
  • Cheeky Half Episode (26): Disengaging from it all.
    Oct 12 2024

    Do you ever feel like things are getting just a little too 'noisy' for you? Maybe you're juggling too many things at work, or change is coming at you at increasing speeds and frequency, or maybe 'doom scrolling' is taking its toll?

    Experiences of cognitive load are being increasingly reported in the workplace. It is a real thing that can create high levels of instability in people's experiences of work and workplace relationships. People in leadership positions want to show support for people's physical and mental wellbeing, but the work still needs to get done.

    So how can people actually pull away and give themselves some space to rest and replenish, given the pressures of the working environment?

    In this Cheeky Half Paul and KG discuss this potential conundrum and throw around some half-baked thoughts and ideas that might provide some insight. Maybe. If not, there's always Meatloaf.

    Join us and let us know what you think!

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    Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

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    18 mins
  • (4.08) Leadership and Organisational Culture.
    Sep 29 2024

    In some ways, the word 'Culture' is as difficult to define as one of our other favourite words, 'Leadership'. A number of competing definitions abound, but what seems common to many of our experiences is that, whilst a clear and concise definition may not always roll off the tongue, we certainly seem very clear when we see or experience 'bad' culture. Research increasingly suggests there are clear correlations in organisational outcomes that map to the health of any culture in an organisation - healthy or poor.

    But how do we know whether your organisation's culture is going to support or hinder your strategic objectives? How can we clearly measure its health, aside from our own 'gut feel'? And what responsibility can organisational leaders exercise in the cultivation of healthy cultures? Enter Quentin Jones.

    Quentin lives and breathes organisational culture. With a deep and expert research lens, he measures the health of cultures so as to provide opportunities for remediation, enhancement and growth. Join Paul & KG as they wrap their heads around how a fuzzy term like 'culture' can actually be a driving force for healthy and productive teams and, by extension, organisations.

    On this occasion, our friends at Annandale Cellars provided an exquisite Australian blend from Soul Growers in the Barossa Valley. The 2022 Soul Growers Equilibrium is, as its moniker suggests, a perfect blend of Grenache, Shiraz, and Mataro. It is big and plummy, with a fruity, velvety mouthfeel. Go get some!

    Sláinte friends!

    Some useful resources from this episode:

    1. The Culture Capital Group

    We're keen to hear what you thought of this conversation. Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

    Whatever tickles your fancy, we'd love to hear from you!!

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    57 mins
  • Cheeky Half Episode (25): Leading without a 'playbook'.
    Sep 15 2024

    When leading teams or organisations, there is often an unspoken expectation that, no matter how dark the challenge, those leading us will know a way through to the light. After all, surely they have done this before. They simply open their leadership playbooks to the relevant page, and there we go.

    But there we don't.

    In this Cheeky Half Paul and KG talk about the potential folly of insisting on solving problems the same way you've always done it - which is essentially the purpose of a 'playbook'. We assume most of us concur with the well-worn adage, "Past performance is no guarantee of future results." It's no different in our daily leadership practice.

    So what's the 'answer'?

    Join us and let us know what you think!

    We'd love to hear what you thought of this conversation.

    Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

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    16 mins
  • (4.07) How might our Leadership contribute to a more cohesive society?
    Aug 25 2024

    Back in Cheeky Half 17, Paul & KG considered the Social Cohesion Report, researched and published by the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute. It is a veritable goldmine of insight and possibility, pointing out the many ways our society connects, grows and flourishes - and the potential risks we should all guard against in order to protect societal cohesion. They also wound up their conversation wondering if there would be an opportunity to talk to someone at the institute so they could explain the purpose and impact of such compelling work.

    Fast-forward (well, not too fast...) almost an entire season later and Paul & KG had the absolute pleasure of sitting with Anthea Hancocks, CEO of the Research Institute, to discuss all things cohesion, and especially the stories that hold us together.

    This is a deeply engaging conversation, covering the origins of the research, it's purpose, it's use across a number of domains (social policy, community engagement, to name just two) and the way stories around our local communities help to create and sustain a sense of belonging and connection.

    And of course, we are kept company by an unbelievably, top-notch, non-alcoholic Riesling (yes, you read that correctly!). Our friends at Annandale Cellars knocked it out of the park with the stunning Dr Loosen Dr Lo Riesling. It is a non-vintage, non-alcoholic drop that will blow you away. You just have to try some!

    Sláinte friends!

    Some useful resources from this episode:

    1. An executive summary of the Mapping Social Cohesion Report 2023, beautifully visualised.
    2. Scanlon Foundation
    3. Scanlon Foundation Research Institute
    4. Mapping Social Cohesion Report 2023 - Full (Download)
    5. Social Cohesion Compass
    6. Strong Communities Narratives
    7. Welcoming Cities
    8. Voices of Australia Podcast

    We're keen to hear what you thought of this conversation. Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

    Whatever tickles your fancy, we'd love to hear from you!!

