
  • 25.04 A Very Special VIP Visit with Huron and Lois Claus (Part 2)
    Jan 25 2025

    In this second and final installment of the Smiths VIP interview with dear friends and ministry partners, Huron and Lois Claus, the visit continues as both couples share how deep their relationship is with each other. There's a lot of history covered as the Smiths and Clauses reminisce about days gone by where each family contributed to the spiritual health and vitality of the other. Also, Huron Claus shared about 2025 being an important year for CHIEF Ministries, in that it's their fiftieth year anniversary. Three major events are planned throughout the year as CHIEF remembers all the ways the Lord led them (Deuteronomy 8:2), and where they are going into the future. Craig and LaDonna encourage you to consider joining them in one or more of these celebrations, starting with their event planned for Phoenix. Arizona in mid-March. To learn more, you can visit their website at CHIEF.org. Craig and LaDonna appreciate Huron and Lois and count them as some of their closest friends and ministry partners. If you don't know them, listening to last week and this week's broadcast, you'll learn just how special this Native family is and how they have impacted Native Evangelical ministries for many decades. Their story can help you discover ways God can use you and your family, as you build a healthy Indigenous Faith within the generations that surround you. Be blessed, dear friend, as you join Craig and LaDonna for this special VIP visit with Huron and Lois Claus!

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    30 mins
  • 25.03 A Very Special VIP Visit with Huron and Lois Claus (Part 1)
    Jan 18 2025

    Today Craig and LaDonna Smith begin a two part visit with some of their closest friends and ministry colleagues, Huron and Lois Claus of CHIEF Ministries. In one of the most fascinating stories of the work of God in the lives of a Native American family, Huron unpackages the multi-generational story of this Mohawk family whose exposure to the gospel goes back to the 1700's. He shares the powerful impact the Claus Indian Family had during their years with Youth For Christ, in partnership with leaders such as Dr. Billy Graham in his early years, and leading all the way up to today, where a deep friendship and partnership remains with Huron, and Billy Graham's children and grandchildren, who lead that organization today. Craig and Huron dig deep into their own shared history and friendship as LaDonna asks Huron's wife, Lois, to relive her early days dating, marrying, and for almost five decades, serving together with Huron in missionary work among Indigenous people all over the Western Hemisphere. It's a fascinating story, both personally and ministry wise which will not only enlighten you, but encourage you in your own family's journey in Christ. We all can make a lasting impact for Christ through many generations if we only allow the Lord to do His work in our lives. Be encouraged, friend, as you meet some of the wonderful Victorious Indigenous People the Smiths are privileged to know, and serve together in this generation. Don't miss next week's edition as well, as the story continues to unfold! Be blessed, dear friend as we pay a visit to Huron and Lois Claus!

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    30 mins
  • 25.02 Looking Back, Looking Ahead (Part 3)
    Jan 11 2025

    In today's final episode in the three part series on looking back and looking ahead, we revisit the timely devotional Craig presents from the prophet Isaiah in chapter 9 about a child being born and a son being give, and from the last part of the next verse (v. 7), he offers some interesting reflection on the truth about the zeal of God almighty will accomplish this. So what's the "this"? It's the gospel. Craig opens our minds to consider the question does God even need zeal to accomplish anything? And while it's clear He does not for most other things, the one thing He is full of zeal for is the gospel! From there, the Smiths turn our attention to 2025 and what topics will be covered in future Indigenous Faith programming. It will prove to be another very interesting year as the Smith's seek to present biblical principles on building a lasting Indigenous Faith in the context of tribal communities, cultures, and tradition. Thanks for going along for the ride with Craig and LaDonna Smith, and the Indigenous Faith broadcast! See you next week, dear friend!

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    30 mins
  • 25.01 Looking Back, Looking Ahead (Part 2)
    Jan 4 2025

    Welcome to 2025 and another year of Indigenous Faith! Craig and LaDonna trust you will continue to be ministered to by all of the episodes they plan to present in this new year. In today's episode, they continue their humorous journey back into past Christmas happenings within their family and home churches that have provided them lifelong memories to cherish and to keep. Craig also takes us back to the Scriptures for a Christmas based message based on Isaiah's prophecy about a child being born and a Son being given, and wraps it up with some interesting insights about the last part of verse 7, where it says, The Zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this...Have you ever pondered this verse before friends? Craig relates how interesting it is for the Lord to have zeal as a motivating factor for anything He chooses to do when all He has to do is speak the word, it it happens! This statement is reserved only for the gospel, and rightfully so because it is so important to all God has done in creation and in redemption. Follow along today, dear friend, and we know you'll receive a great blessing as you continue to build a biblically healthy Indigenous Faith!

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    30 mins
  • 24.52 Looking Back, Looking Ahead (Part 1)
    Dec 28 2024

    In this final episode of Indigenous Faith in 2024, Craig and LaDonna take a nostalgic look back over their lives and reminisce about Christmases past, offering some of the more touching and funny experiences they each had growing up, and also from their experiences with their local church bodies when it came time for the kids Christmas plays, pageants and celebrations. It's always a good thing to develop family traditions and routines built around such special events like Christmas, and the Smiths are no strangers to their own personalized traditions and celebrations with their family. It's a great way to acknowledge this year's Christmas season as well as we leave 2024 behind and move forward into 2025. In the subsequent episode to follow, Craig will be sharing a special Christmas message as well as starting to look ahead at what will be coming in the Indigenous Faith broadcasts to come. From Craig and LaDonna and all those associated with Tribal Rescue Ministries, we wish you all a blessed Christmas season and a wonderful and God honoring new year!

