• E52 "Untended Fires"
    Jan 23 2023

    In this episode Daniel and Nate discuss the conference they attended in Colorado, NCYM, and some of the things they walked away thinking about.

    "Untended fires soon become nothing but a pile of ashes" -Jim Burns
    Is the church just supposed to convict people and then walk away? Or should we always follow up with mentoring and discipleship?

    Daniel and Nate also feel the pain of seeing peers in ministry burning out and leaving ministry because they didn't feel supported or able to keep pace with the busy hustle that the culture demands. How is hurry effecting the church, its members, its pastors, our children?

    "Beware of the barrenness of a busy life" John Mark Comer
    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
    To Hell with the Hustle by Jefferson Bethke

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • E51 "Growing Kingdom, Growing Food"
    Jan 16 2023

    In this episode Daniel and Nate discuss Nate's experience at the Tennessee Local Food Summit. Jeff Poppen aka "The Barefoot Gardener" started the local food summit for local and organic growers to come together annually and share stories and resources to further the cause. Tennessee is loosing gardens, farms, and land under production at an alarming rate. It's heartbreaking to see developers wreck the creation with greedy, shortsighted, ugly, and cheap construction that creates a domino effect of short term and long term negative consequences. So, how can we reimagine how to use land in a way where humans have a beautiful, efficient, and sustainable space to live in. How do we create really high density housing that is still surrounded by green and living spaces? Here's our thoughts.

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • E50 "Cult Documentaries & The Way Down"
    Oct 12 2022

    In this episode Daniel and Nate discuss the recent documentaries and docuseries: The Way Down, Class Action Park, The Vow, The Anarchists, Scientology and the Aftermath, The Dropout, Hillsong: A Megachurch Exposed. Why do humans have such a deep longing for belonging? What will we endure and overlook to belong and fell like we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. What is a cult technically and are we are all in one by definition? Is the point to never be a part of a cult or to make sure the cults we are a part of are doing good in the world?

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • E49 "What is Wisdom?"
    Oct 3 2022

    In this episode Daniel and Nate discuss the recent Matt Chandler controversy, whether christian men and women can be friends, the topic of wisdom and truth, how do you define wisdom, and what wisdom looks like, sounds like, and acts like.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • E48 "How to Build an Island"
    Sep 26 2022

    In this episode Daniel and Nate discuss traveling to Iceland, the realizations that island life brings, the wonder of the water cycle, what are your wildest kingdom dreams, Wolf Hilbertz, mineral accretion, Biorock, Seacrete, Brendon Grimshaw buying an island and restoring it for endangered species, how to use sunlight and ocean water to grow natural concrete that will emerge from the water as a new island, and what you would do if you were in charge of your own growing island. What plants would you plant? What animals would you bring to the island? What would you build homes out of? What type of culture and society would you like to form? What would be your requirements for new citizens to live on your island? All that and more on today's episode!

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • E47 "Final Reflections of the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill E12"
    May 9 2022

    In this episode Daniel and Nate wrap up their reflections on the story of Mars Hill. There are so many lessons to be taken away from the Mars Hill story and we hope that our discussions have helped you process this information along with us. We hope that it helps us all reflect on what a truly godly leader looks like and our own obsession and attraction to celebrity, power, and pride. Power corrupts and and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Let's all remember that as we build communities of faith and make decisions about systems of accountably. Churches can do so much damage and there can be a legacy of dead bodies under and behind the bus, but that's not what we are called to, and by the grace of God I hope we can slow down, value people over organizations, value faithfulness over efficiency, and be people whose fruit ultimately is Jubilee, freedom, and shalom.

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    16 mins
  • E46 "Reflections of the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill E11"
    May 3 2022

    Episode 11: The Tempest

    In this episode Daniel and Nate discuss the end of Mars Hill and how things started to unravel in the staff and in the congregation as a whole. How could something that was growing so fast and was so big come unraveled in just 12 months time? The cracks in the foundation caused by past misdeeds and mistreatments of people were starting to show and the weight of the large staff and mega church they built upon that foundation caused everything to crumble and fall quickly.

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • E45 "Reflections of the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill E10 Part 2"
    Mar 29 2022

    Episode 10 “Red Sky at Morning”

    This is the 3rd act of the Mars Hill play. The “Resurgence” was the blog/website that Mars Hill ran and recruited big name pastors and christian authors to write articles for. Now that Mars Hill had defined and built the brand it was time to learn how to distribute the brand.

    "Brand implies value. You’re as good as the person you’re standing beside."

    How has technology changed our ecclesiology? Our Worship? In the new era of internet tech, Mars Hill wasn't confined by how big a building they could build or how many services you could preach on one Sunday. They could preach to the whole world through the internet and the whole world could attend recorded services throughout the week.

    Technology has always shaped the church. From amphitheaters in classical greek times to the printing press and the Reformation to circuit riding preachers in the wild west to radio, tv, internet, and now Holograms, technology has allowed us to communicate with more people across space and time. The ability to stream sound and video to other locations has led to "Multisite Churches", a preachers have become little “a”apostles that have influence on many congregations. But this leads to the question, what's the difference between an audience and a congregation? When the preacher isn’t there in person and the praise team isn't there in person and you're walking into a room with a big screen that everything comes through, is that still church?

    Mars Hill's plan was to stream Mark out to the new satellite campuses and put their branded media all over social media, track the numbers, and open new campuses in towns that had over 1,000 weekly listeners, and repeat. Mark wanted to use this strategy to get to 50K members, and for a time it was working.

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    47 mins