• Is Dimmuborgir Iceland’s Gate to Hell? The Shocking Tale Behind This Strange Lava Field
    Oct 18 2024
    This is episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a Folklore story every Friday in 2024. To hear other stories, I have shared so far, check them out on my website All Things Iceland. How Dimmuborgir was Said to be formed? Legend has it that Dimmuborgir, with its eerie rock formations and twisting lava fields, is more than just a natural wonder. Some say it's a hidden gateway to a mysterious, parallel world – a realm where Iceland's most elusive creatures reside.Elves, trolls, and other mythical beings are said to call this shadowy place home, slipping in and out of our world through secret passages among the towering rocks.In other tales, especially in Nordic Christian lore, Dimmuborgir takes on an even darker role. It's believed to be the very spot where Satan crashed to Earth after being cast out of Heaven. From there, he is said to have forged the catacombs of Hell, using the strange landscape as his foundation.For those who visit Dimmuborgir today, the air still hums with the legends of this supernatural past, making it feel as if you're standing on the edge of another world. Random Fact of the Episode It is estimated that Dimmuborgir was created about 2,300 years ago after a huge volcanic eruption. It‘s a beautiful and sort of eery place. In North Iceland and can be part of your Diamond Circle route. Explore Iceland on Your Own Go Car Rental Iceland Go Car Rental Iceland is a local Icelandic car rental company that has great customer service, a large variety of cars and very competitive prices. Use my code Iceland10 to save 10% off the entire cost of your rental car.I personally use them for when I go on adventures, and I’m so glad to hear that many of my listeners and subscribers are also having a great experience with them. I mentioned in a previous episode that one of my listeners switched to Go Car Rental Iceland from one of the internationally known rental car companies here and she saved $400! That was for a rental during the summer when prices can sometimes double due to demand.Go Campers – Camper Van Rental in IcelandIf you plan to use a campervan, use my code Iceland7 to save 7% and get two free duvets with your GO Camper van rental. Also, I have a great episode coming up soon about how to choose the right camper van for your travels in Iceland, so keep an eye out for that. Icelandic Word of the Episode Dimmuborgir translates to "dark castles" or "dark cities. Share this with a Friend Facebook Email Threads Let's Be Social Youtube Tiktok Instagram Facebook Þakka þér kærlega fyrir að hlusta og sjáumst fljótlega.
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    6 mins
  • The Merman Who Changed an Icelandic Fisherman’s Life Forever
    Oct 11 2024
    This is episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a Folklore story every Friday in 2024. To hear other stories, I have shared so far, check them out on my website All Things Iceland. How an Icelandic Fisherman Caught a Merman Many years ago, there was a farmer living in Vogar, famous for being the best fisherman around. No one could match his skill, and his farm flourished because of it. One day, while he was out on the water, something strange happened. He cast his line into the sea like usual, but when he tried to reel it in, it felt impossibly heavy, as if he had snagged a massive catch.To his surprise, when he finally pulled it up, it wasn’t just a fish—he’d caught a strange creature with the body of a man!Startled, the fisherman blurted out, “What in the world are you?”The creature responded calmly, “I am a merman from the deep sea.”Curious, the farmer asked, “What were you doing when my hook got you?”The merman replied, “I was adjusting the chimney cowl on my mother’s house to make it face the wind. Now, let me go!”But the farmer wasn’t ready to release him just yet. “Not so fast,” he said. “You’ll have to serve me for a bit first.”Without further discussion, the fisherman dragged the merman into his boat and rowed back to shore. The Merman Notices Some Interesting Things About the Fisherman When they reached land, the fisherman’s loyal dog ran up to greet him, barking happily and wagging its tail. But in a foul mood, the farmer struck the dog for being too excited. At this, the merman chuckled softly but didn’t explain why.As the fisherman headed toward his house, pulling the merman behind him, he stumbled over a small hill. Annoyed, he cursed at it. The merman laughed again, louder this time.Finally, when they arrived at the house, the fisherman’s wife rushed out to greet him, wrapping her arms around him affectionately. Pleased with her welcome, he smiled—only to hear the merman laugh a third time.The farmer, now curious, asked, “You’ve laughed three times. Why?”