
  • Ep 1 - Setting the Scene for Getting Digital Content Done and Online
    Mar 20 2024

    Something digital to sell - Imagine | Articulate | Execute

    Digitally Done

    Welcome to the Digitally Done podcast, the 10-part series designed to lead you step by step through the creative process of developing and executing a ‘digital Something’ ready to sell.

    Over 10 glorious weeks, we'll unpack everything from ‘unstucking yourself’ to developing an effective marketing plan, to literally building out your thing.

    Whatever you create, we're here to help ensure you're ready to roll in your signature style.

    Joining you on this transformative journey are three business brains who understand that business is so much more than just business… it's personal.

    Now it's time to meet said brains, allow us to introduce ourselves…

    • Lizzie: I'm Lizzie Macaulay, a copywriter and copy coach who provides business owners with the skills and confidence to find, use and Amplify their signature voice.”
    • Sam: I'm Sam Winch, the course creator not the lunchtime food. I've spent the past decade helping entrepreneurs and organisations turn all of their knowledge into engaging online courses.
    • Nikki: I’m Nikki Cali founder of Wisdome and an advocate for sharers of knowledge. Building a tool to help others get out there and sell their digital something with ease

    Now that's out of the way, I think it's time to begin!

    This weeks episode is a brief introduction to what our series is about and we hope you find some great ideas, tips and even some tricks we've learnt along the way in our own journies through the realm of online digital content.

    We plan on releasing an episode weekly, so make sure to subscribe and be in the loop for when we drop our first episode into this series on Digitally Done!


    • Let us know where you are at
    • If you would love us to talk about something specific
    • Share your journey
    • Leave comments and feedback
    • Email: contact@digitallydone.com.au


    Sam : https://samwinch.com.au

    Nikki : https://wisdome.com.au

    Lizzie : https://write-it.com.au

    Show more Show less
    20 mins
  • Ep 2 - What Is That Digital Thing You Want To Create?
    Mar 22 2024

    Something digital to sell - Imagine | Articulate | Execute

    Digitally Done

    Welcome to the Digitally Done podcast, the 10-part series designed to lead you step by step through the creative process of developing and executing a ‘digital Something’ ready to sell.

    In the second episode of "Digitally Done," Sam Winch, Nikki Cali, and Lizzie Macaulay tackle the big question: "What digital thing do you want to create?" The chat uncovers the real talk about choosing the right digital avenue, whether it's courses, memberships, communities, or eBooks. They dive into the crucial step of figuring out not just what you think you want, but what truly resonates with your goals and your audience's needs.

    The episode is a mix of expert advice and banter, highlighting the need to tailor your digital venture to suit not just the market, but your lifestyle and aspirations too. The trio shares their insights on execution and planning, gently nudging creators to think about how they want to deliver their content and the level of engagement they're after. The team underscores the importance of asking yourself the hard questions, like whether you want a static offering or something that evolves over time, and if you're keen on direct interaction through live components.

    "Digitally Done" offers actionable advice, encouraging listeners to reflect on the specifics of their digital product. It's about cutting through the noise to find what you genuinely want to build, ensuring it aligns with your passion and capacity for long-term success. This episode is a light-hearted yet insightful guide for anyone looking to carve out their niche in the digital world, reminding us all to keep it real and stay true to ourselves in the process.


    Your action task is to map out the structure and delivery of your digital product. Consider these key aspects:

    1. Decide if your offering will be ongoing (like memberships or communities) or have a fixed timeframe (a course with a clear start and end).
    2. Think about graduation points: If it's a course, how will it integrate into your broader ecosystem, like leading into a membership?
    3. Reflect on the inclusion of live components: Do you envision group chats, one-on-ones, or would you prefer a fully online, self-paced format?
    4. Determine the delivery method: Will participants have the freedom to choose what and when they engage, or will you guide them through a structured, scheduled process?

    Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The goal is to design a digital product that aligns with your vision and meets your audience's needs.

    We plan on releasing an episode weekly, so make sure to subscribe and be in the loop for when we drop our first episode into this series on Digitally Done!


    • Let us know where you are at
    • If you would love us to talk about something specific
    • Share your journey
    • Leave comments and feedback
    • Email: contact@digitallydone.com.au


    Sam : https://samwinch.com.au

    Nikki : https://wisdome.com.au

    Lizzie : https://write-it.com.au

    Show more Show less
    24 mins
  • Ep 3 - Strategies to Validate Your Digital Creation
    Apr 4 2024

    Something digital to sell - Imagine | Articulate | Execute

    Digitally Done

    Welcome to the Digitally Done podcast, the 10-part series designed to lead you step by step through the creative process of developing and executing a ‘digital Something’ ready to sell.

    This thrid episdoe is where Nikki Cali, Lizzie Macaulay, and Sam Winch unravel the must-know before you even think of hitting 'launch' on your digital course or membership dream. This episode is your go-to if the idea of launching gets you buzzing, but the 'where to start?' has you stumped. We're talking all about validation - that golden key to making sure your digital baby truly vibes with those you're aiming to wow. No fluff, just the real deal on navigating those tricky waters of doubt and making sure your idea's not just good, but gold. Expect a dash of our usual banter as we share how to craft those perfect questions that get right to the heart of what your potential peeps actually want. Whether you're still doodling ideas on a napkin or poised at the launchpad, this chat's brimming with wisdom to sharpen your focus and ensure your digital venture hits the mark. Hit play on "Unlocking Success" and let's get cracking on turning that digital dream of yours into solid reality.

    Dive into validating your idea' with 'Digitally Done,' where hosts Nikki, Lizzie, and Sam demystify validating your digital creation. This episode mixes humor with hard-hitting advice, guiding you through ensuring your idea resonates. Perfect for anyone refining a digital course or membership, it's your go-to for making ideas reality.


    1. Writing down five questions, free of personal bias, that you seek answers to about your digital project. These should aim to gather honest feedback to help refine and validate your idea.
    2. Consider sharing these questions with your target audience or through a platform where you can receive constructive feedback.
    3. Reflect on how this feedback aligns with your project goals and what adjustments might be necessary to ensure your digital creation meets the needs of your audience and stands out in the market.

    Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The goal is to design a digital product that aligns with your vision and meets your audience's needs.

    We plan on releasing an episode weekly, so make sure to subscribe and be in the loop for when we drop our first episode into this series on Digitally Done!


    • Let us know where you are at
    • If you would love us to talk about something specific
    • Share your journey
    • Leave comments and feedback
    • Email: contact@digitallydone.com.au


    Sam : https://samwinch.com.au

    Nikki : https://wisdome.com.au

    Lizzie : https://write-it.com.au

    Show more Show less
    31 mins
  • Ep 4 - Marketing Magic: Laying Your Runway Part 1
    Apr 11 2024

    Something digital to sell - Imagine | Articulate | Execute

    Digitally Done

    Welcome to the Digitally Done podcast, the 10-part series designed to lead you step by step through the creative process of developing and executing a ‘digital Something’ ready to sell.

    In this lively episode of "Digitally Done," titled "Marketing Magic: Laying Your Runway," hosts Nikki Cali, Lizzie Macaulay, and Sam Winch crack open the world of marketing with their characteristic blend of humour and expert insights. Diving into the early stages of marketing strategy, they stress the importance of building anticipation and interest for your digital course or membership from the get-go. The episode shines a spotlight on the fun and essential practice of "laying your runway" - a clever analogy for warming up your audience and preparing them for what’s coming.

    From sharing the journey of writing a book to the excitement of launching a podcast, the trio discusses personal and observed successes in engaging audiences early on. They navigate through the significance of congruency in messaging across various platforms, ensuring that your marketing ecosystem is cohesive and resonates with your intended audience. Moreover, they touch upon the critical role of niching down, focusing more on psychographics than demographics, to speak directly to where your audience is at.


    1. Go away and start laying your runway. This involves doing, not just thinking or planning. Take an action that shares with your audience that something is coming. This could be posting in your Facebook group, sharing a story on Instagram, or sending an email to your list.

    2. Lay a single breadcrumb today that hints at your upcoming project. The aim is to do a tangible action that moves your project forward and starts building anticipation among your audience.

    3. Use the link in the show notes to leave a voicemail for the "Digitally Done" team. Share where you're at with your project, what action you've taken, and where the hosts and listeners can find it. This is to engage with the community and potentially have your progress highlighted in future episodes.

    Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The goal is to design a digital product that aligns with your vision and meets your audience's needs.

    We plan on releasing an episode weekly, so make sure to subscribe and be in the loop for when we drop our first episode into this series on Digitally Done!


    • Let us know where you are at
    • If you would love us to talk about something specific
    • Share your journey
    • Leave comments and feedback
    • Email: contact@digitallydone.com.au


    Sam : https://samwinch.com.au

    Nikki : https://wisdome.com.au

    Lizzie : https://write-it.com.au

    Show more Show less
    31 mins
  • Ep 5 - The Price Is Right: Navigating Profit, Perception, and Practicality in Business
    May 10 2024

    Something digital to sell - Imagine | Articulate | Execute

    Digitally Done

    Welcome to the Digitally Done podcast, the 10-part series designed to lead you step by step through the creative process of developing and executing a ‘digital Something’ ready to sell.

