• Forging Together
    Oct 9 2024

    Ryan Stephens and Rob Hefley have built a community-focused nonprofit through the podcast Grey Beard Forge MMA Gym. Based in Conway, Arkansas, Gray Beard Forge MMA primarily serves veterans and first responders.

    As the Forged by Fire podcast celebrates its sixth anniversary, the hosts reflect on their remarkable journey and marvel at how much they've accomplished together. Ryan and Rob reflect on the evolution of their own friendship, acknowledging the ups and downs but emphasizing their unwavering support for one another.

    The story delves into the evolution of Ryan's fitness and martial arts programs, starting with his Sheepdog Skills classes and transitioning into the creation of Frontline Jiu-Jitsu and MMA. This free program for veterans and first responders quickly grew from just five participants to hosting over 30 people regularly. Ryan's vision expanded further with the opening of Grey Beard Forge MMA, a 10,000-square-foot facility that houses the gym, and Grey Beard Ammo, a high-end gun shop.

    Greybeard Forge's nonprofit structure is a key part of its mission. It allows the gym to offer discounted rates for veterans and first responders while also sponsoring individuals who cannot afford membership fees. This pay-it-forward model has created a safe, inclusive space where warriors from all walks of life can train, heal, and find community. The hosts emphasize the gym's role in disaster response and its ability to serve as a sanctuary for those struggling with trauma, PTSD, and even suicidal thoughts.

    Ryan's social media success has further amplified Grey Beard Forge's impact, with his "Five Friends" video going viral and reaching over 20 million views across various platforms. This unexpected fame has led to surprising encounters with fans and new opportunities to share the message of encouragement and personal growth.

    As they look to the future, the hosts have several exciting plans. The upcoming launch of BFFs "Best Friend Fighters," a self-defense program for girls, and the "Shepherd Summit," a weekend retreat for pastors and church workers, demonstrate their commitment to serving and empowering their community. Ryan and Rob extend an open invitation to their listeners, welcoming veterans, first responders, and patriots alike to join their growing Greybeard Forge family.

    Ryan Stephens and Rob Hefley have created a remarkable legacy of community-focused entrepreneurship through their podcast, business ventures, and social media presence. Their story is one of friendship, resilience, and a relentless dedication to positively impacting the lives of those around them. As they continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities, the future of Grey Beard Forge shines bright, a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who seek to find their light and calling through this vibrant community in Conway, Arkansas.

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    38 mins
  • Being Present
    Oct 2 2024

    Daniel Shaw and Rob Hefley, hosts of the Forged by Fire podcast, open the episode by setting the stage for an intimate discussion on the importance and challenge of being present. As friends and co-hosts, they establish a warm, conversational tone, with Rob admitting that he has long struggled with this lesson, making it a relatable topic for the audience.

    The conversation delves into the difficulties of maintaining presence amidst the constant pull of responsibilities and distractions in modern life. Rob describes the "monkey mind" effect, where the human ability to imagine the future can become a source of stress and anxiety, causing people to worry about scenarios that may never come to pass. The hosts share personal anecdotes, such as the frenzy surrounding the Y2K scare, to illustrate how this tendency to "future trip" can lead to poor decision-making and a diminished quality of life.

    Shifting the focus to the spiritual realm, Daniel and Rob explore the concept of being present in one's relationship with God. They emphasize the importance of resting in God's constant presence rather than obsessing over the unknown future. The discussion highlights how maintaining a spiritual presence can help alleviate anxiety and ground individuals in the current moment.

    The conversation then turns to the pervasive "culture of busyness" that often prevents people from being truly present with their loved ones. The hosts share relatable examples, such as friends and colleagues whose packed schedules make scheduling even a simple lunch meeting challenging. They critically examine this societal trend, recognizing how the lack of margin in people's lives can negatively impact relationships and one's ability to be spontaneous and attentive.

    Daniel and Rob explore practical strategies for cultivating presence in daily life, emphasizing the need for intentionality. They discuss the importance of setting boundaries, such as Daniel's decision to prioritize family birthdays over a work retreat and consciously engaging fully with the people and activities that matter most. The hosts also address the role of technology, particularly smartphones, in disrupting genuine human interactions, encouraging listeners to be mindful of their device usage during conversations.

    Balancing multiple priorities emerges as a central theme, with the hosts acknowledging the difficulty of saying no to opportunities that may detract from time with family, friends, and one's spiritual life. They share personal experiences of turning down job offers or commitments that would have negatively impacted their work-life balance, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing relationships and well-being over career advancement or financial gain.