“I’ll only tell you,” said the merman, “if you promise to take me back to the sea and let me go.”The fisherman agreed, eager to hear the reasons.The merman began, “I laughed the first time when you hit your dog, who was only showing you honest joy. The second time, I laughed because you cursed the hill—yet beneath it lies a fortune in gold. The third time, I laughed because your wife’s embrace, though it pleased you, was hollow. She is unfaithful to you.”Shocked, the farmer said, “I’ll believe you if I find gold in that hill. The rest, we’ll see.” The Fisherman is Shocked at What He Found He immediately went to the hill and dug it up. Sure enough, he found a treasure of golden coins buried there, just as the merman had said.Keeping his word, the farmer took the merman back to the sea. Before diving back into the depths, the merman said, “You’ve kept your promise, so I will reward you. Soon, you will come across something valuable. Be ready to claim it.”Not long after, seven sea-grey cows appeared on the beach near the farmer’s land. They were wild and untamable, but the farmer noticed something unusual—they each had a small bladder attached to their noses. Remembering the merman’s words, the farmer chased after them, managing to burst the bladder on one of the cows. Immediately, the cow became calm, allowing the farmer to lead her home. The rest of the cows fled back into the sea.That one grey cow turned out to be an incredible gift, giving more milk than any other cow in the land. She became the ancestor of a prized breed of grey cows, famous throughout Iceland.The farmer grew rich and lived a prosperous life, but he never caught another merman. And as for his wife, well, nothing more was said about her after that, so we can only guess how that part of the story ended. Random Fact of the Episode Stories of Mermen often depict them as being very ugly with hands and feet.
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    9 mins
  • The Legend of Necropants: A Dark Icelandic Folktale with a Modern Twist
    Oct 4 2024
    This is episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a Folklore story every Friday in 2024. To hear other stories, I have shared so far, check them out on my website All Things Iceland. How Icelandic Necropants are Created Imagine making a pact with your best friend—if one of you dies, the other gets to use the body for something truly bizarre: making a pair of magical pants. These aren’t just any pants though. They’re called Necropants, and they're made from human skin, specifically from the waist down.So, when one friend dies, the surviving one digs up the body, carefully peels off the skin from the legs (without making any holes, of course), and puts them on right away. Sounds grim, right? But here’s the catch—the pants don't just sit on you like a creepy costume. They actually fuse to your body, becoming a part of you. You can wear them as long as you like, but eventually, you’ll have to pass them on to someone else if you want to keep the magic going.But wait, what magic, you ask? Just wearing the pants isn’t enough to unlock the wealth. For that, you need to perform a twisted ritual. First, you must steal a coin from a desperately poor widow, and the timing is key—it has to be done during a church service, right between specific readings on Christmas, Easter, or Whit Sunday.You then place this stolen coin into the “pocket” of the Necropants. And here's where things get even stranger: that “pocket” is more like the, ahem, scrotum area of the pants. Once the coin is in, the pants magically start producing more coins. Free money, but with a dark price. Why Some People Feel Necropants are Worth it But these aren’t your average enchanted pants. If you remove the original stolen coin, the magic stops working. And then there's the even darker part—when you're ready to pass the pants to someone else, you can't just hand them over. There’s a strict process. You have to remove the pants one leg at a time. First, the right leg comes off, and the new wearer has to immediately put on that same leg. Once they’re in, there's no turning back. Even if they try to stop, they’re cursed to wear the full pants, like it or not.If you fail to pass them on properly, your soul could be in danger, and your body, once you’re dead, will be consumed by vermin. Some say theseNecropants are a gift from the devil himself, a symbol of the pact made with dark forces in exchange for earthly riches. But no matter how much wealth you gather, wearing them comes with a heavy cost. Random Fact of the Episode A replica of what these pants are supposed to look like are in the Icelandic Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft in Hólmavík in the Westfjords region of the country. Icelandic Word of the Episode Nábrók - necropants Share This to a Friend Facebook Email Threads Let's Be Social Youtube Tiktok Instagram Facebook Þakka þér kærlega fyrir að hlusta og sjáumst fljótlega.
