• 01 Embedded Multiplication: The Hope Chapel Story
    Apr 22 2023

    Beginning with just 12 people in 1971, Hope Chapels number more than 2,600 congregations worldwide.

    That equals an estimated quarter of a million people, not counting those who have "moved" to heaven.

    The key to growth is simple multiplication.

    You'll learn to bring multiplication into the culture of your own congregation in this series of teachings.

    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.

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    25 mins
  • 02 Your Church Culture Revisited with the McKinsey 7S Tool
    Apr 22 2023

    Everything you do should be value driven.

    Most churches operate as a gathering of silos--good ministries operating in a semi-independent fashion.

    Linking everything from skills to structure is a move toward bringing separate elements into alignment with the mission--the Great Commission.

    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.

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    24 mins
  • 03 Scripture Pillars Upholding Your Foundation for Multiplication
    Apr 22 2023

    Discover the biblical underpinnings of the Hope Chapel Movement (hopechapelchurches.com).

    Making disciples and multiplying churches is not complicated--costly yes, but not difficult.

    However, this is true only if we sacrifice our worship of programs on the altar of the Testament.

    You'll learn to simplify everything you do in direct alignment to mission.

    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.

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    25 mins
  • 04 New Testament Pivots to Multiplication
    Apr 22 2023

    Explore shifts, or pivots, made in the church's early history.

    These led to its rapid rise in the second and third centuries.

    You'll learn how to pivot similarly from slavery to "growing the church" to a more sustainable and less stressful approach to church leadership.

    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.

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    21 mins
  • 05 Roadblocks, Tenacity and Communication
    Apr 22 2023

    Attempt anything new and you'll face opposition.

    Sadly disciplemaking and church multiplication feel new to people who are used to a program-centric church experience.

    You may find that roadblocks take the form of some of your closest friends and most valued members.

    The solution? Communicate, communicate and communicate.

    Toss in a bit of perseverance and you're headed toward victory.

    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.

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    28 mins
  • 06 Weighing Costs vs Opportunities in Church Multiplication
    Apr 22 2023

    There are costs associated with church multiplication.

    However, if you keep disciplemaking at the core of your church interface with the world, you'll find that the opportunities (and life-changing victories) outstrip any costs you encounter.

    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.

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    28 mins
  • 07 A Strategy Toward Church Cultural Modification
    Apr 22 2023

    Peter Drucker said that culture eats strategy for breakfast--and he was right!

    However, if you get your culture down, you'll soon need a strategy to deliver your potential.

    Learn to simplify while strategizing in this session.

    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.

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    22 mins
  • 08 Seven Steps to Multiplication Without Breaking Wineskins
    Apr 22 2023

    We crave the new wine of the Spirit but it comes with some danger.

    Jesus said that new wine demands fresh wineskins. But he never depreciated old wine.

    The secret you'll learn in this session will help you change your base operating system without destroying whatever God built into your congregation previously.

    You'll find more free courses, a blog and a weekly podcast at ralphmoore.net.

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    20 mins