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    53 mins
  • Cheeky Half Episode (24): Leadership and the Resilience 'Myth'
    Aug 11 2024

    The concept of Resilience is one whose purchase has increased exponentially in Leadership circles over the past few decades. We preach its virtues and benefits with increasing zeal and seek out practices that will instil in us the necessary skills to overcome and bounce back from adversity. But what if we have so totally misunderstood resilience as to render it nothing more than a myth - an unattainable holy grail that, in fact, can do more harm than good?

    Paul has been reading (always a fraught activity in his hands) and has been struck by the possibility his entire conception of resilience has fallen prey to the myth. As KG listens patiently, they both try and wrestle with the possibility that they have been too narrow in their thinking and that resilience may be so much more. How might this change how we think about leadership?

    Here is the book that triggered the conversation:

    • The Resilience Myth: New Thinking on Grit, Strength, and Growth After Trauma (Soraya Chemali, Simon & Schuster, 2024)

    Join us and let us know what you think!

    We'd love to hear what you thought of this conversation.

    Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

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    11 mins
  • (4.06) Leadership and the 'Common Good'.
    Jul 28 2024

    We often talk about leadership as if we all shared a common understanding of its purpose. But what is leadership for, really? Is it to ensure things get done? Is it to inspire others to a shared goal or purpose? What if its purpose were both grander and more noble than that? What if leadership practice exists to effect the 'common good' in society and those that dwell within it?

    According to Associate Professor Samuel Wilson, from Swinburne University and researcher for the Australian Leadership Index, the concept of the 'common good' is an idea whose time has come, and leadership practice is very much at the forefront of shifting it beyond an abstract concept to real, lived experience.

    Join Paul & KG as they talk to Sam Wilson to try and get their heads around the idea of the common good, and the forms of leadership practice that might make this common good a reality.

    Today's wine is a delicious and fruity one from Gounyan Wines, in Australia's capital, Canberra. The wine is a 2023, Murrumbateman Syrah. A smooth and medium bodied red wine that fills the mouth with soft fruit and spice. A lovely drop provided by our friends at Annandale Cellars. Check them out for this and other outstanding wines.

    Sláinte friends!

    Some useful resources from this episode:

    1. Australian Leadership Index

    We're keen to hear what you thought of this conversation. Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

    Whatever tickles your fancy, we'd love to hear from you!!

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    51 mins
  • Cheeky Half Episode (23): Listener feedback: What makes a great leader?
    Jul 14 2024

    Cheeky Half episodes are Paul and KG's attempts at articulating ideas on leadership they've been tossing around but not fully comprehended. It's a way of starting a conversation and seeing whether anything 'sticks'. It is also a great vehicle for engaging with a growing, and increasingly vocal, audience. And it's the latter that really pumps them up!

    In this short episode they address some listener questions and concerns triggered by a recent episode where Paul and KG asked, "What makes a great leader?" (Ep 4.04). We're so grateful for these listener interactions, please keep them coming. This question is yet to be fully resolved.

    Join us and let us know what you think!

    We'd love to hear what you thought of this conversation.

    Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

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    18 mins
  • (4.05) Leadership and Human Rights: Making good on a promise.
    Jun 30 2024

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." It is an affirmation as well as a promise made by many countries via the ratification of a number of Human Rights treaties. Australia is one of the countries that has made the 'promise' to uphold those treaties. However Australia has not fully incorporated these treaties into its own domestic laws through a comprehensive national human rights act, which has been a point of ongoing confusion, contention, debate and advocacy for some time.

    This has tested many people in leadership positions time and again, shedding light, not always positive, on the many fraught decisions and uncertain paths that need to be explored if the fundamental principles of Human Rights are to have any meaning or value in our society.

    To unpack what all this means, and to explain the purpose and future of Human Rights in Australia, Paul & KG had the privilege and absolute pleasure of sitting down with Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher who, at the time of recording this conversation, is the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission.

    We think you will find this conversation as entertaining, informative and inspirational as KG & Paul did. And of course, it was well-served by a most unconventional, yet delicious, wine from Gilbert Family Wines, in Mudgee, NSW. The wine is a 2022, Pétillant-Naturel Rosé. A gently frizzante wine that is both refreshing and holds its weight with generous mouthfuls of fine fruit, including strawberry and watermelon. A lovely drop provided by our friends at Annandale Cellars. Check them out for this and other outstanding wines.

    Sláinte friends!

    Some useful resources from this episode:

    1. Australian Human Rights Commission
    2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    3. Free and Equal: An Australian conversation on human rights

    We're keen to hear what you thought of this conversation. Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

    Whatever tickles your fancy, we'd love to hear from you!!

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    51 mins