FluentFiction - Croatian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Unwrapping Surprises: A Heartwarming Tale of Honesty
    Jan 10 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unwrapping Surprises: A Heartwarming Tale of Honesty Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-10-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je hodala prema svojoj školskoj ormariću.En: Ivana was walking toward her school locker.Hr: Hodnici internata bili su tihi, a kroz prozor se vidio snijeg koji je prekrio krajolik.En: The dormitory halls were quiet, and through the window, she could see the snow covering the landscape.Hr: Topla svjetlost iz zgrade bacala je ugodan sjaj na bijeli tepih vani.En: The warm light from the building cast a pleasant glow on the white carpet outside.Hr: Bila je zima, hladna i mirisala je na božićne kolačiće.En: It was winter, cold, and smelled like Christmas cookies.Hr: Kada je otvorila svoj ormarić, dočekalo ju je iznenađenje.En: When she opened her locker, she was met with a surprise.Hr: Unutra je bio poklon, lijepo zamotan s crvenom vrpcom.En: Inside was a gift, nicely wrapped with a red ribbon.Hr: Uzbuđenje joj je naraslo, no kad je pogledala bliže, njen osmijeh je nestao.En: Her excitement grew, but when she looked closer, her smile vanished.Hr: Na daru je pisalo: "Za Petru.En: On the gift, it said: "For Petra."Hr: " Ivana se oglasila s blagim razočaranjem naglas: "Tko je ostavio ovo ovdje?En: Ivana expressed mild disappointment aloud: "Who left this here?"Hr: " Njezin prijatelj Mislav se pojavio iznenada iza nje.En: Her friend Mislav suddenly appeared behind her.Hr: "Možda je za nas," rekao je s osmijehom koji je govorio da bi rado otvorio poklon.En: "Maybe it's for us," he said with a smile, suggesting he'd love to open the gift.Hr: "No, znamo što bi se dogodilo ako Petra sazna," odgovorila je Ivana.En: "But we know what would happen if Petra finds out," replied Ivana.Hr: Petra je bila stroga, uvijek je pazila na pravila.En: Petra was strict, always mindful of the rules.Hr: Ivana nije mogla riskirati kaznu.En: Ivana couldn't risk a punishment.Hr: Bilo je previše zamki u ovoj situaciji.En: There were too many traps in this situation.Hr: Ipak, odlučila je da neće odustati.En: Nevertheless, she decided she wouldn't give up.Hr: Umjesto toga, željela je otkriti tko je stvarni vlasnik poklona.En: Instead, she wanted to find out who the real owner of the gift was.Hr: Mislav, uvijek spreman za avanturu, odlučio je pomoći.En: Mislav, always ready for an adventure, decided to help.Hr: Te su večeri, kad su svi bili u svojim sobama, Ivana i Mislav tiho krenuli prema zajedničkoj prostoriji.En: That evening, when everyone was in their rooms, Ivana and Mislav quietly headed toward the common room.Hr: Htjeli su vidjeti hvali li se netko novim poklonom ili ga možda traži.En: They wanted to see if anyone was boasting about a new gift or maybe looking for it.Hr: Ali dok su virili iza zavjese, začuli su poznat glas.En: But as they peeked behind the curtain, a familiar voice spoke.Hr: "Što to radite ovdje?En: "What are you doing here?"Hr: " upitala je oštro Petra.En: asked Petra sharply.Hr: Ivana je duboko udahnula i odlučila priznati sve.En: Ivana took a deep breath and decided to confess everything.Hr: Rekla je Petri o poklonu u svom ormariću, kako nema pojma zašto je ondje i tko mu je pravi vlasnik.En: She told Petra about the gift in her locker, how she had no idea why it was there or who its real owner was.Hr: Petra ih je gledala iznenađeno, ali svjetlucanje u njezinim očima nije bilo bez simpatije.En: Petra looked at them in surprise, but the glint in her eyes was not without sympathy.Hr: "To je bio dio tajne razmjene darova," rekla je nakon nekoliko trenutaka, "Netko