• Brand With Podcast - Trailer
    Apr 15 2021
    Brand With Podcast is part of Ivan Estrada's Brand With, a marketing and branding ecosystem. Each episode will feature Ivan and a guest transparently discussing their journey as they talk about building their brand with a completely open and authentic dialogue. This podcast is focused on helping you truly understand the process of brand creation and to give you inspiration and motivation to find purpose in whatever you choose to pursue. Ivan, the host, is a Real Estate Entrepreneur whose unbelievable career path has given him a unique set of knowledge and experience. He went from being a signed artist, to becoming a CPA, to reaching over a quarter of a billion dollars in sales in Real Estate over the last decade. Ivan attributes his sucess to using video marketing tactics to build his brand before it was mainstream. As a pioneer in using video marketing, Ivan now wishes to provide his knowledge and be the role model he never had to businessmen and businesswomen looking to grow their own brand. Learn about Brand With: http://brandwith.com Learn about Ivan Estrada: https://www.ivanestrada.com Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/
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    1 min
  • Parham Holakouee - The Curse of Knowledge
    Aug 9 2022
    In this episode, Ivan host Parham Holakouee as they discuss the importance of effective communication. Parham, through his many years of studying and research, explains how to be the best communicator you can be through his three pillars of communication: Empathy, Listening, and Authenticity. Ivan and Parham also discuss how the ego can interfere with one's communications and how to combat the ego from stopping you from being present. Lastly, they discuss how video is the best medium to communicate authentically and to the masses. Parham's Links: Parham's Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pholakouee/?hl=en) Parham's Twitter (https://twitter.com/pholakouee?lang=en) Ivan Estrada's Links: Brand With (http://brandwith.com) Ivan Estrada (https://www.ivanestrada.com) Brand With Instagram (http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/) Ivan Estrada Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ivanestradaproperties/)
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    37 mins
  • Dean McCarthy - Lighten Up and Do The Right Thing
    Jun 22 2022
    Ivan Estrada and his good friend Dean McCarthy discuss Dean's Career as a host and veteran Hollywood correspondent. Ivan and Dean analyze Dean's journey in creating a personal brand and the steps he took to develop it. You will gain insight into the day-to-day experience of creating and maintaining a personal brand. Ivan and Dean will also discuss advice on how you can create a personal brand authentically and why that is a key component for creating a successful personal brand. Dean McCarthy's Links Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/deanmccarthy/?hl=en) Twitter (https://twitter.com/mrdeanmccarthy?lang=en) Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/livefromlawithdean) YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalA2Ny2ajVk9TbEAGZdXTu) Arglye Grant (https://www.argylegrant.com) Ivan Estrada's Links: Brand With (http://brandwith.com) Ivan Estrada (https://www.ivanestrada.com) Brand With Instagram (http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/) Ivan Estrada Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ivanestradaproperties/)
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    29 mins
  • Hrish - Combing the Virtual and Physical World Through the Metaverse
    May 10 2022
    Ivan hosts Hrish Lotlikar as they discuss the metaverse, Nft's, blockchain technology, etc. Hrish is a serial entrepreneur whose unbelieve business journey led him to be involved with many notable projects in the Web 3 space. Most interesting is Superworld, a place where you can buy, sell, and collect virtual real estate that is mapped over the world's entire surface. Hrish is a thought leader in this space with insight into the current status of the Web 3 generation and potential future possibilities and implications. Hrish Lotlikar Links: Hrish's LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hrishlotlikar/) Superworld (https://www.superworldapp.com) Rouge Initative (https://rogueinitiative.com) East Labs (https://eastlabs.co) Toptal (https://www.toptal.com/?adnetwork=search&keyword=toptal&creative=378141329990&campaignid=1594712389&adgroupid=63924955407&matchtype=e&network=g&device=c&devicemodel=&adposition=&noun=&gclid=CjwKCAjwo8-SBhAlEiwAopc9W0y9K0MaM1hwOVCOWN5KadiAxJCMx4E3HS1NfHyZ-7xtzVeQdyaUOxoCjU4QAvD_BwE) Ivan Estrada's Links: Brand With (http://brandwith.com) Ivan Estrada (https://www.ivanestrada.com) Brand With Instagram (http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/) Ivan Estrada Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ivanestradaproperties/)
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    31 mins
