• Crafting Adventure: A Festive Dream in Piran Seaside Café

  • Jan 8 2025
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Crafting Adventure: A Festive Dream in Piran Seaside Café

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Crafting Adventure: A Festive Dream in Piran Seaside Café Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-08-08-38-18-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Pirančani so vedno vedeli, kako ustvariti vzdušje.En: The people of Piran have always known how to create an atmosphere.Sl: Piran Seaside Café je bil središče dogajanja.En: Piran Seaside Café was the center of the action.Sl: Medtem ko so na ulicah hodili turisti, znotraj kavarnice je dišalo po sveže pečenem kruhu.En: While tourists strolled the streets, inside the café, there was the aroma of freshly baked bread.Sl: Pomarančna in rdeča blaga so krasila stene, lučke so nežno utripale.En: Orange and red fabrics adorned the walls, and lights twinkled gently.Sl: Ob steni je sedel Tadej, pred sabo je imel prenosnik in debelo beležko.En: Tadej sat by the wall, with a laptop and a thick notebook in front of him.Sl: Zavzeto je nekaj pisal.En: He was writing something intently.Sl: Poleg njega je sedela Špela, z velikim kozarcem pomarančnega soka.En: Beside him sat Špela, with a large glass of orange juice.Sl: Prsti so se ji igrali s slamo, misli pa so ji pohajale.En: Her fingers played with the straw as her thoughts wandered.Sl: "Ali veš, Tadej, kaj sem pomislila?En: "Do you know, Tadej, what I was thinking?"Sl: " Špela je prelomila tišino.En: Špela broke the silence.Sl: "Kaj pa, če bi imeli bazar s starodavnimi obrti?En: "What if we had a bazaar with ancient crafts?Sl: Tako kot so jih imeli naši predniki?En: Just like our ancestors did?"Sl: "Tadej se je nasmehnil in nekaj zapisal.En: Tadej smiled and jotted something down.Sl: "Lepa ideja.En: "Beautiful idea.Sl: A pazi pretiranost," je rekel.En: But be cautious of excess," he said.Sl: "Prireditve morajo imeti rdečo nit," je dodal in pokazal na svoj seznam.En: "Events need a central theme," he added, pointing to his list.Sl: "Potrebujemo načrt.En: "We need a plan.Sl: Tako naju ne bodo motili mimoidoči.En: That way, passersby won't distract us."Sl: "Kavarna je bila polna zaradi pravoslavnega božiča.En: The café was full because of the Orthodox Christmas.Sl: Ljudje so poplesavali ob njih, otroci so se smejali.En: People danced around them, children laughed.Sl: Slišali so se zvoki mandolin in pesmi ob morju.En: The sounds of mandolins and sea songs could be heard.Sl: Kako lep čas za praznovanje, a za načrtovanje – to je bil izziv.En: What a beautiful time for celebration, but planning – that was the challenge.Sl: "Se lahko kje usedemo bolj na miru?En: "Can we find a quieter place to sit?"Sl: " Špela je predlagala.En: Špela suggested.Sl: "Seveda, na terasi je manj ljudi.En: "Of course, it's quieter on the terrace.Sl: Malo hladneje, a mirneje," ji je Tadej odgovoril.En: A bit colder, but more peaceful," Tadej replied.Sl: Premaknila sta se na teraso, kjer je veter pihal rahlo, morje pa je mrmralo svojo melodijo.En: They moved to the terrace, where the wind blew gently and the sea murmured its melody.Sl: Vsedla sta se in Tadej je ponovno odprl beležko.En: They sat down, and Tadej opened the notebook again.Sl: "Špela, tvoje ideje so kreativne.En: "Špela, your ideas are creative.Sl: Zato bova za začetek s tabo vodila brainstorming.En: So we'll start with a brainstorming session with you.Sl: Jaz bom zapisoval in vodil,” je rekel Tadej mirno.En: I'll take notes and lead," said Tadej calmly.Sl: Špela se je nasmehnila.En: Špela smiled.Sl: Razpoznavala je resničen interes v Tadejevih očeh.En: She recognized genuine interest in Tadej's eyes.Sl: "Dobro, potem recimo: gostinci bi lahko pripravili jedi iz različnih slovenskih pokrajin.En: "Alright, then how about this: food vendors could prepare dishes from different Slovenian regions."Sl: "Ure so minevale, zrak se je ohlajal, a ideje so se razplamtele na papirju, elegantno prepletene med seboj.En: Hours went by, the air cooled, but the ideas flared up on the paper, elegantly intertwined.Sl: Na koncu plana je bil povzetek poln svežine in potenciala.En: At the end of the plan, there was a summary full of freshness and potential.Sl: Bilo je jasno, da se je spojilo Tadejevo metodično načrtovanje in Špelina divja ustvarjalnost.En: It was clear that Tadej's methodical planning and Špela's wild creativity had come together.Sl: Ko sta se vrnila noter, se je kavarna začela prazniti.En: When they returned inside, the café was beginning to empty out.Sl: Ljudi, polnih novoletne in božične vznesenosti, so rahljali sneg s svojih plaščev.En: People, full of New Year's and Christmas excitement, brushed snow off their coats.Sl: "Zelo sem hvaležen za tvoj doprinos," je rekel Tadej, ko sta se poslavljala.En: "I'm very grateful for your contribution," Tadej said as they were saying goodbye.Sl: "In jaz za tvoj red," se je zahihitala Špela.En: "And I for your order," Špela giggled.Sl: "Festivala ne bo nihče pozabil.En: "No one will forget the festival."Sl: "Veselje, ...
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