    In the final chapters, Daniel and Rob offer practical advice for listeners, suggesting strategies such as putting away phones during conversations, setting aside dedicated time for undistracted interaction with loved ones, and regularly evaluating and "quitting" unnecessary commitments. They underscore the significance of self-care and setting realistic expectations to maintain the energy and focus required to be fully present in important moments.

    The episode concludes with a call to action, challenging the audience to practice being more present in their relationships and spiritual lives. The hosts express their belief in the potential positive impacts of increased presence on personal well-being and the quality of human connections. By weaving in information about their business, Greybeard Forge MMA, and their ammo subscription service, they demonstrate how these offerings can help create more time for being present in life, reinforcing the core message of the episode.

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    26 mins
  • The Return of the Forged By Fire Podcast
    Sep 25 2024
    0:40 Introduction In Forged by Fire’s comeback episode, catch up with Ryan Stephens and Rob Hefley as they bring on long-time friend Daniel Shaw. After doing everything – short of kidnapping – to get Daniel on the podcast, they sit down to share life updates and discuss how the podcast made them better people. Reflecting on their earlier episodes, Ryan says, “I believe because of the podcast, I’m a better father, I believe I’m a better friend, better husband.” Rob explains how it feels to reach so many and help others through the podcast. “You never know who you’re going to have an effect on,” says Rob. “[...] No matter what [...] we wanna add value to other people’s lives every day.” You never know whose lives are improving due to your positive attitude and strong spirit. Despite putting the podcast on hold, Ryan recounts how a police officer visiting from New Mexico tells him how the episode about negativity changed his life and gave him an entirely different perspective. Rob and Ryan care about people in their down-to-earth way, “Even dirt grows vegetables…sometimes,” Daniel remarks lightheartedly. He has a point. Dirt is where the roots go and support the smallest of seeds so they can become great oaks. 3:35 Grid Coordinates Grid Coordinates with Daniel Welcome the newest and arguably coolest member of Gray Beard Ammo, Daniel Shaw! Inflation, holidays, and starting new work, moving to Arkansas shows the importance of community and having a support system in uncertain times. Daniel settles into his new home and work after a call from Rob (and maybe God, too) to come to Arkansas. Forging new friendships has been crucial to Daniel’s recent life changes. Grid Coordinates with Ryan Ryan shares the latest turns his life has taken. S7 Tactical has gone from a seventeen-acre to a ninety-seven-acre facility to better serve the community. Ryan has also transitioned from sheepdog skills to pursuing his black belt from Frontline Jiu Jitsu. Side note, Frontline Jiu Jitsu specializes in helping frontline and first responders, which is fantastic. Meanwhile, work as a special agent has been great and frustrating, but Ryan does his best to take it all in stride with kindness. Continuing, he stresses the importance of being on the same page with your partner. “Being married, [clicking on all cylinders is] probably the most important.” Ryan Stephens says. “When you have a supportive wife, man, you feel like you can take on the world.”. Grid Coordinates with Rob Rob tells of his latest endeavors with building a new home and the joys of the simple things in life. “I just want this little room here [...], my little office [...], and I wanna garage I can fit a jacked-up truck in.”. Ryan comments, “That’s it, redneck rich!” “Really simple, ya know?” Rob laughs. Rob proudly tells us how his wife and kids are doing, with his wife being featured in AR Money & Politics magazine about her coaching and Christian leadership. Rob and his family also took a trip to Mexico for New Year’s and even bought (and remodeled) a gun store recently. Ryan jokes, “I love how he says it so nonchalant. ‘Like, ya know, was shoppin’ around, looked in a magazine and just bought a gun…store’”. On top of that, they just leased another building in November to open another 27,000-square-foot store to expand on Rob’s vision and goals. “I feel [...] truly blessed to live in a community in Conway. Great people around us, great church, great friends.” Rob says, thankful for the success and growth he’s experienced. 8:40 What’s it Look Like at 30,000 Feet? To recap, Rob opened a gun store and got a new building. Now it’s time for the big question. Ryan asks Rob what his end goal is and what dream he’s chasing. The end goal? To have a self-sustaining retail spot in Conway, an excellent online store, and Gray Beard Ammo – an ammo subscription service. “I want people here that wanna work hard and play hard. Add value to people’s lives.” Rob says about the people he wants around his work. “That’s why we're sitting at this table,” Ryan adds. “One thing I’m so thankful for is you’re [both] always looking for [...] ways to serve other people. Especially our community.”. Ryan describes their community as veterans, first responders, and people hurting or not living to their fullest potential. Speaking of goals and potential, Daniel expresses the importance of writing down your goals. “I tend to use the military planning process.” Daniel explains. Using this process, he illustrates questions to ask yourself while planning your course of action. “Where do I wanna be? [Where do I need to be?] How do I get there? [What strategies do I develop, and what tactics do I use to meet that strategy? What milestones do I need to reach?].” 11:00 Becoming Less Governable and Self-Sustaining Daniel expresses his goal of becoming more self-sufficient, where he doesn...
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    54 mins
  • Does Your Past Define You?
    Jul 14 2021

