
  • Coming Soon: Murder in Boston
    Nov 27 2023
    1989 Boston. The crack epidemic is raging, the murder rate soaring, and white flight has taken hold. Charles Stuart and his pregnant wife, Carol, are carjacked, drawn deep into a dangerous “inner city” neighborhood, and allegedly shot by a Black man. All of Boston – and the nation – is gripped by the hunt for the suspect. What follows will reveal truths about the city... and ourselves. Presented by The Boston Globe and HBO Documentary Films, Murder in Boston: The Untold Story of the Charles and Carol Stuart Shooting is hosted by Adrian Walker who, along with a team of Pulitzer-winning investigative reporters, unveils explosive new findings and change the narrative of a story long cemented in the city’s lore. The HBO Documentary Series Murder in Boston: Roots, Rampage, and Reckoning is available to stream on Max starting December 4. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    4 mins
  • Episode 1: The Crime
    Dec 5 2023
    Charles Stuart dials 911 from his car phone. He’s lost somewhere in Boston and bleeding out. His pregnant wife, Carol, is in the seat next to him, with a gunshot wound to the head. This white couple from the suburbs was just carjacked upon leaving a birthing class at a hospital and drawn deep into Mission Hill. They are the epitome of the urban nightmare of the late 1980s. And their terror is captured on tape. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    40 mins
  • Episode 2: The Manhunt
    Dec 5 2023
    The shocking Stuart shooting incites a massive dragnet for a Black man in a striped track suit. Armed with “stop and frisk” powers, police tear through the Mission Hill neighborhood. Virtually every young Black male is a suspect. Boston is gripped by fear. Race, class, crime and punishment – the city's raw nerves are laid bare. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    38 mins
  • Episode 3: Boston's Backstory
    Dec 5 2023
    The shooting hits at the heart of Boston’s most bitter divisions and reopens a wound around race relations that was just beginning to heal. In 1974, the city was thrown into turmoil when a judge ordered the desegregation of Boston schools. Some parents revolted and attacked school buses carrying Black children. The Stuart shooting aftermath reignites unresolved anger and revives an ugly chapter of Boston's history. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    36 mins
  • Episode 4: The Suspect
    Dec 12 2023
    Boston police have spent 12 days searching for the suspect. They’ve stopped countless Black people in Mission Hill, all to no avail. But now, there’s a tip about a notorious man in the neighborhood who's been bragging about shooting the Stuarts. The whole story starts with a few teens smoking weed one afternoon and takes off from there. In this episode, hear never-released police interrogation tapes and meet the suspect: “Wild Bill.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    52 mins
  • Episode 5: The Camelot Couple
    Dec 12 2023
    For so long it was their story – and only their story – that got any attention. Charles and Carol Stuart. The media dubbed them “The Camelot Couple,” and they became the picture of domesticity and purity. White folks could see themselves in their car. The Stuarts were pretty, popular, and on the cusp of starting a family. But really, who were Charles and Carol? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    39 mins
  • Episode 6: The Mask Comes Off
    Dec 12 2023
    Everything you know, everything you’ve heard, is flipped on its head when one morning a man walks to the edge of the Tobin Bridge and steps off, falling 145 feet into the frigid waters below. The death sends waves of disbelief, rage, and guilt through Boston. And it forces everyone to examine themselves and the role they’ve played in a terrible hoax. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    44 mins
  • Episode 7: The Accomplice
    Dec 19 2023
    The main suspect might be dead, but this story is far from over. The long-told narrative – some kind of true-crime catnip – suggests the world was fooled by a master manipulator. But that’s not the case. More than 30 years later, Boston Globe investigative reporters dive into the case, unearth secret grand jury files, and obtain never-before-released recordings. The reporters find a conspiracy that was bigger than anybody knew and uncover evidence that suggests someone else may have pulled the trigger. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    50 mins