
  • 70 Giant Kelp Forests can grow half a meter per year with Dr Scott Bennett
    May 15 2024
    Why are giant kelp forests so important to our ecosystems? What can we do to help protect them? Dr Scott Bennett shares his insights as one of the founders of the Great Southern Reef foundation and a Marine Scientist at the University of Tasmania.
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    9 mins
  • 70: You're living in a Kelp Country and do not even know it with Dr Aaron Eger
    Mar 26 2024
    Did you know we live in Kelp country? That you can eat all kelp? That Giant Kelp is the home to thousands of species yet 95% of the Giant Kelp Forests have gone missing in Tasmania. In this mini series featuring Tasmania's Giant Kelp, Dr Aaron Eger shares a snippet of his knowledge. We also now have a Youtube Channel!
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    8 mins
  • 69: Great White Shark Life and Death with Doctor Heather Bowlby
    Jan 4 2023
    Great White Sharks have gripped the pop culture mindset since the release of JAWS. Now they're the most feared and revered apex predators in our ocean. Doctor Heather Bowlby has been studying Great White Shark life cycles, mortality, and populations in Canada for the past several years. What is a Great White Shark Lifeline? What are the Mortality rates? How do we study Great White Sharks? Why are they crucial to our ocean ecosystems.
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    38 mins
  • 68 First Coral Spawning from Outplanted Corals by Reef Restoration Foundation
    Nov 16 2022
    Growing coral from fragments to mature corals that are reproductively viable is one of the core missions of Reef Restoration Foundation. How do they choose what corals they will grow in their nurseries? How do they know where to outplant them? How can people join in and contribute? Ryan, the CEO of Reef Restoration Foundation joins us for a special episode to discuss the first-ever coral spawning on the Great Barrier Reef from corals that have been grown and outplanted by Reef Restoration Foundation. Building resilience on our reefs to protect them from future bleaching events is one of the key goals of RFF.
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    35 mins
  • 67 How Ocean Plastic Recovery is an on going battle with Honest Ocean
    Nov 2 2022
    What makes someone passionate about removing plastic from our production chains? Is it possible to create sustainable alternatives to plastic? Why is plastic so ubiquitous in our world? How do different countries deal with plastic? Are we really recycling it? These are just some of the many questions Katt from Ocean Pancake and Tom from Honest Ocean discuss in todays episode. The Ocean Plastic Recovery has a long way to go, but Honest Oceans is dedicated in creating a cyclical industry with more transparency in consumer products. Removing Ocean Plastic from the sea is really hard, and Tom explains all the costs and steps to cleaning up our seas.
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    42 mins
  • 66 How to Become a Scientific Illustrator with Janavi Kramer
    Sep 12 2022
    How is scientific illustration different from creative art? What animal in the ocean is the most inspirational for artists? How to become a scientific illustrator with Janavi Kramer? How does someone become an ocean storyteller? How does art help up protect our oceans?
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    38 mins
  • 65 Why is Coral Restoration crucial Patricia Zwolinski?
    Aug 17 2022
    Why are coral reefs so crucial to the health of our planet? How does coral restoration help remote communities? What are the problems facing our reefs? What is being done to protect and bring back healthy reefs? In this episode of Ocean Pancake Podcast, Patricia Zwolinski is a Master's student and an eager ocean conservationist chats about all things coral reefs in the Philippines and Florida. Patricia believes in education and collaborating between different individuals to strengthen our understanding and connection with the ocean. Learn all about NGOs and how outreach can help our world's marine systems.
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    36 mins
  • 64 All About Aquarium diving with Fully Submerged
    Aug 3 2022
    How does Tiktok help with marine conservation? How can creating connections with our audience help bring people to scuba diving? How does someone get involved in Aquarium aquaculture? Are Aquariums a positive thing for conservation? How Olivia from Fully Submerged joins the Ocean Pancake Podcast to share her experience as an Aquarium Safety Diver and a Staff Instructor. Katt and Olivia chat about all things instructor life, what it's like quitting the dive industry and scuba diving for fun.
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    36 mins