  • Tracy Matthews - Daydreaming to Find Success
    Apr 19 2022
    In this episode, you will hear from two highly unique entrepreneurs discuss their entrepreneurial journey. Through the experiences of Tracy Matthews and host Ivan Estrada, you will find the motivation and inspiration you need to pursue your passion and/or make a pivot in your career. Tracy Matthew's is an exceptional role model who can teach you how to better navigate your business and even your life through her own stories and lessons. Tracy Matthews' Links Tracy Matthews (https://tracymatthews.com) Thrive By Design Podcast (FlourishThriveAcademy.com/Apple) Desired Brand Effect (DesiredBrandEffect.com) Creatives Rule the World (CreativesRuleTheWorld.com) Tracy's Instagram (instagram.com/tracymatthewsny) Flourish and Thrive Instagram (instagram.com/flourish_thrive) Ivan Estrada's Links: Brand With (http://brandwith.com) Ivan Estrada (https://www.ivanestrada.com) Brand With Instagram (http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/) Ivan Estrada Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ivanestradaproperties/)
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    34 mins
  • Ashumi - Don't FOMO into the Metaverse
    Mar 31 2022
    Ivan and his guest, Ashumi, discuss the transition from Web 2 to Web 3 and its effects on today's business atmosphere. In this episode, you will learn about the future of the metaverse, how the physical and digital retail worlds will converge, and how to educate yourself in this space. In addition, Ashumi and Ivan discuss how today's business atmosphere is about where you can attain the most value; however, in the metaverse, you can increase the value of an entity by adding your own value to it. If you are curious about the metaverse and its implications for the future of our world, this podcast has all the answers you need. Ashumi Links: MAD Global (https://mad.global) MAD XR IG (https://www.instagram.com/mad__xr/) MAD PROD IG (https://www.instagram.com/mad_prod/) Ashumi's Twitter (https://twitter.com/ashumiss?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) Ashumi LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashumi-s-a658624/) Ivan Estrada's Links: Brand With (http://brandwith.com) Ivan Estrada (https://www.ivanestrada.com) Brand With Instagram (http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/) Ivan Estrada Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ivanestradaproperties/)
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    30 mins
  • John Kraski - The NFT Genius
    Feb 3 2022
    If you know nothing about NFT's and don't know where to start, you need to start here. John Kraski is an NFT Genuis passionate about this new industry. In this episode, you will learn about John and his journey into the NFT space and metaverse, along with what NFT's are, how they work, possible applications, and what they will look like in the future. NFT's could change how companies brand and market themselves and change the landscape of the relationship between brands and consumers. The possibilities are endless with NFTs and the metaverse, so don't be late, listen up, and start learning about NFT's today. John Kraski Links: LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnkraski) NFTGenuis (https://www.nftgenius.com/) NFT Heat Podcast Apple (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nft-heat/id1588592625) NFT Heat Podcast Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/4C67N0b7V7y1go0rf06L61?si=07728f5659a24dd0) Ivan Estrada's Links: Brand With (http://brandwith.com) Ivan Estrada (https://www.ivanestrada.com) Brand With Instagram (http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/) Ivan Estrada Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ivanestradaproperties/)
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    33 mins
  • Kendra Wilkinson - Being True to Yourself
    Dec 13 2021
    Ivan hosts Kendra Wilkinson as they discuss her career, from her first T.V. show, Kendra on Top, to her new career as a Real Estate agent in Los Angeles. This episode discusses how Kendra discovered that being true to herself enabled her to find growth and motivation in her business for years. You will also hear Ivan and Kendra trade advice as they are both starting new ventures where the other has already found success. Kendra Wilkinson's Links: Kendra Sells Hollywood (https://press.discoveryplus.com/home/kendra-wilkinson-takes-on-los-angeles-real-estate-market-in-new-discovery-series-kendra-sells-hollywood/) Kendra's Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/kendrawilkinson/?hl=en) Kendra's RE (https://www.elliman.com/california/associate/512-a-df21021802135265642/kendra-baskett) Ivan Estrada's Links: Brand With (http://brandwith.com) Ivan Estrada (https://www.ivanestrada.com) Brand With Instagram (http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/) Ivan Estrada Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ivanestradaproperties/)
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    31 mins