    Today we're going into the past. Which we know can be a scary place. But the past is the past for a reason. Are you bringing all your past problems into your future? We talk about our own experiences and hope that you'll go through the journey with us!

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Dream Big
    Jul 9 2021

    We're back with a new episode and this one is all about chasing big dreams. We get into our future dreams, why we chase them, and how important it is to keep setting big goals. We also get into why you should take steps to your dreams daily and how it can keep you fired up and moving towards the life you want to live.

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    59 mins
  • Living Generously
    Sep 23 2020

    Today, we’re talking about generosity and how to live a generous life. It feels like a lot of people have really forgotten the joys of giving and focus on what they should be getting. And that’s no way to live! There are so many ways to be generous. Not just financially, you can share time and knowledge. When you’re generous with something you’re not thinking about what you’re going to get out of it. Generosity is kindness in action.

    Helping people is one of the things that you don’t really regret. Even if it’s not always well received, you shouldn’t feel bad for volunteering your time, energy, or money to help others. We want to ask our listeners what it felt like to receive something you didn’t expect. Now times that by 5 and that’s how you feel when you donate to someone else.

    In the Bible, it mentions a cheerful giver. If you’re giving cheerfully then you’re focused on the right reasons for helping people. We challenge everyone to be generous with your words too. Kindness can be 100% free if you’re spreading it with your words.

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    46 mins
  • Mental Health
    Sep 9 2020

    On this week’s Forged by Fire episode, we’re talking about all things mental health. After the loss of a friend, who was struggling with physical illness and mental illness we want to dedicate this episode to him and to talking more openly about mental health. For a long time, most men avoid counselors and therapy like the plague. They’re going to get help because there’s been an ultimatum, a court order or something very drastic. It’s been viewed as a reactive way of coping, not a proactive step. There are a lot of people that want to avoid being labeled as dealing with a mental health issue. The world we live in encourages men to work harder, work faster, be stronger and the weight of the world really weighs down on them. This amount of pressure can be so unhealthy and really push people to their breaking point. All the little things really add up and cause pain and stress. Why do we as men struggle with facing the truth and being honest with ourselves? It’s so important to really face the facts so things don’t get too big to handle. The longer we ignore our issues they fester and cause a lot more pain. “Live your life like you have nothing to hide, nothing to prove, and nothing to fear”. Is a great quote by Micheal Thompson that we need to remember as you evaluate yourself. 17% of our youth struggle with mental health. So if you don’t necessarily struggle with a mental health issue then it’s still important to understand and learn more about it to understand those around you or your family members. One thing you need to look for with your own mental health is that “check engine light”. These are times when you wake up in the morning and just feel like you can’t get out of bed, get a sick feeling pulling into the parking lot at work, or even grab that extra six-pack because you want to feel a little less tonight. These are small things that indicate you’re not in your best mental shape and you need to do something about it. And a lot of people run with that check engine light on for years. They don’t even realize how good they could have it if they were in tip-top shape. We’ve seen men just fade back. When you go through a major life issue, and things just aren’t right backing away from the people that care about you isn’t the right direction. If you have a friend or family member that is struggling and they don’t want to be helped you have to check on them and you have to pray for them. Encouragement can go a long way and helping them find good council when they’re ready to seek help. When you find a therapist that works well with you, it’s really amazing. You can tell them absolutely anything and you don’t have to worry about losing face at all. And they have the tools to get you to the next step and get that check engine light turned off. If you need help, seek help. Message us. Take this opportunity as a sign to get help if you’ve considered it or if you think your check engine light may be on.

    This episode is dedicated to Cody Sublett a husband, father, and an amazing friend.

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    58 mins
  • Money
    Dec 5 2019

    In this episode, Ryan and Rob talked about the ins, outs, and all things of money! No matter where you are in life, there is more to learn about money mindset, managing money and making more of it! Enjoy this podcast!

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    1 hr and 3 mins