianturfgrasscenter
    Find turfgrass information and decision-making tools at https://www.paceturf.org/
    See the PACE Turf YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/paceturf
    See the ATC newsletters at https://subscribepage.com/atc_newsletters
    Listen to the ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods podcast at https://atc-doublecut.transistor.fm/
    Listen to the ATC Office Hours podcast at https://atc-office-hours.transistor.fm/

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    1 hr and 40 mins
  • Championship conditions discussion with Eric Johnson and MLSN, ClipVol, & OM246
    Feb 1 2023

    Eric Johnson joined from his office at Chambers Bay to discuss everyday golfing conditions, championship playing surfaces, and workflow using techniques such as clipping volume (#ClipVol), total organic material testing by depth (#OM246), and nutrient supply using #MLSN.

    You can find Eric on Twitter at https://twitter.com/altshot2

    Read more about all kinds of turfgrass topics at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
    Find turfgrass information and decision-making tools at https://www.paceturf.org/
    See the PACE Turf YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/paceturf
    See the ATC newsletters at https://subscribepage.com/atc_newsletters
    Listen to the ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods podcast at https://atc-doublecut.transistor.fm/
    Listen to the ATC Office Hours podcast at https://atc-office-hours.transistor.fm/

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    2 hrs and 15 mins
  • Why are we cultivating so much? Soil organic matter with Dr. Roch Gaussoin
    Dec 16 2022

    Dr. Roch Gaussoin and I discussed soil organic matter, soil organic material, and a lot of things related that that topic.

    Read more about all kinds of turfgrass topics at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
    Find turfgrass information and decision-making tools at https://www.paceturf.org/
    See the PACE Turf YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/paceturf
    See the ATC newsletters at https://subscribepage.com/atc_newsletters
    Listen to the ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods podcast at https://atc-doublecut.transistor.fm/
    Listen to the ATC Office Hours podcast at https://atc-office-hours.transistor.fm/

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • Autumn 2022 OM246 review with Chris Tritabaugh
    Dec 8 2022

    Find out more about #OM246 testing at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/tag/om246/
    Read Chris's blog with more about this topic at https://ct-turf.medium.com/

    • Read more about all kinds of turfgrass topics at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
    • Find turfgrass information and decision-making tools at https://www.paceturf.org/
    • See the PACE Turf YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/paceturf
    • See the ATC newsletters at https://subscribepage.com/atc_newsletters
    • Listen to the ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods podcast at https://atc-doublecut.transistor.fm/
    • Listen to the ATC Office Hours podcast at https://atc-office-hours.transistor.fm/
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    1 hr and 48 mins
  • MLSN and soil test interpretation on bentgrass and Poa annua with Jackie Guevara
    Aug 2 2022

    Jackie's thesis at Michigan State University was titled "Effects of Different Soil Testing Philosophies on Creeping Bentgrass and Annual Bluegrass Putting Greens." She looked at how much P and K were applied by different interpretation philosophies, how the grass stood up to traffic, and what happened to the elements that were applied.

    • All about #MLSN: https://www.asianturfgrass.com/mlsn/

    Three blog posts with links to Jackie Guevara's research:

    • https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/soil-test-showdown/
    • https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/mlsn-and-turfgrass-nutrient-recommendations/
    • https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/adding-potassium-does-not-increase-soil-ability-to-store-it/

    • Follow Jackie on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jackofallturf
    • Read more about all kinds of turfgrass topics at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
    • See the ATC newsletters at https://subscribepage.com/atc_newsletters
    • Listen to the ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods podcast at https://atc-doublecut.transistor.fm/

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    2 hrs and 7 mins
  • Golf turf playability with Carl Schimenti: green speed, firmness, smoothness and trueness of roll
    May 24 2022
    • Ball bounce clip from Dan Dinelli: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxbIlZVkgZyANVSbtpaKnYkPk4xEeDGCyi
    • Playability-tagged posts on the ATC website: https://www.asianturfgrass.com/tag/playability/
    • Chris Tritabaugh's blog: https://ct-turf.medium.com/the-data-says-cc7defa451f0
    • Office Hours with Andrew McDaniel sharing no change in OM despite only 1 sand topdressing event in a year: https://youtu.be/QxNAOcxzsYM
    • 8 minute video showing tournament conditions with only one sand topdressing in a year, plus an absurd amount of rain leading into the tournament: https://youtu.be/bbcJhA1zqNo
    • Read more about all kinds of turfgrass topics at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
    • See the ATC newsletters at https://subscribepage.com/atc_newsletters
    • Listen to the ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods podcast at https://atc-doublecut.transistor.fm/
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    2 hrs and 15 mins