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    29 mins
  • 24.51 Summarizing The Christ My Healer, Christ My Health Series (Part 4)
    Dec 21 2024

    In this fourth and final episode of the Smith's summary of their recent Christ My Healer, Christ My Health series, Craig and LaDonna finish their extensive review of the significant points of what the Scriptures teach about Christ's work in the sufferers. Craig reminds us of the admonition of the Lord to Moses as they were stuck between the Red Sea and the advancing Egyptian army, coming to repossess them as slaves and bring them back to Egypt's bondage. in Ex. 14:14 the Lord told them, "The Lord with fight for you, you need only to be still." Another enlightening passage was from the 139th Psalm that tells us the number of our days are laid out by the Lord before one of them is experienced! We won't die a day before God's already appointed time. "That's a liberating reality Pastor Craig noted! Craig and LaDonna reiterated for us the importance of settling the "why question." Lord, why did this happen to me, is the question we often struggle with. In a remarkable dig into God's Word, the Smiths reminded us that for even those called into ministry, suffering is often a part of the call of God! And what a great reminder it was when they reviewed the Word and human history to note that the impact of sudden Divine Healing can often times be short lived, while the effect of the prolonged work of God in the life of the chronic sufferer extends the work of God throughout a much longer time, leading to great rewards in heaven, even the potential of being inducted into heaven's hall of fame! The summary ends with a reminder of the lyrics of A.B. Simpsons great, great song, Himself! Have you been encouraged by the Smith's in-depth study into Divine Healing and Divine Health? The Smiths have really opened their hearts and lives to us all. They pray God will have used it all for His honor and His glory! Until next time...

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    28 mins
  • 24.50 Summarizing The Christ My Healer, Christ My Health Series (Part 3)
    Dec 14 2024

    In this third episode of the Smith's summary of their Divine Healing, Divine Health series, Craig and LaDonna pick up where they left off at the end of last week's session. They were answering the question, Is it God's will that we all be healed at all times? Clearly the Scriptures point out that God's ways are not the ways of the health, wealth, and prosperity preachers filling the airways with their false teaching. It's an important reminder about the authority of the Scriptures in our lives and in what shapes how we do ministry. Which led to the reminder of how we can transfer from a focus on Divine Healing to embracing and learning to live in Divine Health when God chooses not to heal our bodies. Psalms 57:1-2 was reviewed once again as crucial to Craig's understanding of disasters being used by God to fulfill His purposes for our lives, and, yes, that includes the lives of those He has called to full-time vocational ministry as well. The importance of both Divine Healing and Divine Health is connected, as Pastor Smith points out, to the Atoning work of Christ on the cross and in the empty tomb. As Pastor Smith put it, "Healing is Friday, Health is Sunday!" And a thorough review could not overlook the crucial revealing of the mystery that had been hidden from many generations, which is what Craig calls, "The Believer's Advantage." That is, "Christ in you, the hope of glory!" The indwelling Christ makes all the difference whether it be for Divine Healing or for Divine Health. The episode ends with LaDonna's reminder from Psalms 139 that our days have been numbered by God, Himself, before we ever lived one of them. That liberating reality has helped the Smiths powerfully embrace the sovereignty of God in their journey, resulting in the indwelling Christ making all the difference! What a way to live for the believer in Christ!

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    29 mins
  • 24.49 Summarizing The Christ My Healer, Christ My Health Series (Part 2)
    Dec 7 2024

    In part two of the Smith's summary of their series on Divine Healing and Divine Health, Craig and LaDonna remind us how this revisit to the last 8 episodes was an important thing to do. It came from Craig's third trip back to death's door in 2024 as he battled four serious outbreaks of infections in his body. That, along with his battle with Covid and the aftermath of the accident in 2009 has taken them much deeper into the truths of Divine Healing and Divine Health. And they don't want their listeners to miss these important truths for tragedy and trauma can hit anyone of us at any time. It was their commitment to the authority of the Scriptures that enabled them to handle all the challenges that have come their way. But before they could affirm the Divine Health God has sustained them in, they wanted us all to know they continue to believe firmly in the doctrine of Divine Healing. Why, because all throughout Scripture, in both the Old and New Testament, God is described as healer. All the way back to Exodus and His word to the Children of Israel, in David's heart in the Psalms, in the Prophet Isaiah's strong words that affirm healing in the Atonement, and even spoken of as integral to Christ's earthly ministry, which often involved healing of so many, and in the promise of the Great Commission's fulfillment, healing was included as part of the gospel message. It didn't stop there, though, as it was also given to the church as part of the spiritual gifts Paul wrote to the Corinthians about, and continues to this day through the faithful involvement of local church elders in the anointing and praying for the sick. But with such strong doctrinal truth affirmed throughout the Scriptures, the Smiths remind us that a twisting of doctrinal truth is always something to be careful about. Such is the case with the faith healers promoting a health, wealth, and prosperity gospel that is not the same as biblical Divine Healing. That's further supported by Scripture addressing the question, Is it God's will that everyone should be healed? Once again, the timeless truths of God's Word brings such clarity to this and all other important doctrinal teaching given to the Church of our Lord until He comes again! Let's continue to live in Divine Health, all while we continue to seek Divine Healing! It's the full message of the gospel that continues to transform lives across the world until Christ returns!

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    30 mins