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    8 mins
  • The Dark Tale of the Tilberi: Iceland’s Milk-Stealing Folklore Creature
    Sep 27 2024
    This is episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a Folklore story every Friday in 2024. How is a Tilberi Creature in Iceland formed? In the heart of Icelandic folklore, there exists a strange and eerie creature known as the *tilberi* in the north and the *snakkur* in the south and west.This mystical being is said to be the creation of witches, conjured specifically to steal milk from the farms of others. Only women have the knowledge and ability to summon and control this creature, using it to enrich their own dairy supplies.Though the origins of the tilberi stretch back into the misty past, tales of it weren't written down until the 17th century. Yet, one account from that time recalls a witch being punished in the year 1500 for possessing one. The ritual to create a tilberi is both chilling and secretive. At dawn on Whitsunday, a woman must steal a rib from a freshly buried body. She then wraps this rib in grey wool—wool that must also be stolen, plucked from a widow’s sheep just after it has been sheared. For the next three Sundays, at the communion table, she spits sanctified wine onto the bundle, slowly bringing it to life with each ritual. Finally, to complete the creature’s birth, she lets it suckle from the inside of her thigh, leaving a wart-like mark as a permanent reminder of the dark deed. Why is a Tilberi is Dangerous? Once created, the tilberi becomes an insatiable thief. The witch can send it out to steal milk from the cows and ewes of neighboring farms. The creature, able to stretch itself, leaps onto the back of its target, wrapping itself around the animal to suck from one or even two teats at once. When it returns to its mistress, it perches at her dairy window and cries out, "Full belly, Mummy!" or "Churn lid off, Mummy!" before vomiting the stolen milk into her butter churn. However, milk stolen by a tilberi bears a curse of its own. When churned, the butter forms curdled clumps or even melts into foam if a cross is made over it or a magical symbol, called the smjörhnútur (butterknot), is drawn into the mixture. How Icelander’s Protected Their Livestock from a Tilberi Farmers, plagued by udder infections and other signs of a tilberi’s presence, would protect their animals by making the sign of the cross beneath the cow’s udder or laying a Psalter on its spine. Though the tilberi was lightning-fast, if caught or pursued, it would flee back to its witch, hiding beneath her skirts. But there was a way to stop the creature and its master. A brave soul could sew shut the petticoat of the witch, trapping both her and her creation. Then, they would meet a grim fate, either burned or drowned together, ending the dark magic for good. This legend serves as a chilling reminder of the power of superstition and the mysterious bond between the witches of old and their strange creations. Random Fact of the Episode If the woman who created the creature has a child of her own, a nightmare scenario unfolds. Should the tilberi, always hungry for milk, find its way to her breast, the consequences are dire—it may suck her dry, leading to her death. Ridding oneself of this creature, however, comes with its own perilous ritual. To banish a *tilberi*, the woman must send it on an impossible task. She orders the creature to climb the mountain and gather every lamb’s dropping from the vast common pastures. In some versions of the tale, the tilberi is told to sort them into three piles, or collect all the droppings from three separate fields. But the number three is the tilberi’s undoing. Being an evil creature, it cannot endure the power of this sacred number. As it toils endlessly, trying to complete the task, it either works itself to death or succumbs to the mystical force of three. In the end, only the human bone that gave it life remains, lying abandoned in the pasture, marking the creature’s demise and freeing its maker from a dark an...
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    11 mins
  • Exploring Iceland by Bike: Búi Aðalsteinsson Shares Insider Tips
    Sep 25 2024
    Learn about cycling culture, different routes, races, and more from Búi Aðalsteinsson, an Icelandic cycling enthusiast and podcast host. About Búi Aðalsteinsson Búi Aðalsteinsson is a designer and has run the design studio Grallaragerðin since 2016, alongside various other jobs, he currently works at the Department of Service and Innovation at the City of Reykjavík.Búi’s work emphasizes community and environmental aspects. His experience includes developing creative projects within Icelandic prisons, mapping the arrival of refugee children to Iceland, improving connections with plants, enhancing the utilization of by-products from vegetable farming in Iceland, and incorporating insects into food products. Búi was nominated for the Icelandic Design Awards in 2019, and in 2016, he won the Grapevine Design Award for Project of the Year, which focused on using insects in food production.Recently, Búi has developed a remarkably strong interest in cycling and has started a podcast, Hjólavarpið, covering everything related to bicycles, both in terms of transportation and competitive cycling. Búi’s Podcast About Cycling Hjólavarpið is the name of the cycling podcast that Búi hosts.Apple Podcasts Spotify Questions I asked Búi Aðalsteinsson During the Interview What sparked your interest in cycling?Can you share a little about cycling culture in Iceland and why it has taken off as a trend?What to know if a person wants to bring their bike to Iceland?Where can someone rent a bike in Reykjavík?Are there any routes in the city that you enjoy cycling?What are some competitive races in Iceland?What have you learned about cycling in Iceland that surprised you?What are your favorite cycling routes in the city and the countryside?What is your favorite Icelandic word or phrase? Links that Búi talked about during the interview Public Transport IcelandCycling IcelandReiðhjólabændur on Facebook Where to follow Búi and Hjólavarpið BúiInstagramHjólavarpiðInstagramFacebook Share this with a Friend Facebook Email Threads Let's Be Social Youtube Tiktok Instagram Facebook Þakka þér kærlega fyrir að hlusta og sjáumst fljótlega.