ga je očito stavio u krivi ormarić.En: "It was part of a secret gift exchange," she said after a few moments, "Someone obviously put it in the wrong locker."Hr: "S olakšanjem i radošću Ivana je pogledala prema Mislavu.En: With relief and joy, Ivana looked at Mislav.Hr: "Znači, mogu ga zadržati?En: "So, I can keep it?"Hr: ""Da," odgovorila je Petra s osmijehom, "Sada je tvoj.En: "Yes," replied Petra with a smile, "Now it's yours."Hr: "Ivana je naučila važnu lekciju o iskrenosti i poštovanju pravila.En: Ivana learned an important lesson about honesty and respecting rules.Hr: Petra je odjednom bila manje zastrašujuća, a njezino poštovanje prema Ivani bilo je veće.En: Petra was suddenly less intimidating, and her respect for Ivana grew.Hr: Što se tiče Mislava, planirao je već sljedeću avanturu, ali sada znajući da ima prijateljicu koja će ga držati u pravilima.En: As for Mislav, he was already planning the next adventure, but now knowing he has a friend who will keep him within the rules. Vocabulary Words:dormitory: internatalandscape: krajolikglow: sjajcarpet: tepihexcitement: uzbuđenjevanished: nestaomild: blagimdisappointment: razočaranjesuggesting: govorećipunishment: kaznutraps: zamkisituation: situacijiboasting: hvalicurtain: zavjesefamiliar: poznatsharp: oštroconfess: ...
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    15 mins
  • Frozen Paths to Healing: Sibling Bonds at Plitvička Jezera
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Frozen Paths to Healing: Sibling Bonds at Plitvička Jezera Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-09-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Plitvička jezera zimi su pravi raj.En: Plitvička jezera in winter are a true paradise.Hr: Snijeg prekriva staze, a zrak je hladan i čist.En: Snow covers the paths, and the air is cold and crisp.Hr: Drveće je prekriveno tankim slojem leda, koji svjetluca na suncu.En: The trees are coated with a thin layer of ice, which glistens in the sun.Hr: Ivana i Marko, brat i sestra, hodaju kroz taj zimski pejzaž.En: Ivana and Marko, brother and sister, walk through this winter landscape.Hr: Oni nisu bili zajedno već dugo.En: They haven't been together for a long time.Hr: Sada, nakon obiteljske tragedije, pokušavaju se ponovno povezati.En: Now, after a family tragedy, they are trying to reconnect.Hr: Ivana korača polako, njezine misli su teške.En: Ivana walks slowly, her thoughts heavy.Hr: "Marko," kaže tiho, "trebamo razgovarati.En: "Marko," she says quietly, "we need to talk."Hr: " Marko zastane, gledajući kroz kristalno čist zrak prema zaleđenom jezeru.En: Marko pauses, looking through the crystal-clear air toward the frozen lake.Hr: "O čemu?En: "About what?"Hr: " odgovara, i dalje gledajući u daljinu.En: he replies, still gazing into the distance.Hr: "Znaš o čemu," Ivana odgovara s oprezom.En: "You know what," Ivana responds cautiously.Hr: "Moramo razgovarati o tome kako se oboje nosimo s gubitkom.En: "We need to talk about how we are both dealing with the loss."Hr: "Marko uzdahne, tišina ih obavija.En: Marko sighs, silence enveloping them.Hr: Oni nastavljaju hodati, koraci krckaju pod snijegom.En: They keep walking, their steps crunching under the snow.Hr: Dolaze do zaleđenog vodopada.En: They reach the frozen waterfall.Hr: Voda je stala, zamrznuta u trenutku, kao što su i njihovi osjećaji.En: The water has stopped, frozen in time, just like their feelings.Hr: "Ne razgovaramo mnogo o maminoj smrti," Ivana napokon kaže.En: "We don't talk much about mom's death," Ivana finally says.Hr: "Teško mi je," Marko priznaje, glas mu je ranjiv.En: "It's hard for me," Marko admits, his voice vulnerable.Hr: "Osjećam da moram biti jak za oboje.En: "I feel like I have to be strong for both of us."Hr: "Ivana pogne