• Episode 091 - Just Yours
    Mar 12 2025

    R&D + team = Reverse Gravity. When each person on your team needs a different type of laser. Different people, different backgrounds, require different lasers.

    Ever wonder what we talk about behind closed doors? This is a glimpse into our roundtable discussion about each one of our different laser treatments at Reverse Gravity. Everyone has specific issues with their skin, whether its pore size, hyper pigmentation, broken capillaries, acne…you name it we have heard it all! People ask us all the time (pointing to a specific area on their skin) what laser fixes this? Whats the downtime? How much? All the questions… and we are here to answer and give you the background to what our own experience most recently was. No joke (well a couple lol) no fluff, real talk, real experiences.

    Now we have a laser to treat just your personal concerns, (not the majority) just yours!

    Today’s episode is a cliff note into the world of lasers. Hope this is helpful. Enjoy. Write down any additional questions you might have and schedule your personal laser treatment today. Summer’s coming get it in!!! And check the March specials 🤑

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    32 mins
  • Episode 090 - How it went & Hows it going
    Mar 5 2025

    Dr. Vranis is here catching up on treatments, life, seeing patient consults… and a mention or 2 of what a fiasco our last LA day was LOL! We will get to everything, so sit tight!

    Every time Dr. Vranis see consults in our office, he comments on how wonderful the people are here and feels right at home. We love having him on the podcast, always open, light hearted and interesting!

    Today we talk about the “Brandy facial” and Brandy’s experience w/ Dr. Vranis’s procedure, how it went & and hows it going! Annnnddd a few other life moments that we felt were entertaining.

    Sit back, get your work done, uber your kids around and let us entertain you!

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    42 mins
  • Episode 089 - Sexual wellness
    Feb 26 2025

    Do we have your attention now? Everyone is talking about peptides and the changes they are bringing to medicine today, but what about sexual wellness peptides? How can they better your health, your relationship and enhance your life.

    This is such a juicy topic, we are so excited for today’s conversation! Let’s not waste a moment longer and dive in to better sexual health.

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    34 mins
  • Episode 088 - Dr. Captain Frew
    Feb 19 2025

    Straight from feeding the elephants in Thailand, to experiencing some of the worst turbulence he has ever felt in his life, the always full of life and always entertaining, Dr. Tyler Frew!

    Dr Frew is a board certified plastic surgeon w/ Balikian plastic surgery in Murrieta CA. He has built so much love from our listeners and Reverse Gravity customers, we just love having him on the podcast.

    Dr. Frew’s work speaks for itself, he is a master in body transformation, and Brandy is living proof of that. His insight into the plastic surgery world and of course his entertaining personality is why we love having him in our office and on the podcast.

    Dr. Frew loves books, food, travel and lives life to its fullest! So much that he’s considering buying a boat getting a YouTube channel and sailing away to travel the world, just kidding … well kind of, listen to today’s episode and get the scoop on all things Dr. Captain Frew!

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    47 mins
  • Episode 087 - A Doctor & A Queen
    Feb 12 2025

    Healthcare is so hard right now! It can be an extremely frustrating process to get the care that you need. What we ALL want is someone to take time to listen, get an appointment, and most important keep us healthy!

    Dr. Emily Robison is an a true Queen and the minute you sit in her presence you’ll see what I’m talking about. She is an extremely compassionate and passionate about medicine and most of all people! If you have been searching like the rest of us for a quality primary care doctor, look no further.

    Today we are talking about life, healthcare and what you can cover in your primary visit.

    Let’s dive in and get the 411 on health with Dr. Emily Robison.

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    42 mins
  • Episode 086 - *Galleri
    Feb 5 2025

    Cancer touches all of us in some way-whether we've faced it ourselves, stood by a loved one through their battle, or mourned someone taken too soon.

    It's a journey of strength, fear, hope, and resilience. On today’s podcast, we are discussing a Cancer screening test available now at Reverse Gravity.

    Brandy is extremely passionate about finding new and better ways to manage patients health and wellness in 2025. The Galleri is a proactive tool to screen for cancer. Galleri® is a multi-cancer early detection test, a blood test that screens for many of the deadliest cancers before they become symptomatic.

    Aggressive cancers can develop quickly and without symptoms.

    Cancers growing in the body can shed

    DNA into the bloodstream, the DNA fragments can act like a unique

    "fingerprint" of cancer. The Galleri test may be able to detect such a “fingerprint" before a clinical diagnosis through conventional means.

    If this all sounds a little confusing to you, you’re not alone… have a listen to today’s podcast. We break down the process piece by piece!

    🖤 The Galleri test is not a hereditary screening test and does not predict your future genetic risk for cancer. The Galleri test is a screening test and does not diagnose cancer. Diagnostic testing is required to confirm cancer. This also does not replace yearly screening test, such as colonoscopy, mammograms, etc..

    #reversegravity #lifestylebrand #livebetter #feelbetter #galleritest #performancemetrics #earlydetectiontest

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    26 mins
  • Episode 085 - The Brandy Facial
    Jan 29 2025

    What a day this was, you’ve seen the footage now hear the play-by-play! A nano fat transfer from Brandy‘s arm pit to her face, by the one and only Dr. Neil Vranis of Ghavami plastic surgery, in Beverly Hills CA.

    Today’s episode is literally “live” as Brandy goes through the process of a nano fat transfer. What is nano fat transfer? Simply put, a procedure that uses a patient's own fat, processed into a liquid, to rejuvenate the skin and improve its quality. It is primarily used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and areas with skin thinning. The procedure takes advantage of the regenerative properties of stem cells and growth factors naturally found in fat.

    You know if it’s new and innovative, you know that Brandy has found it and is trying it immediately!

    Come along with us, Brandy‘s procedure day is informative and always entertaining. Dr. Neil Vranis gives us every detail you would want to know about this procedure, whether you’re thinking about it for yourself or someone else that you love. It’s new, it’s innovative, and it is the future.

    Hope you guys enjoy it!

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    48 mins
  • Episode 084 - Hatfields and McCoys
    Jan 22 2025

    Prepare yourself and get ready to laugh! Brandy’s family is on the podcast today and well lets just say they are some lively conversationalists and so entertaining 🖤

    Todays family roundtable will let you experience Brandy like you have never expected. Shared stories from the past will have you laughing (out loud) in your carpool.

    You’re in for a real treat today, buckle up and get those kids to school and “cheers” to keeping family memories alive through our stories. Enjoy!

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    49 mins