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    57 mins
  • The Trolls Who Almost Changed Iceland’s Geography – Folklore Friday
    Sep 20 2024
    This episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a folklore story every Friday in 2024. Why Trolls Tried to Make the Westfjords of Iceland an Island Centuries ago, in the wild and rugged land of Iceland, three mischievous trolls hatched a plan to reshape the landscape forever. Their goal? To sever the Westfjords from the rest of the island by digging a massive channel between Húnaflói Bay and Breiðafjörður Bay.These trolls loved a good challenge, so they added a competitive twist: as they dug, they would turn the earth they dug into islands.Deep in their task, the trolls were so focused on their wicked work that they failed to notice the sky brightening—the worst mistake a troll could make, for sunlight spells doom to such creatures The Trolls Try to Escape the Death In the west, where two trolls toiled tirelessly, hundreds of small islands began to speckle the shallow waters of Breiðafjörður. But in the east, where one lone troll struggled with the deeper, harsher waters of Húnaflói, only a few meager mounds rose from the sea.As the first light of dawn began to creep across the horizon, panic set in. The two trolls in the west abandoned their work and sprinted northeast, hoping to escape the deadly sunlight. But they were too late. The rays of the morning sun caught them in Kollafjörður, instantly turning them into stone, where they stand to this day.Their frenzied digging left behind the Gilsfjörður and Bitrufjörður fjords—mere hours more and they might have succeeded in turning the Westfjords into an island.Meanwhile, the third troll in the east, furious at her lack of progress, slammed her shovel into the ground in frustration. With a crack, a piece of earth broke free, forming what we now know as Grimsey Island. But before she could celebrate, the rising sun caught her as well, turning her to stone.Today, her petrified form remains in the village of Drangsnes, known as the Kerling rock formation—a reminder of the trolls' ill-fated quest to reshape Iceland's coasts. Random Fact of the Episode The Westfjords is one of the oldest parts of Iceland. The ancient basaltic lava flows date back to the Tertiary period, which is around 7 to 16 million years ago. Icelandic Word of the Episode Tröll – troll Share this with a Friend Facebook Email Threads Let's Be Social Youtube Tiktok Instagram Facebook Þakka þér kærlega fyrir að hlusta og sjáumst fljótlega.
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    7 mins
  • The Hidden Treasure Behind Skógafoss Waterfall – Folklore Friday
    Sep 13 2024
    This episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a folklore story every Friday in 2024. Where is there treasure behind Skógafoss waterfall? In Icelandic Legends and Fairy Tales, 1862-64, Jón Árnason (1819–1888) added more details to the story of Þrasi Þórólfsson in Skógar. It is said that Þrasi buried a chest full of gold and treasures beneath the Skógafoss waterfall, and in olden times, part of this chest was visible.An old rhyme goes: "Þrasi's chest is filled with treasure, Hidden beneath Skógafoss waterfall, The first to find it there, Will discover great riches." Jón also recounts that around the year 1600, three men attempted to retrieve the chest. However, they were distracted when they thought their farmhouse was on fire. Rushing back, they found no fire. When they returned to the waterfall, they managed to hook a ring attached to the chest.As they tried to pull it out, the ring broke off. It is said that this very ring is now affixed to the door of the church in Skógar. Random Fact of the Episode There are many more waterfalls behind Skogafoss waterfall. This path is part of the Fimmmvöruháls trail. Explore Iceland on Your Own Go Car Rental Iceland Go Car Rental Iceland is a local Icelandic car rental company that has great customer service, a large variety of cars and very competitive prices. Use my code Iceland10 to save 10% off the entire cost of your rental car.I personally use them for when I go on adventures, and I’m so glad to hear that many of my listeners and subscribers are also having a great experience with them. I mentioned in a previous episode that one of my listeners switched to Go Car Rental Iceland from one of the internationally known rental car companies here and she saved $400! That was for a rental during the summer when prices can sometimes double due to demand.Go Campers - Camper Van Rental in IcelandIf you plan to use a campervan, use my code Iceland7 to save 7% and get two free duvets with your GO Camper van rental. Also, I have a great episode coming up soon about how to choose the right camper van for your travels in Iceland, so keep an eye out for that. Icelandic Word of the Episode Íslenzkar þjóðsögur og ævintýri - Icelandic Legends and Fairy Tales Share this with a Friend Facebook Email Twitter Let's Be Social Youtube Tiktok Instagram Facebook Þakka þér kærlega fyrir að hlusta og sjáumst fljótlega.
