
  • FOR Our Community
    Oct 13 2024

    Join Pastor Ken and Mike as they present part 5 of the FOR series and talk about our values at NC and how we are FOR our community in the continued development of this amazing property that GOD has blessed us with. We want to take this gift and use it and develop it FOR the community.

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    36 mins
  • FOR His Kingdom
    Oct 6 2024

    Join Pastor Mike for this 4th installment of the series FOR.

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    30 mins
  • FOR Personal Growth
    Sep 29 2024

    Join Pastor Ken for this 3rd installment of FOR. This week he dives into Personal growth and letting God work through our head, to our heart, to our feet. The key is to Trust and Obey. He'll walk through the 5 steps: Teaching, Relationships, Unique sovereign circumstances, Silent Moments, and Transformational calling.

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    32 mins
  • FOR Jesus
    Sep 22 2024

    Worship is usually defined by an hour on Sunday morning. Or with an act of singing or listening to a sermon. God on the other hand chose to define worship for us relationally with his Son Jesus. In a stunning story… this relational lesson is displayed in a one to one experience with Jesus & woman who desperately needs healing in her soul. Join us as we learn the five principles of worship from the famous story “The Woman at the Well.”

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    32 mins
  • FOR One Another
    Sep 15 2024

    Loneliness is not good for your health! It can really weigh on you. You can be around people, busy at work with others & living in a busy community… but you can still be “lonely in a crowd.” God starts the Bible with talking about the importance of community. God created us because he loves us & wants to share His community with us. Join us Sunday as we learn what true “Christ Community” is all about.

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    31 mins
  • What New Community Looks Like
    Sep 8 2024

    When we are rushing out the door on a trip... we often rattle off last things on "The List." The author of Hebrews is doing the same thing making sure everything is said about life being "Just Jesus" before he says his goodbyes. Hebrews 13 is a fascinating reminder of what NewCommunity in Christ is all about. Join us as we end the book listening to the final advice about life being just about Jesus.

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    40 mins
  • A Life Rewarded
    Sep 1 2024

    Stephen R. Covey in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has as his second principle: "Begin with the end in mind." No chapter in the Bible reflects this value more than Hebrews chapter 12. This chapter is challenging, thought provoking insulting and sometime scary as to the vision of what the end of our life will be like. It has nothing to do with our salvation but everything to do with our inheritance. Come join us Sunday as we dive deep into what "A Life Rewarded" actually looks like.

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    35 mins
  • The Marathon of Life
    Aug 25 2024

    When we read about the amazing people of faith in the Bible, we often forget that those great recorded moments are only a small percentage of their lives. Most of the days of Jesus, Peter, Paul, Mary, Ruth and David were average and mundane. While the great faith stories for all of us are fast and furious... it's the day to day living that God often uses to test our spiritual faith. Come Sunday and learn how to become a better "marathon runner" and learn to endure the normal average days as well.

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    34 mins