• Why letting go of perfection is the greatest gift for your kids #RediscoverYourself
    Dec 19 2024

    -Solo episode-

    Welcome back to Mama, What’s Next? Today, we’re talking about something quite powerful and transformative: vulnerability. It's a great topic particularly so many of us wear masks all the time. We learnt to do that quite early on in our lives, some more, some less. Now, today let's talk about being real.

    Vulnerability is the bridge that connects us to our children, our loved ones, and, most importantly, ourselves.

    Let's explore -

    • Why embracing imperfection is key to thriving: Let’s talk about how vulnerability isn’t weakness but a bridge to deeper relationships and a stronger sense of self.
    • Raising resilient children: Teaching kids that it’s okay to be imperfect starts with showing them our own humanity—our fears, mistakes, and doubts.
    • Finding purpose in progress: The story of a mom who reclaimed her passions and found joy again after losing herself in motherhood.
    • The self-care myth: Why focusing on your own growth isn’t selfish but essential. A fulfilled mama is the foundation for a happy, thriving family.
    • Leading by example: Your kids are watching you. When you embrace your true self, they learn to embrace theirs, too.

    I also open up about my own journey of personal growth—reconnecting with who I am and letting go of the idea that I have to do it all perfectly. Vulnerability has been my superpower, helping me rediscover my passions and show my child what it means to be real.

    This episode is your reminder that it’s okay to focus on YOU.

    Tune in and take the next step toward rediscovering yourself, Mama.

    Love, Melie.

    Are you looking to build and automate your coaching business with everything in ONE PLACE? Then I highly recommend Kajabi, enjoy one month for free here, cancel any time.

    Do you use music for your podcast, videos, meditations? I use Artlist for their amazing music selection! Here's your special deal

    Connect with Meli on social and if you'd like to leave a 5* Review for this podcast, you can do this right underneath the main podcast :)




    This podcast is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. Any information shared here, or through linked materials, is meant to provide general guidance and is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified professional, such as a physician, therapist, or coach, for personalized support, diagnoses, or treatment. Use this information at your own discretion and risk.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    17 mins
  • How to attract clients organically and balance motherhood & entrepreneurship as a mom of 4 with Nikki Milne
    Dec 11 2024

    In this episode I loved learning from Nikki's inspiring journey that took her from a hairdresser to a successful entrepreneur and PR expert in Australia.

    Nikki talks about the challenges she faced while building her business, the importance of resilience, and the mindset required for success.

    She shares her learnings on balancing motherhood with her career and growing a demanding agency and mentoring business, the significance of saying yes to opportunities, and the value of maintaining a clear boundary between personal and professional life.

    As an expert on growing your business via social media she shares her learnings and tips on how to attract clients organically. We also talk about an important business channel we should not ignore - and it's not digital.

    We also talk about the risks associated with sharing children on social media, her flexible her personal approach to work-life balance as a mom of 4, and the importance of scaling a business according to personal needs.

    Nikki teaches women how to see their worth and the significance of understanding one's value in business.

    • Chapters
    • 00:00 Introduction and Background
    • 02:13 Career Journey: From Hairdresser to Entrepreneur
    • 08:01 Navigating Challenges and Embracing Change
    • 14:11 The Importance of Saying Yes
    • 18:53 Mindset and Resilience in Business
    • 22:29 Balancing Personal and Professional Life
    • 26:06 The Risks of Sharing Children on Social Media
    • 30:05 Balancing Work and Family Life
    • 36:02 Scaling Up and Down in Business
    • 43:43 Finding Your Zone of Genius


    Love, Melie.

    connect with Nikki here https://www.nikkimilne.com / https://www.instagram.com/nikkimilne_

    Are you looking to build and automate your coaching business with everything in ONE PLACE? Then I highly recommend Kajabi, enjoy one month for free here, cancel any time.

    Do you use music for your podcast, videos, meditations? I use Artlist for their amazing music selection! Here's your special deal

    Connect with Meli on social and if you'd like to leave a 5* Review for this podcast, you can do this right underneath the main podcast :)




    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    50 mins
  • How Embracing Your Truth Transforms Both Generations #RediscoverYourself
    Dec 3 2024

    Welcome to Mama what's next? A podcast for all the amazing women navigating the wonderful challenges of exploring a new version of yourself after becoming a mom. Together with my incredible guests, I'm here to help you explore who you are now and help guide you to your true path. One that feels authentic and fulfilling at the same time. Motherhood changes everything. Yes, it's beautiful, transformative, and sometimes it pulls us away from the woman we were. Together. We dive into career change stories, and how to live a life that truly reflects who we are without guilt and with the courage to embrace your journey. So get yourself a coffee, steal a moment for yourself, and let's explore this next chapter of your life. I am super happy that you're here.