glavu.En: Ivana lowers her head.Hr: "Ali trebamo biti tu jedno za drugo, Marko.En: "But we need to be there for each other, Marko.Hr: Nismo sami u ovome.En: We are not alone in this."Hr: ""Znam," kaže Marko, osjetno mekšim tonom.En: "I know," Marko says, his tone noticeably softer.Hr: "Bojao sam se što ćeš misliti ako vidiš kako i ja patim.En: "I was afraid of what you'd think if you saw that I'm suffering too."Hr: ""Oprosti što sam bila udaljena," Ivana dodaje.En: "I'm sorry I've been distant," Ivana adds.Hr: "I meni je teško.En: "It's hard for me too."Hr: "Stoje ispred vodopada.En: They stand in front of the waterfall.Hr: Zvuk mirne prirode im donosi neku vrstu smirenja.En: The sound of peaceful nature brings them a kind of calm.Hr: Ivana se približi Marku i zagrli ga.En: Ivana moves closer to Marko and hugs him.Hr: On obavije ruku oko nje, odmjeravajući trenutak koji im osvježava dušu.En: He wraps an arm around her, cherishing the moment that refreshes their souls.Hr: "Zajedno ćemo kroz ovo," Marko reče.En: "We'll get through this together," Marko says.Hr: "Da, zajedno," Ivana potvrđuje, s osjećajem olakšanja u glasu.En: "Yes, together," Ivana confirms, with a sense of relief in her voice.Hr: Nakon dugog zagrljaja krenu dalje kroz šumu.En: After a long hug, they move on through the forest.Hr: Snijeg nastavi padati, lagano pokrivajući stazu, kao da svijet koji ih okružuje sada razumije njihove potrebe za novim početkom i ozdravljenjem.En: Snow continues to fall, gently covering the path, as if the world around them now understands their need for a new beginning and healing.Hr: Ivana i Marko pronalaze novu snagu u zajedništvu, odlučni suočiti se s budućnošću rame uz rame.En: Ivana and Marko find new strength in their togetherness, determined to face the future side by side. Vocabulary Words:paradise: rajcrisp: hladancoated: prekrivenoglistens: svjetlucatragedy: tragedijereconnect: povezaticautiously: s oprezomenveloping: obavijacrunching: krckajufrozen: zamrznutavulnerable: ranjivnotably: osjetnocherishing: odmjeravajućirefreshes: osvježavarelief: olakšanjadetermined: odlučnireveal: pokazatidistant: udaljenahug: zagrljajpeaceful: mirnecalm: smirenjaembrace: zagrliside by side: rame uz ramethoughts: mislineeded: potrebnogriefs: gubitkomfacing: suočitisurround: okružujeapproach: približistrength: snagu
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    14 mins
  • Journey Through Frozen Bonds: A Family Reunited in Plitvice
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Journey Through Frozen Bonds: A Family Reunited in Plitvice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-09-08-38-19-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Bijele pahulje su se lagano spuštale na Plitvička jezera, pretvarajući ih u zimsku bajku.En: White flakes were gently descending onto the Plitvička jezera, transforming them into a winter fairy tale.Hr: Vodopadi su se zamrznuli u predivne ledene skulpture.En: The waterfalls had frozen into beautiful ice sculptures.Hr: Drveće je bilo prekriveno snijegom, svjetlucajući na zimskom suncu.En: The trees were covered with snow, glistening in the winter sun.Hr: Miris hladnog zraka ispunjavao je cijelu dolinu dok su koraci koračali škripavim snijegom.En: The scent of cold air filled the entire valley as footsteps crunched on the squeaky snow.Hr: Luka je stajao na ulazu u park, gledajući kako se obitelj okuplja oko drvene kuće.En: Luka stood at the entrance to the park, watching his family gather around the wooden house.Hr: Osjećao se odvojenim, kao stranac među vlastitima.En: He felt detached, like a stranger among his own.Hr: Posao ga je udaljio od obitelji, a sada je osjećao prazninu koja ga je mučila.En: Work had distanced him from his family, and now he