• 'What does Europe mean for... Women': Dr Marina Prentoulis
    Apr 26 2016

    In early 2016 the Cambridge University European Society hosted a series of lectures entitled "What does Europe mean for... "

    In this lecture, held on 22 April 2016, Dr Marina Prentoulis of the University of East Anglia gave a lecture entitled 'What does Europe mean for... Women'.

    For more information on the Cambridge University European Society, see their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambridge-University-European-Society/380957688650847

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    31 mins
  • 'What does Europe mean for... Social Rights': Professor Catherine Barnard
    Mar 9 2016
    In early 2016 the Cambridge University European Society hosted a series of lectures entitled "What does Europe mean for... " In this lecture, held on 8 March 2016, Professor Catherine Barnard gave a lecture entitled 'What does Europe mean for... Social Rights'. For more information on the Cambridge University European Society, see their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambridge-University-European-Society/380957688650847
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    41 mins
  • 'Problems of Compliance with European Union Law: The case of national final administrative acts': Cambridge European Society
    Nov 20 2014
    On Friday 14 November 2014, the Cambridge European Society hosted a lecture by Ana Júlia Maurício (PhD at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge) entitled "Problems of Compliance with European Union Law: The case of national final administrative acts" at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge.
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    21 mins
  • 'Influencing Luxembourg: the UK Government at the Court of Justice' - Estelle Wolfers: Cambridge European Society
    Nov 3 2014
    On Friday 31 October 2014, the Cambridge European Society hosted a lecture by Estelle Wolfers (PhD at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge) entitled “Influencing Luxembourg: the UK Government at the Court of Justice' at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge.
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    28 mins
  • 'Common European Identity: Myth, Reality or Aspiration?': Cambridge European Society
    Oct 29 2014
    The Cambridge University European Society, participating once again in the Festival of Ideas, hosted a talk on 25 October 2014 entitled 'Common European Identity: Myth, Reality or Aspiration?'. This talk welcomed academics with anthropological, historical, legal and political science backgrounds and several students' personal experiences, and included a discussion open to all. Guest Speakers: - Professor Cathie Carmichael (History, University of East Anglia), - Professor Dora Kostakopoulou (Law, University of Manchester), - Dr John Robb (Archaeology, University of Cambridge), - Dr Uta Staiger (History, UCL), - Dr Fiorella Dell’Olio (moderator, POLIS, University of Cambridge). Guest Students: - Davide Martino (History, St. John's College), - Matteo Mirolo (HSPS - Human, Social, and Political Science, Fitzwilliam College), - Damiano Sogaro (Law, Fitzwilliam College), - Estelle Wolfers (Law, King's College). Please find information on this event here: - http://www.festivalofideas.cam.ac.uk/events/common-european-identity-myth-reality-or-aspiration - https://joinagora.com/groups/361/ - https://www.facebook.com/events/832941200073115/ For more information on the Cambridge University European Society, see their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambridge-University-European-Society/380957688650847
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    1 hr and 57 mins
  • 'Policy or Panic? European Foreign Affairs Now!' - Panel Discussion
    Oct 20 2014
    On Friday 17 October 2014, the Cambridge European Society hosted a panel discussion entitled 'Policy or Panic? European Foreign Affairs Now!' at Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. 2014 has been, and still is, a year of great diplomatic turmoil: Ukraine’s territorial integrity has been seriously questioned, the Israelo-Palestinian conflict has resumed, the civil war in Syria rages on and has spilled over into Irak, and migrants continue to drown in the Mediterranean. All of these are major concerns for the EU, not only because they take place at Europe's doorstep, but also because they are a challenge to the EU's diplomatic weight at a global level. These and other current issues were discussed by: - Dr Andrew Arsan (Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern History, University of Cambridge), - Niamh Baker-Loughlin (Project for a Democratic Union - London Office), - Dr Federica Bicchi (Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations, London School of Economics), - Andrew Duff, OBE (former LibDem MEP for East Anglia). Moderator: Cristina Marconi (freelance journalist and writer) For more information on the Cambridge University European Society, see their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambridge-University-European-Society/380957688650847
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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • 'Judicial Review in an “Integrated Administration”: How to Close the Gaps of Judicial Protection?' - Mariolina Eliantonio: Cambridge European Society
    May 21 2014
    On Thursday 15 May 2014, the Cambridge European Society hosted a lecture by Professor Mariolina Eliantonio (Assistant Professor of European Administrative Law at the Maastricht University) entitled “Integrated Administration”: How to Close the Gaps of Judicial Protection?' at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge.
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    36 mins
  • 'Reforms to Lessen the Influence of the European Court of Human Rights: A New Strategy' - Sarah Lambrecht: Cambridge European Society
    May 13 2014
    On Friday 9 May 2014, the Cambridge European Society hosted a lecture by Sarah Lambrecht, PhD Fellow at the University of Antwerp and visiting student at the University of Cambridge, at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge.
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    23 mins