    Today is a solo episode and I want to talk about that journey of discovery and exploration and growth and becoming. Becoming the best version of myself. My daughter's already 8 now, and I think one of the most profound ways that I experienced change since becoming a mum is, I really want to be the best example for her, my best possible version for her.

    Enjoy! Love, Melie.

    Are you looking to build and automate your coaching business with everything in ONE PLACE? Then I highly recommend Kajabi, enjoy one month for free here, cancel any time.

    Do you use music for your podcast, videos, meditations? I use Artlist for their amazing music selection! Here's your special deal

    Connect with Meli on social and if you'd like to leave a 5* Review for this podcast, you can do this right underneath the main podcast :)




    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    19 mins
  • #MomCareerChange: Von Corporate zur Selbstständigkeit: Wie Margit innere Stärke & berufliche Freiheit nach 50 fand
    Nov 28 2024
    Ein wundervoll ehrliches Gespräch für alle Mütter, die sich neu entdecken, neu definieren und sich für ihre Karriere und Arbeit mehr Sinn, Purpose und Leidenschaft wünschen. Wir sprechen auch über den unglaublich wichtigen Weg dazu sich ehrlich und mutig selbst anzunehmen, mit all seinen Facetten und authenthisch und ehrlich unseren eigenen Weg zu gehen - denn das ist für viele von uns nicht einfach.In dieser inspirierenden Folge spreche ich mit Margit Weinert, die nach einer interessanten Corporate Karriere nach 30 Jahren den mutigen Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit wagte. Bei der Lufthansa vom Check-in zur Führungskraft - eine beeindruckende Karriere. Wir reflektieren über die Herausforderungen, die das Muttersein mit einer Karriere auf Top-Level bei einem Unternehmen wie Lufthansa verbindet, und wie sie es geschafft hat, innere Sicherheit zu finden und sich beruflich neu zu erfinden.Margit teilt ihre Einsichten als Coach und Mutter mit mir: Vereinbarkeit: Wie sie gelernt hat, berufliche und familiäre Prioritäten zu vereinbaren.Die Bedeutung von Selbstbewusstsein und Identität, insbesondere nach einer langen Karriere.Ihre Sicht auf Altersdiskriminierung und die Möglichkeiten eines Neuanfangs für Frauen in der Arbeitswelt.Key takeawaysMargit betont die Wichtigkeit der inneren Sicherheit.Die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf ist eine Herausforderung.Ein akademischer Abschluss kann Türen öffnen.Frauen über 50 haben es in der Karriere oft schwerer.Margit hat durch ihr Masterstudium viel gewonnen.Die richtige Zeit für Veränderungen ist entscheidend. Altersdiskriminierung ist ein reales Problem in der Karriere.Frauen können auch nach 50 Jahren neue Wege gehen.Ein starkes Netzwerk ist entscheidend für den beruflichen Erfolg.Der Abschied von einer langen Karriere kann emotional herausfordernd sein.Coaching kann Frauen helfen, ihre Identität zu finden.Frauen neigen dazu, ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse zurückzustellen.Es ist wichtig, die eigene Sauerstoffmaske zuerst aufzusetzen.Empathie ist eine Stärke, die Frauen in der Karriere nutzen können.Wir sprechen über ihre bewusste Entscheidung, ihre beruflichen Werte neu zu definieren, und wie sie ihre Kinder zu selbstbewussten Individuen erzogen hat. Ein wundervoll ehrliches Gespräch für alle Mütter, die sich neu entdecken, neu definieren und sich für ihre Karriere und Arbeit mehr Sinn, Purpose und Leidenschaft wünschen. Enjoy! Love, Melie. Are you looking to build and automate your coaching business with everything in ONE PLACE? Then I highly recommend Kajabi, enjoy one month for free here, cancel any time. Do you need music for your podcast, videos, meditations? I use Artlist for their amazing music selection! Here's your special deal If you'd like to leave a 5* Review for this podcast, you can do this right underneath the main podcast :) Connect with Meli on socialWebsiteInstagram Linkedin Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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    37 mins
  • #MomCareerChange: How I transitioned from marketing to corporate social responsibility CSR (dream job alert)
    Nov 20 2024

    Welcome back to Mama, what's next? For all the mid-career women and moms looking to roles that are filled with more purpose, more impact, more contribution to people and society - Corporate Social Responsiblity might be a great choice for you.

    Today I talk about my own career change story and how I transitioned from marketing to Corporate Responsibility.

    Enjoy! Love, Melie.

    Do you love my podcast music? It's from Artlist! Here's your special deal

    If you'd like to leave a 5* Review for this podcast, you can do this right underneath that episode here :)

    Connect with Meli on social




    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    31 mins
  • Ich bin arbeitslos
    Nov 13 2024

    Ehrlichkeit und Authentizität zahlen sich aus.

