While its highly unpopular in pop culture to be a “#Karen”, I do hope that it becomes highly popular to #BeaNikki.
Not sure what a #Nikki is?
Listen to this episode and find out!
👩🏽🎨 I'm Tiff: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCcFm2kp_9G/ https://youtu.be/Mjrsx3dEigs (oldie but goodie, lol... some service options have been updated since this video was created, but I thought I'd share so that I could still introduce myself to you :) ) 📍Here's what I love to do: https://www.organizedenergy.co/yt https://www.organizedenergy.co/orgservices 📍Here are resources I would love to provide you with: https://www.organizedenergy.co/spillthetea https://www.organizedenergy.co/resources 📍Here's how we can work together: https://www.organizedenergy.co/mystory https://www.organizedenergy.co/ittoconnect * To inquire about booking me to speak to your group, visit here: https://www.honeybook.com/widget/organized_energy_coaching_consulting_160019/cf_id/61be91dfaad1c30820f21a09 📍Here's how you can check out my books, products, and service offerings: https://www.organizedenergy.co/shop 📍Here's how you can check out my content and stay in the know of events, networking opportunities, special offers, community communications, updates, and new content: https://www.organizedenergy.co/alerts https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/we-work-we-play-we-vibe-ok%253F-6912560013337059328/
https://www.organizedenergy.co/blog 📍Here's how you can subscribe to/follow me on my platforms: https://www.organizedenergy.co/podcast when you need a little sunshine ☀️ in your life! https://www.linkedin.com/company/organized-energy-coaching-&-consulting https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/is-this-thing-on-oe/ https://www.instagram.com/organizedenergy/?hl=en https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZaxY7k2Wf5cD98h0ynBewQYBZJO0AQbX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZaxY7k2Wf5cGjeTOrj0ym0lxa-7DfT1n 📍Please leave a rating and a review of this show on podcast streaming service platforms such as Apple Podcasts which can be found here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/life-unscripted-podcast-by-organized-energy/id1515791469 📍Thanks for your 🩷, light, kindness, support! 🙏🏾 📍As always, may you be blessed, never stressed and always remember to give it your best! #Love, Tiff, Your Hostess With The Mostess https://www.amazon.com/author/heytiff https://www.youtube.com/@organizedenergy/community