🎙️ Welcome to a new episode of The Dad Up Podcast.
🟫 Raising Impact-Driven Kids: Leadership Lessons For Parenting Success | with Tyler Dickerhoof and Bryan Ward
👉 Tyler Dickerhoof is a renowned mentor and advisor for entrepreneurs and executives who are seeking effective leadership guidance.
👉 He has led an organization of over 250,000 individuals and supported his wife, Kelley, in becoming one of the top 5 income earners at Isagenix.
👉 Tyler holds a degree from Cornell University and has more than 20 years of experience in starting multiple businesses that have generated over $700 million in sales.
👉 His expertise in leadership is highly sought after by leaders of all types who want to elevate their teams to new levels.
👉 Growing up and working in the agriculture industry, Tyler witnessed firsthand the tough and challenging nature of leadership.
👉 This upbringing and experience have driven him to grow and transform himself to be able to lead and connect with all types of people, in all industries.
👉 People describe Tyler as an empathetic, compassionate guy who is willing to be 100% authentic, face his insecurities, and help others do the same.
👉 But it wasn't always that way. Tyler used to believe that his worth was derived from how much he knew, so his life was very much about convincing others that he knew it all.
👉 Any time he faced challenges, he would simply put his head down and push his way through them, eventually pushing away all of those close to him, too.
👉 Over the last decade or so, he's immersed himself in the world of personal development.
👉 The result? His relationships went from fractured to thriving, he discovered a new sense of fulfillment and he accomplished things in both his business and personal life that he never even knew were possible.
👉 Now, his mission in life is to provide others with the self-awareness, the tools, and the community they need to make the same miraculous transformation.
👉 Tyler created the Impact Driven Leader Podcast, Awaken the Leader Within Course and the Impact Driven Leader Roundtable, a supportive community that gives members the space to be vulnerable, become wholly self-aware, and grow into the best version of themselves.
👉 Make sure you check out all of Tyler links below.
Dad Up!
📞 Contact with Bryan Ward:
✅ Dad Up Instagram:
✅ Dad Up YouTube:
✅ Dad Up Apple Podcast:
✅ Dad Up LinkTree:
📞 Contact with Tyler Dickerhoof:
✅ Tyler Dickerhoof Website:
tylerdickerhoof.comhttps://www.tylerdickerhoof.comTyler Dickerhoof
✅ Website Unlock Your Potential:
4 Barriers to Leadership
✅ Impact Driven Leader Podcast:
✅ Tyler Dickerhoof Instagram:
✅ Tyler Dickerhoof YouTube:
✅ Tyler Dickerhoof Facebook:
✅ Tyler Dickerhoof LinkedIn: