• The Graveside Massacre-2005 Four friends started a rap group, it ended madness
    Jan 13 2025

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    In 2005 Boston was a different city, we were on the cusp of 75 murders and most of them occurred in two areas of the city. In the mist of this, a group of music lovers started a rap group and unfornetley they fell into the trap of urban -rap tradition of playing with illegal firearms.
    In this case a 9mm pistol with glow in the dark sights, a Mossburg pump shot gun, an Ak-47 like rifle. a '"friend" saw his buddy flashing the glock and soon, desired it. He asked to see the popular firearm and committed a massacre of his friends. Complete madness. Don't miss this episode!


    Dorchester Reporter-https://bit.ly/4jgU2rA

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    31 mins
  • (Replay) Jeffery Curley-Part 2 Charles Jaynes is the poster boy for capital punishment
    Jan 6 2025

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    1997-Charles Jaynes is likely the most infamous murderer in modern Massachusetts history. Jaynes and his codefendant Sal Sicari groomed ten year old Jeffery Curley. The duo then murdered the child and defiled his body multiple times. DNA and a host of other evidence ties both defendants to a throughly heinous crime. Massachusetts came one vote shy of restoring the death penalty, that's how vile this crime was. The media coverage was gauged to be akin to the OJ Simpson trial. In true Massachusetts fashion Jaynes was eligible for parole in 2020. Don't miss this episode !

    Jaynes Article
    Boston Herald
    Comm V. Jaynes

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    28 mins
  • (REPLAY)Station Nightclub Fire Part 2- Author Scott James discusses his new book on the tragedy
    Dec 30 2024

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    Station Nightclub Fire 2003-Scott James wrote the definitive book on the Station Nightclub Fire, in West Warwick, Rhode Island. The book "Trial By Fire" takes the reader by the lapels and propels them trough the actual fire and the grisly aftermath. The author also sheds light on some inaccurate local reporting and political maneuvering, that was uniquely Rhode Island. So many things had to go wrong at the same time in this case and they did. The difference between life and death was mere seconds. Don't miss this episode! The book is linked below!
    Trial by Fire by Scott James https://bit.ly/3fLgcmt

    Station Nightclub Fire Video-Extreme content be advised

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Tania Fernandes Anderson-Boston City Council's newest accused felon-life should have been the American dream
    Dec 23 2024

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    This story should be a typical American dream chronicle. A child is brought to America, she overcomes adversity through hard work. She left for college only to return to her adopted city. She worked at and managed local non-profits and soon ran for political office. She was elected to the Boston City Council in 2021 and reelected in 2023. So what happened?
    The majority of Bostonians were not aware that Tania Fernandes, married a convicted 1st degree murderer. The inmate, Tanzerious Anderson was already serving a life without parole for his senseless murder of an immigrant, when sometime in 2009 the duo wed.
    In 2022 Tania hired her son and sister to her staff, despite being told not to, as it conflicts with nepotism laws. She persisted and eventually fired the family members, Fernandes Anderson was also forced to pay a fine of $5,000 to the ethics committee. There were also repeated issues of using campaign funds for personal trips to warehouse stores and restaurant visits. It's likely her political career is over and she may be headed to federal prison. The current charges stem from Fernandes-Anderson allegedly taking a kick back from a staffer, she had just given a bonus. She is facing five felony counts of wire fraud and theft. Don't miss this episode!


    Boston Herald-https://bit.ly/3Du3VSd

    TB Daily News-https://bit.ly/4gKQbRl

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    38 mins
  • (Replay) John Martorano Part 2-John commits his first murder at 24, he was manipulated by Stevie Flemmi
    Dec 16 2024

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    John comes of age during the Irish gang war and was soon a full time gangster. John was living the life, he was making money and his status in the underworld was rising. He mostly stayed neutral in the Irish war, but he was running with Joe "The Animal" Barboza and Jimmy "The Bear" Flemmi. These two were simply killing machines and that continued unabated. John committed his first of many murders at age twenty-four. He was fully manipulated by Stevie Flemmi into committing the homicide, Stevie was trying to protect the real murderer, his brother, Jimmy "The Bear" Flemmi. This pattern continued through the decades. Don't miss this episode! Please share!

    Hitman by Howie Carr-https://amzn.to/3rFWVf1
    CBS 60 Minutes-https://bit.ly/3Oj8L7U

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    40 mins
  • Ronald Brown has terrorized Boston women and prison officials since the Reagan Administration
    Dec 9 2024

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    Ronald Brown was just sentenced to 100 years in prison, Yes, in Massachusetts. This crime story is utterly horrific. Mr. Brown is the reason of prisons.

    During Mr. Brown's latest rampage in 2016, he raped one roommate and sexually assaulted another. He forced one victim to shower to eliminate forensic evidence, during this time he insulted her ethnicity. Thankfully Mr. Brown is a dunce and left a prescription bottle with his name and address on the bottle. Brown's backpack contained evidence of these assaults and other crimes. Don't miss this episode!!


    Universal Hub-https://bit.ly/4glq4QA

    Boston Herald-https://bit.ly/4gsd4Zw

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    38 mins
  • (Replay) Ally Zapp- Alexandra Zapp had enjoyed a night out on Boston Harbor on a breezy summer night, a convicted sex offender made sure it was her last
    Dec 2 2024

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    In 2002 Ally Zapp had a great date night on Boston Harbor. She went on a charity cruise and then a concert on the waterfront. She headed back toward Newport, Rhode Island. She stopped at a Burger King located in a rest stop on Route 24. Ally ran into a vile, convicted sex offender-rapist. Paul Leahy was 39yrs old and had 24 convictions on his record, including rape. Leahy cornered Ally in the ladies room and over nine minutes, he stabbed her countless times, as she begged, repeatedly for her life. Ally died in that Burger King bathroom, however an alert Mass State Trooper Lt. Stephen O'Reilly heard the commotion and entered the bathroom and arrested Leahy at gun point. Why was Leahy out of jail with no supervision? Because, Massachusetts, that's why!

    "Last Exit" Boston Magazine-Gretchen Voss-https://bit.ly/3V3jt3P

    Courageous Cop, Honored for Valor Boston Herald-https://bit.ly/41zucWo

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    45 mins
  • Update-Karen Read Nov 2024-It's been revealed that the elected DA, was using a burner account to direct JUDGES!
    Nov 25 2024

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    How do citizens defend against a powerful DA, who uses a "burner"account to direct judges and court administrators? You can't. As Turtrleboy prepared for trial it was revealed that District Attorney Micheal Morrissey, had been using an email that was not subject to public records law. The Karen Read defense team has also filed a motion to investigate this burner account, it's unlikely that the email, voicing the DA's displeasure in Chris Albert being denied a harassment order, was the first usage of this secret email account.
    The motion pertaining to Karen's double jeopardy, is now a month old, this decision will likely be returned in the next few weeks, will they conclude that the jury voted not guilty on murder? if so that makes the Commonwealth's decision for them...interesting


    TB Daily News-https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-436-karen-read-defense-files-motion-demanding-all-ex-parte-communications-from-michael-morrisseys-private-phones-and-emails-cites-bederow-letters-from-turtleboy-case/

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    34 mins