• Micro Most Common
    May 5 2023
    You'll learn why microchurch has been the most common form of Christian community through the ages and across the planet. We'll discuss why most churches in America have fewer than 80 people. Then we'll look at the Post Christian American mindset and how microchurches can help with evangelizing in this difficult situation.You'll learn the extent of spectatorship in the American church and how that hobbles our most noble efforts. Finally, we'll discuss "reversion to the norm" in light of missionaries coming to America from some of the poorest nations on Earth (which house some of the most potent forces for evangelism on the planet). You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.
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    22 mins
  • Their Kind of People
    May 5 2023
    This may be the most productive lesson in this course.Jesus regularly invaded different oikoses, or extended households, including those of Matthew, Zaccheus, a Pharisee, where his feet were washed by an apparently disreputable woman. He engaged Peter’s household and that of an unnamed ruler whose daughter he restored. It was in one such oikos that he healed a man after first forgiving his sins upon the occasion of the man’s friends tearing a hole in the roof to gain access to Jesus. Early in Acts, we find the church meeting in homes, and later verses describe these believers meeting in each other’s homes. Saul knew enough of this to go from oikos to oikos as he sought to destroy the church. It appears that if he were able to penetrate one oikos, he would be able to follow the pathways of relationships to discover who else to target. In this session, we'll take lessons from scripture, enabling us to abandon our "come to church" strategy for one where we take Jesus into people groups around us. You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.
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    25 mins
  • Considering Missional "Microsites"
    May 5 2023
    This session presents several important shifts.
    • One from "small groups" to internal microchurches.
    • The second is from internal microchurches to external microsites (reflecting the hub).
    • The third moves from a micro-multisite model to actual church multiplication. You'll learn to identify small groups as small churches.
    • Then shift (some) communion, baptism, funeral, wedding, and baby dedication responsibilities to your internal microchurches.
    • Build, and maintain a network of autonomous and semi-autonomous (the leader remains in the sending congregation) external microsites and microchurches.
    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.
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    19 mins
  • Anticipating a Microchurch Network
    May 5 2023
    We'll examine chaos and how it affected eleven networks in the New Testament.You'll learn adaptive attitudes and the blessings of technology as we use it to adapt to the chaos we sometimes encounter.Finally, we'll examine church networks and the reasons why they are necessary, along with a toolbox to ensure your success as a network leader.You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.
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    32 mins
  • Macro Serving Micro
    May 5 2023
    How do you shift from a "come and hear" mindset to a "go and tell" model that truly takes the gospel outside of your tight-knit church family? Taking Ephesians 4 as a model for equipping ordinary people for ministry, APEST leaders (apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers) equip and sponsor members to grow and mature the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:10-16 Healthy elders exercise oversight for the benefit of others, not domineering but as examples for them to imitate (follow me, and I will make you fishers of men). 1 Peter 5:1-5. Does this describe your local congregational leadership? Conversely, the scriptures prophesy that "people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power… always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth" 2 Timothy 3:2-7. The key to turning the ship is the heart of its leaders, beginning with you and me... “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household (of faith), he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1 Timothy 5:8You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.
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    22 mins
  • Repositioning from Pastor to Missionary Network Leader
    May 5 2023
    We'll begin with the story of a female geneticist turned church planter I met in China contrasted with a Chinese house church movement leader turned inward-focused manager. We'll move to our own mission of reconciliation and then to concrete steps we can take to change the world around us, extending from our personal "Jerusalem" to the ends of the earth. You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.
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    27 mins
  • Six Reasons Why Some Microchurches Should Go Online
    May 5 2023
    During the pandemic, most churches discovered live streaming. This session is NOT about that but about what we're calling digichurch. Live streaming is often like viewing a bad concert followed by good teaching. Bad karaoke is better than a bad concert--the difference is personal interaction. Here are some reasons for building online microchurches or even separate online church services (different from live streaming your in-person event.
    1. Winter is cold and roads can be dangerous.
    2. Drive time is wasted time.
    3. Older people hate driving after dark (some don’t drive at all).
    4. Younger people live online.
    5. You can connect with more people.
    6. You will reach more people.
    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.
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    23 mins
  • Managing Micro Multiplication While Confronting Network Tensions
    May 5 2023
    Cultural ecclesiology impedes church multiplication. A microchurch is a real church. A leader discipled by another is a real, biblical leader. And, biblical understanding of the church solves many network problems. Yet, multiplying too quickly is as problematic as multiplying too slowly. You'll learn to deal with tensions like...
    • Restructuring around a different center.
    • Changing the scorecard from addition to multiplication.
    • Financial and leadership costs, which may cause an initial slowdown.
    • What to do with children in a microchurch.
    • A personal temptation to play pope to microchurch leaders.
    • The fear of losing personal status identified with the prevailing model of a pastor.
    • "Fuzzy copy" churches that won't clone the one you lead.
    • The short life cycle of SOME microchurches
    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.
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    19 mins