
  • Are we squandering the incredible potential of our children? 🤔
    Jan 19 2025

    When kids are born, their minds are like supercomputers—bursting with creativity, curiosity, and boundless imagination. But what do we do with this gift? We send them to school, where, over time, that unique spark of creativity is often dulled. Instead of nurturing their innovative minds, we train them to conform, follow instructions, and absorb information passively.

    In this thought-provoking video, we dive deep into how modern education systems might be stifling the very genius they're meant to cultivate. How can we rethink education to preserve and enhance the natural creativity of our future leaders and innovators? Let’s explore together. 🌟

    💬 Share your thoughts in the comments: Do you think schools need to change to better support creativity?

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    19 mins
  • Speak like a leader: a Masterclass with Shakespeare
    Jan 16 2025

    After 25 years of public speaking, I've developed 3 rules that I swear by. In this video, I’ll share them with you and show you why Shakespeare—yes, that Shakespeare—can teach us all a thing or two about captivating an audience.

    Together, we’ll dive into the Mark Antony speech, break it down, and uncover the timeless lessons it holds for anyone looking to improve their communication skills. If business and career success matter to you, it’s time to level up your public speaking.

    Marlon Brando as Mark Anthony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=101sKhH-lMQ

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    19 mins
  • Confident Leaders or Entitled Brats
    Dec 19 2024

    “Too many parents make life hard for their children by trying, too zealously, to make it easy for them.” ~ von Goethe

    The tragedy of the Western world, is that they don't believe they can learn anything from non-Western cultures. And it starts with children, and how they are brought up.

    This is according to Professor Robert Epstein, renowned American psychologist.

    The rise and fall of civilizations bears witness to this.

    Yet, with small changes, massive changes can be made.

    I discuss 3 tips for producing confident leaders, not entitled brats.

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    16 mins
  • Can Muslims, Jews and Christians Create a Culture of Tolerance?
    Dec 10 2024

    According to a book I read recently, the answer to the question in the title is: Yes! It's not only that they can, but they actually did!

    I review the book "Ornament of the World" by Maria Rosa Menocal, where she describes life in Al Andalusia, in Medical Spain, under the Umayyad Dynasty.

    She describes the immense wealth of Al Andalusia, its dazzling architecture, its world-class universities, and its massive libraries.

    But most important for me, the book describes a culture of peace, tolerance and coexistence between people of the three great faiths, that seems alien to us today.

    And if they could do it then

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    21 mins
  • That Time I was the Dumbest in the Ro
    Dec 2 2024

    Every child is like a spark. And school either extinguishes that spark, or kindles it until it becomes a raging fire.

    At the Ummah Tech conference I spoke about how this little spark can be kindled by parents, teachers and schools.

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    19 mins
  • Son, Empathy is Great. Until it Destroys you
    Nov 19 2024

    How can empathy destroy you? Isn't it a good thing to have, as a human being?

    Yes, it is. It's what makes us human, what keeps us civilized and sane. Without it, we are simply self-centred,
    stone-hearted savages.

    If you look at the world around you and you see all the pain and suffering:
    poverty, oppression, exploitation, unjust wars, destruction of innocents.

    And you feel every hardship as your own, then congratulations! You are human.

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    11 mins
  • Keep them Dumb to Control Them
    Nov 14 2024

    We know that the modern schooling system has its flaws. But I maintain that it is more than just a mundane yet flawed system:
    It is, in fact, a harmful system that has some very ominous objectives.

    If you look into history of the schooling system, you will see that it was designed to produce simple, obedient factory workers,
    not thinkers and scholars. It is designed to keep kids ignorant by HATING learning. How so?

    1. By teaching subjects that are irrelevant to life and work.
    2. By making learning so boring that kids end up demotivated and hating learning.
    3. By providing a skewed understanding of the world that promotes obedience to certain masters.

    The key to success in the future is in learning, and it's our responsibility to ensure that our kids love learning. How?

    1. Establish a learning culture at home
    2. Find interesting and relevant subjects to explore with them, like tech and AI.
    3. Use technology as part of the learning process.

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    10 mins
  • Why AI Can Never Match the Human Brain
    Nov 14 2024

    New science proves that it is impossible for AI to match the human brain, let alone become sentient.

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    10 mins