    In this engaging episode of "Digitally Done," titled "Pricing: Beyond the Numbers," hosts Sam Winch, Nikki Cali, and Lizzie Macaulay delve into the often-intimidating world of pricing strategies with their signature blend of humor and expertise. The episode explores the complex interplay between profit, value perception, and market expectations, emphasising the importance of considering more than just the numbers when setting prices.

    From discussing the real costs involved in running an online business to exploring psychological pricing effects, the trio navigates the multifaceted process of pricing. They highlight the need for entrepreneurs to recognise both their 'sweat equity' and the tangible expenses of their business, ensuring that pricing reflects both value offered and the cost incurred.


    Reflect on your current pricing strategy and consider the advice shared in the episode. Are you factoring in all costs? Does your price reflect the value you provide? This week, take a step to re-evaluate your pricing by:

    1. Take a look and list all the costs involved in your service or product, including less obvious ones like internet fees or platform subscriptions.
    2. Try assessing how your pricing aligns with market expectations and your own business goals.
    3. Dive into self assessment and look at implementing one change aimed at better aligning your prices with the value you offer.

    Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The goal is to design a digital product that aligns with your vision and meets your audience's needs.

    We plan on releasing an episode weekly, so make sure to subscribe and be in the loop for when we drop our first episode into this series on Digitally Done!


    • Let us know where you are at
    • If you would love us to talk about something specific
    • Share your journey
    • Leave comments and feedback
    • Email: contact@digitallydone.com.au


    Sam : https://samwinch.com.au

    Nikki : https://wisdome.com.au

    Lizzie : https://write-it.com.au

    Show more Show less
    32 mins
  • Ep 6 - Mastering the Sales Mindset - From Fear to Fanatic
    May 16 2024

    Something digital to sell - Imagine | Articulate | Execute

    Digitally Done

    Welcome to the Digitally Done podcast, the 10-part series designed to lead you step by step through the creative process of developing and executing a ‘digital Something’ ready to sell.

    In this lively episode of "Digitally Done," titled "Mastering the Sales Mindset - From Fear to Fanatic," hosts Nikki Cali, Sam Winch, and Lizzie Macaulay tackle the psychological barriers and societal conditioning that often make sales feel uncomfortable. They dive into the concept of being a "fangirl" of your own product, urging entrepreneurs to passionately promote their offerings rather than downplay their value.

    Lizzie introduces her "fangirl" vs. "cool girl" theory, explaining how enthusiasm and genuine excitement about one's product can be infectious and ultimately more persuasive. Sam shares her personal struggle with sales discomfort, rooted in a humble upbringing, and how she overcame it by shifting her mindset to view sales as helping others solve their problems. Nikki emphasises the importance of imperfection and feedback in product development, encouraging listeners to start small and iterate based on real user experiences.

    The episode highlights the importance of building confidence through practice and finding supportive communities where one can refine their sales pitch in a safe environment. The hosts discuss how understanding and addressing customer needs can transform sales from a dreaded task into a rewarding interaction.


    Reflect on your approach to sales and consider the advice shared in this episode. Are you being the "fangirl" for your business? This week, take steps to embrace the sales mindset by:

    1. Practise Enthusiastic Promotion: Start talking about your product with genuine excitement. Share why you love what you do and how it can help others. This enthusiasm will be contagious.
    2. Find a Practise Partner: Pair up with someone in your community or business circle to practise your sales pitch. Providing and receiving feedback will help you improve and gain confidence.
    3. Face Your Discomfort: Identify where your discomfort with sales lies—whether it's initiating contact or closing the deal. Confront this discomfort by engaging in more sales conversations and learning from each experience.

    Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The goal is to design a digital product that aligns with your vision and meets your audience's needs.

    We plan on releasing an episode weekly, so make sure to subscribe and be in the loop for when we drop our first episode into this series on Digitally Done!


    • Let us know where you are at
    • If you would love us to talk about something specific
    • Share your journey
    • Leave comments and feedback
    • Email: contact@digitallydone.com.au


    Sam : https://samwinch.com.au

    Nikki : https://wisdome.com.au

    Lizzie : https://write-it.com.au

    Show more Show less
    29 mins
  • Ep 7 - Marketing Magic - Launch Strategies for Digital Success (Part 2)
    May 23 2024

    Something digital to sell - Imagine | Articulate | Execute

    Digitally Done

    Welcome to the Digitally Done podcast, the 10-part series designed to lead you step by step through the creative process of developing and executing a ‘digital Something’ ready to sell.