    In dieser Episode erkunde ich mit Recruiterin Sarah Ann Johnson die kraftvolle Rolle von Authentizität und Offenheit auf dem beruflichen Weg. Sarah teilt, wie ein ehrlicher LinkedIn-Post, in dem sie über Fehlentscheidungen und ihre eigene Arbeitslosigkeit sprach, eine überraschende Welle an Unterstützung und Jobmöglichkeiten auslöste. Wir sprechen über die Angst, als gescheitert wahrgenommen zu werden, und warum gerade die Verletzlichkeit uns stärken kann. Sie erzählt, wie sie ihren Weg zu einem erfüllenderen Job gefunden hat und was wir alle daraus lernen können, wenn wir uns authentisch und ungeschönt zeigen.

    Auch wenn der Sound ab und zu etwas holprig ist – die Technik wollte diesmal nicht so richtig mitspielen - hoffe ich dennoch, dass ihr euch ein paar hilfreiche Anregungen mitnehmen könnt, sei es für eigene Erfolge, Misserfolge oder die nächste Entscheidung auf eurem beruflichen Weg.

    Enjoy & Viel Spaß beim Zuhören!

    deine Melie.

    Connect mit Sarah-Ann Johnson

    Weitere Links für dich• Melde dich für die Warteliste für den Career Confidential Club• Meine Buch Empfehlung: “The Abundance Book” von John R. Price• Hier kommst du zu meinem Career Survey für Mama's • Spare dir Zeit und lass deinen PMG Personal Recruiter für dich arbeiten: Bewirb dich für mein Personal Recruiting-Programm• 8 Schritte zum Traumjob: So gelingt der Wiedereinstieg für Mütter• Falls du mir was Gutes tun magst, freu ich mich über eine 5* Review unter der Episode

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    30 mins
  • My soul nourishing morning routine that ACTUALLY WORKS
    Nov 6 2024

    Welcome back to Mama, what's next? Today with my working mom advice session on how I create magic soul nurturing mornings that actually work, yes!

    Because let's be honest, who gets up at 5am? (even though I loved Robin Sharma's book the 5am Club)

    Enjoy & viel Spaß beim Zuhören! deine Melie. Weitere Links für dich• Melde dich für die Warteliste für den Career Confidential Club• Meine Buch Empfehlung: “The Abundance Book” von John R. Price• Hier kommst du zu meinem Career Survey für Mama's • Spare dir Zeit und lass deinen PMG Personal Recruiter für dich arbeiten: Bewirb dich für mein Personal Recruiting-Programm• 8 Schritte zum Traumjob: So gelingt der Wiedereinstieg für Mütter• Falls du mir was Gutes tun magst, freu ich mich über eine 5* Review unter der Episode

    Connect mit mir




    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    12 mins
  • Claim Your Seat: Daniela Sarmiento on Embracing Authenticity and How to Negotiate a Job Offer, Part 2
    Oct 30 2024

    Welcome back to the 2nd episode with with career strategist Daniela Sarmiento. We are here to discuss self-advocacy, personal branding, and breaking through the barriers that often hold us back in our careers. Daniela reveals how the biggest "no" often comes from within and encourages listeners to advocate firmly for their needs and non-negotiables at work, especially during the hiring or promotion process.

    We explore her tips on confidently negotiating terms that align with your values and lifestyle and staying transparent about your life circumstances (like parenting needs). For example your non-negotiables. Daniela emphasizes the importance of presenting yourself as a sought-after candidate, even if you’re just starting out, and shares how identifying and communicating your unique strengths can attract career opportunities in unexpected ways.

    Key takeaways include Daniela’s insights on setting boundaries, overcoming fear of rejection, and practical tips for building a supportive professional network. Tune in for an empowering discussion on showing up authentically, making strategic career moves, and taking charge of your professional journey, no matter your starting point.

    Talking points are:

    • The importance of having a personal brand message
    • Why you need to have a career portfolio defined
    • Ways to exude executive presence to attract more leadership opportunities
    • Self-doubt often holds individuals back from achieving their goals.
    • Networking and mentorship are crucial for professional growth.
    • Women often face unique challenges in the workplace.
    • Negotiating work-life balance is vital for personal well-being
    • Defining your non-negotiables in your job
    • Authenticity in professional settings fosters trust and connection.
    • Career transitions require self-discovery and clarity.

    Enjoy & viel Spaß beim Zuhören! deine Melie.

    Connect mit Daniela



    Weitere Links für dich• Melde dich für die Warteliste für den Career Confidential Club• Meine Buch Empfehlung: “The Abundance Book” von John R. Price• Hier kommst du zu meinem Career Survey für Mama's • Spare dir Zeit und lass deinen PMG Personal Recruiter für dich arbeiten: Bewirb dich für mein Personal Recruiting-Programm• 8 Schritte zum Traumjob: So gelingt der Wiedereinstieg für Mütter• Falls du mir was Gutes tun magst, freu ich mich über eine 5* Review unter der Episode

    Connect mit mir




    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    33 mins