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    9 mins
  • When a Plague & Zombies Struck in Iceland – Folklore Friday
    Sep 6 2024
    This episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a folklore story every Friday in 2024. A Plague Sent Sorcerers int Hiding When a plague ravaged Iceland in the 15th century, eighteen sorcerers formed a desperate alliance, fleeing to the remote Vestmannaeyjar Islands (Westman Islands) to escape its deadly grip. They hoped to wait out the plague, but as it finally began to subside, they grew curious. Did anyone still live on the mainland?They chose one among them, neither the strongest nor the weakest, to go ashore and find out. But they warned him—if he didn’t return by Christmas, they would send a deadly zombie to kill him. A Post-Apocalyptic Scene in Iceland The man wandered through the desolate land, finding only abandoned farms and scattered corpses. Hope seemed lost until, at last, he came upon a closed farmhouse. When he knocked, a beautiful young woman answered.Overcome with relief, she embraced him, believing she was the last living soul. She pleaded with him to stay, and though he was bound by his promise to return, her loneliness moved him. He stayed with her, but as Christmas approached, he knew he had to leave. Preparing for a Zombie Attack On Christmas Eve, as he prepared to go, the woman begged him to stay, warning that his journey back would be futile. Time was short, and he realized he wouldn’t make it. Resigned to his fate, he decided to wait for death by her side.As the night deepened, the man grew sleepy while the woman remained watchful. She kept waking him, asking where the zombie was. But as it drew nearer, his sleep became more profound. Finally, he announced that the zombie had reached the farm and then fell into an unbreakable slumber. The Zombie is Tricked The woman, however, was ready. As a rust-brown vapor, the zombie seeped into the farmhouse and took human form. When it demanded she move so it could reach its target, she challenged it instead. “Show me how big you can become,” she said. The zombie expanded until it filled the room. Then she asked, “Now, how small can you get?”The zombie boasted it could shrink to a fly, and as it did, she quickly trapped it in a sheep’s leg bone. When she woke the man, he was astonished to be alive. The woman revealed her cunning trap, mocking the supposed power of the island wizards. They celebrated together, but soon, the man grew anxious again. The wizards, he feared, would create an even stronger zombie to finish him off by New Year’s Eve. Zombie Danger Averted for the Last Time On the eve of the new year, the woman led him to a hidden vault beneath a bush. Inside, they found a terrifying figure—her foster father—lying in a dark chamber lit only by a candle in a skull.After hearing their tale, the foster father took the sheep’s leg, freed the trapped zombie, and ordered it to devour all the wizards’ zombies. The zombie-turned-fly obeyed, growing immense and consuming every undead creature sent from the islands.With the threat vanquished, the man and the woman returned to her farm. They fell in love, stayed together, and their descendants multiplied, filling the earth with life once more. Random Fact of the Episode The Black Death, which devastated much of Europe in the 14th century, somehow spared Iceland. The plague never became a constant presence on the island, unlike in neighboring countries. However, Iceland wasn’t entirely untouched by this deadly disease.In the 15th century, two severe plague epidemics did hit the country. The first outbreak arrived in 1402 and caused widespread devastation until early spring 1404. Nearly a century later, the second epidemic struck during the winter of 1494-95, once again leaving its mark on Iceland's history. Icelandic Word of the Episode Uppvakningur – zombie Share this with a Friend Facebook Email Twitter Let's Be Social Youtube
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    11 mins