    In this energising episode of "Digitally Done," titled "Marketing Magic - Launch Strategies for Digital Success (Part 2)," hosts Nikki Cali, Sam Winch, and Lizzie Macaulay dive into the essentials of effective marketing. The focus is on how to turn your digital product into a sellable asset, covering everything from foundational tools to building a cohesive marketing ecosystem.

    Lizzie opens with a discussion on the importance of a comprehensive marketing plan rather than merely creating a product and hoping it sells. Nikki highlights the need for engagement platforms and lead capture systems, while Sam emphasises the significance of clear messaging and emotional connection with your audience.

    The trio discusses the critical components of a successful sales funnel, including the role of lead magnets and the balance between providing value and encouraging further engagement. They also address the importance of authenticity, trust, and community building in nurturing long-term customer relationships.

    The episode wraps up with a focus on the post-sale experience, stressing the importance of customer feedback, offboarding, and creating a cyclical journey rather than a linear funnel.

    Incase you'd like to listen back to Part one, here is a link to Episode 4 - Marketing Magic: Laying Your Runway Part 1


    Reflect on your marketing strategy and consider the advice shared in this episode. This week, take steps to enhance your marketing approach by:

    1. Create a Community Space: Develop a community where your audience can engage with each other and with you. This could be a Facebook group, a forum, or another platform that fosters connection and ongoing engagement.
    2. Clarify Your Marketing Ecosystem: Outline all the components of your marketing ecosystem. Identify what you have and what might be missing. Ensure everything is interconnected and cohesive, from your social media to your email list to your website.
    3. Define Your Core Promise: Take a step back and clearly define the core promise of your product or service. What is the one solution or transformation you are offering? Be disciplined in finding this clarity and use it to refine your messaging.

    Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The goal is to design a digital product that aligns with your vision and meets your audience's needs.

    We plan on releasing an episode weekly, so make sure to subscribe and be in the loop for when we drop our first episode into this series on Digitally Done!


    • Let us know where you are at
    • If you would love us to talk about something specific
    • Share your journey
    • Leave comments and feedback
    • Email: contact@digitallydone.com.au


    Sam : https://samwinch.com.au

    Nikki : https://wisdome.com.au

    Lizzie : https://write-it.com.au

    Show more Show less
    30 mins
  • Ep 8 - Execution Excellence - Progress Over Perfection
    Jun 4 2024

    Something digital to sell - Imagine | Articulate | Execute

    Digitally Done

    Welcome to the Digitally Done podcast, the 10-part series designed to lead you step by step through the creative process of developing and executing a ‘digital Something’ ready to sell.

    In this energising episode of "Digitally Done," hosts Nikki Cali, Sam Winch, and Lizzie Macaulay dive into the essentials of effective marketing. The focus is on turning your digital product into a sellable asset, covering everything from foundational tools to building a cohesive marketing ecosystem.

    Lizzie emphasises the importance of a comprehensive marketing plan. Nikki highlights engagement platforms and lead capture systems, while Sam stresses clear messaging and emotional connection with your audience.

    They discuss the critical components of a successful sales funnel, including lead magnets and balancing value with engagement. The importance of authenticity, trust, and community building in nurturing long-term customer relationships is also covered.

    The episode wraps up with a focus on the post-sale experience, stressing customer feedback, offboarding, and creating a cyclical journey rather than a linear funnel.

    ACTION FOR THIS WEEK Reflect on your marketing strategy and consider the advice shared in this episode. Enhance your marketing approach by:

    1. Create a Community Space: Develop a community where your audience can engage. This could be a Facebook group, forum, or another platform that fosters ongoing engagement.
    2. Clarify Your Marketing Ecosystem: Outline all components of your marketing ecosystem. Identify what you have and what might be missing. Ensure everything is interconnected and cohesive.
    3. Define Your Core Promise: Clearly define the core promise of your product or service. What is the one solution or transformation you are offering? Use this clarity to refine your messaging.

    Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The goal is to design a digital product that aligns with your vision and meets your audience's needs.

    We plan on releasing an episode weekly, so make sure to subscribe and be in the loop for when we drop our first episode into this series on Digitally Done!


    • Let us know where you are at
    • If you would love us to talk about something specific
    • Share your journey
    • Leave comments and feedback
    • Email: contact@digitallydone.com.au


    Sam : https://samwinch.com.au

    Nikki : https://wisdome.com.au

    Lizzie : https://write-it.com.au

    Show more Show less
    27 mins