felt an emptiness that troubled him.Hr: Ali ovaj put, nadao se promjeni.En: But this time, he hoped for change.Hr: Mirela i Ivana, njegove sestre, bile su zauzete pripremom za novogodišnje slavlje.En: Mirela and Ivana, his sisters, were busy preparing for the New Year celebration.Hr: Njihovi glasovi su odjekivali veseljem i toplinom.En: Their voices echoed with joy and warmth.Hr: Luka se osjećao pomalo nesigurno.En: Luka felt a bit uncertain.Hr: Mislio je, kako započeti?En: He thought, how to begin?Hr: Pronašao je snagu u sebi i prišao Mireli.En: He found strength within himself and approached Mirela.Hr: "Treba li vam pomoć?En: "Do you need any help?"Hr: " upitao je jednostavno.En: he simply asked.Hr: Mirela ga je iznenađeno pogledala, ali nasmijala se i kimnula.En: Mirela looked at him in surprise but smiled and nodded.Hr: "Naravno, Luka!En: "Of course, Luka!Hr: Baš bi nam dobro došla dodatna ruka.En: An extra hand would be great."Hr: "Tijekom priprema, Luka je razgovarao sa sestrama o prošlim godinama, zajedničkim sjećanjima i smiješnim dogodovštinama.En: During the preparations, Luka talked to his sisters about past years, shared memories, and funny escapades.Hr: Povremeno, osjećaj napetosti bi se raspršio.En: Occasionally, the tension would dissolve.Hr: Luka je osjetio kako ledene barijere polako nestaju.En: Luka felt the icy barriers slowly melting away.Hr: Zatim je došao na ideju.En: Then he came up with an idea.Hr: Pogledao je prema prozoru, gdje je baška prilika zvala na avanturu.En: He looked towards the window, where the unique opportunity called for an adventure.Hr: "Znate li što?En: "You know what?Hr: Idemo na šetnju kroz stazu," predložio je.En: Let's take a walk along the trail," he suggested.Hr: "Možda nas priroda dodatno poveže.En: "Maybe nature will connect us even more."Hr: "Iako su isprva bili iznenađeni, obitelj se brzo složila.En: Although initially surprised, the family quickly agreed.Hr: Odjenuli su se toplo i krenuli kroz snježno krajolik.En: They dressed warmly and set off through the snowy landscape.Hr: Hodanje među zaleđenim slapovima i tiho susretanje šume otvorilo je novo poglavlje njihovih odnosa.En: Walking among the frozen waterfalls and quietly encountering the forest opened a new chapter in their relationships.Hr: Riječ po riječ, smijeh po smijeh, Luka je osjetio kako mu se srce puni.En: Word by word, laughter by laughter, Luka felt his heart filling up.Hr: Tom nevjerojatnom prirodnom ljepotom, Luka je s tugom pomislio na sve izgubljeno vrijeme.En: In that incredible natural beauty, Luka thought with sadness about all the lost time.Hr: Ali sada, taj osjećaj je bio zamijenjen nadom i novim početkom.En: But now, that feeling was replaced by hope and a new beginning.Hr: Nakon šetnje, svi su se vratili kući, obrazi rumeni, duše ispunjene toplinom.En: After the walk, everyone returned home, cheeks rosy, souls filled with warmth.Hr: Sjeli su na večeru, osjećajući se više povezani nego ikad prije.En: They sat down for dinner, feeling more connected than ever before.Hr: Luka se smjestio između Mirele i Ivane, znajući da je pronašao svoje mjesto.En: Luka settled between Mirela and Ivana, knowing he had found his place.Hr: Nova godina donijela je novo shvaćanje: obitelj je vrijednost koja se ne smije zanemariti.En: The New Year brought a new realization: family is a value that must not be neglected.Hr: Osjećao je zahvalnost za zajednički provedeno vrijeme, za povjerenje koje su izgradili.En: He felt gratitude for the time spent together, for the trust they had built.Hr: Luka je konačno bio doma.En: Luka was finally home.Hr: I tog trenutka, dok su kazaljke ...
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    16 mins

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