
  • North Point of View: Mark Hall on Developing Business Relationships
    Jan 15 2025

    In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies discuss the importance of Developing Business Relationships.
    Excerpt, Mark Hall: A lot of what we do is simply building relationships, and the one of the things that we've been talking a lot about lately is being relational rather than transactional. A lot of things, you just you can't hurry, and if you try to, then it really reveals the intent. That is just 'get on with the transaction'. Whatever it is, at the end of the day, a long term relationship with somebody and to have a business history with somebody, you just spent time with them.

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    14 mins
  • North Point of View: 2025 Predictions
    Jan 8 2025

    In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies discuss their predictions for 2025.

    Excerpt: We as a market with 330 million people, but the real middle class is in Asia. It's in Africa and Latin America, other underdeveloped countries. That's where the 4 billion strong middle class is really centered. Apple is making phones in India. Tesla is also making cars in India. The future is India. India just opened a new container terminal to the south of Mama Shiva and they're improving the infrastructure, which was the other part of that Indian development. Folks don't bet against India.

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    18 mins
  • North Point of View: Artificial Intelligence
    Dec 18 2024


    Mark: About a month ago, we were investigating the context of some of the work we were doing in Africa with our with our nonprofit, I was talking with my daughter about a long range project of getting the background on every country on the continent of Africa in terms of political stability. I just threw it out there, let's gather this information maybe over the next couple of months. Well, the next morning, she sent me a report and she had used ChatGPT. Obviously there were gaps but the fact that we had a framework from which to work in a matter of minutes rather than months was amazing.

    Walter: But here's the scary part. What was missing in that report? You don't know exactly. There were things that you could see, and then there were things you couldn't see. Then some of the information was just inaccurate. But to get you started, man it's a great tool in that sense.

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    21 mins
  • North Point of View: 2024 Election
    Dec 10 2024

    In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies discuss the 2024 Election.

    Excerpts: Let's take a look at the Biden and we'll take a look at what it's likely to happen under Trump. Under Biden, we passed the IJA that was the Infrastructure Investment for Jobs Act, and then we passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which did the opposite. Under Biden, a lot of money got spent on infrastructure. Some of it was appropriately spent for national security reasons. This is not a pick on China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea. It just simply that during Covid, America was smacked in the head with the two by four with an important lesson. You cannot depend on the world economy to do what you want it to do. If Covid hits and you don't have enough masks and you don't have enough medical equipment, and the whole world has got Covid, if you snap your fingers, guess what the answer is? Get lost! And so we struggled.

    He failed to convince the consumer. There were other things that should have been invested in for manufacturing in the U.S. that didn't get done. So 60% of all that boom in construction, spending, construction and manufacturing was for EV and EV related stuff. Some of it's good, some of it was too much, and then the rest should have been for medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, other things. When the proverbial crap hits the fan. You can, use the Defense Procurement Act and tell American companies to make these things that we need because of a national emergency.

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    16 mins
  • North Point of View: 2024 Recap
    Dec 4 2024

    In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies did a recap for 2024.


    The economy's slowing down and everybody completely obsessed with the election, nobody made any moves last year or are very few.

    That's right. They didn't, and part of it is because we've got an awful lot of young and inexperienced people telling us what's going to happen in capital markets and, putting together their interest rate predictions and, seemingly unable to read a chart. Yeah, I'm slamming the guys on Wall Street and I'm slamming the guys in real estate into capital markets because, you know, really, this wasn't the year for amateur hour.

    #savannah #savannahrealestate #savannahga #wsj

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    13 mins
  • North Point of View: The Story of Two Canals
    May 16 2024

    In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies discuss the Panama and Suez Canal.


    Mark: Two months ago, it felt like we were in borderline panic. Panama canal dried up, and the Houthis have taken over the Suez Canal, and it was a major threat to the East Coast.

    Walter: The Houthi rebels received a lot of weaponry from Iran and they used the the weaponry to shoot at defenseless commercial ships. It's just an act of cowardice and stupidity. China made some kind of peace with the Houthis, and then the Houthis turned around and shot a Chinese container ship. They're pirates and they're not very smart pirates. In the very beginning, they shot a ship that had been leased by the Israelis. Then at the end of the of the year, it had been released to a Chinese entity. The Chinese were sailing it through the canal and the Houthis, took potshots at it. China is like, what the hell? We're not Israel, because the Houthis were only shooting at Israeli ships at the time. What happens is the database they were using on which ships are registered to whom you can read on the ship, the AIS signals. Well, there's AIS signals that come off the ships and you can go online to marinetraffic.com and you can see which ship it is. The problem is your ship registration database is old by about three months and so ooops.

    #savannah #savannahrealestate #savannahga #wsj #panamacanal #suezcanal

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    9 mins
  • North Point of View: Student Loans and a Four Year College Degree
    Feb 27 2024

    In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies discuss Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the failure of a four year college degree and student loans.

    Excerpt: Walter: Some months ago on one of our podcasts, I'd said to you that I felt that the student debt for a lot of students, not every student, but for certain students, it should be forgiven. They borrowed money because the college education was going to give them a higher income so that they could pay off the debt. But I think the vast majority of students, they got this education and they can't use it to make enough money to pay off the debt that they have.

    So the university system has effectively stolen money and wealth from kids who went to their colleges. It’s insidious the way universities and colleges do it. The students weren't properly trained. They weren't set up to have a career. The point of going to college was to get educated so you could do things. Now you go to college simply to get a diploma that says, I graduated from college.

    #savannah #savannahrealestate #savannahga #wsj #studentloandebt #studentloanforgiveness #collegedegree

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    17 mins
  • North Point of View: The Apology Tour: What Recession?
    Feb 20 2024

    In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies discuss the 2023 recession that never happen.


    Walter: I said, I don't think there was a recession. In fact, I think the 2023 recession was everywhere but in the data. But we don't have the last bit of data for the last two months. Right. Let's get him to come on. So he got up and the first thing he did was we have to apologize as there was no recession. So during the Q&A, I referred to it to him as being on the apology tour. So now everybody say no recession for this year (2024). That's the consensus view.

    Mark: The soft landing, which of course, when everybody says it, then that's when I get worried.

    #savannah #savannahrealestate #savannahga #wsj #recession2023 #recession #transportation #houthi #yemen

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    13 mins