• Episode 9 - Breaking Down The Game: Chipping
    Aug 11 2023

    Blake and Bobby extend their original 3 part series and make it a 4 part series by discussing chipping. They decided to talk about chipping because they realized over the course of recording past episodes, chipping can be an aspect that can drastically drop strokes from your overall score if done right. They talk more about the value as well as providing their favorite ways to practice it. Blake gives his input by talking about his favorite way to practice chipping through high school and Bobby discusses what he saw in Blake's practice. They also supply some bonus content at the end where Blake breaks down the importance of lies. Bobby's bonus content was discussing how to hit different shots around the green and what to do in your set up to execute those shots. 

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    25 mins
  • Episode 8 - Breaking Down The Game: Driver
    Aug 4 2023

    This episode is a continuation of the short series that Blake and Bobby created after there viewing of the US open. This episode's main focus is about tee shots and how much value they have as well as how to practice them and track progress. They also talk about the mental side of tee shots and even supply some bonus content about distance and smarter decisions. 

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    28 mins
  • Episode 7 - Breaking Down The Game: Irons & Wedges
    Jul 21 2023

    Blake and Bobby continue their 3 part series started and instead of breaking down the putting aspect of golf, they look at iron play. They address the value of iron play and the best way to practice it. They also provide percentages and  to help give an outlook on how important each aspect is and how much time you should be spending when practicing. Finally, they provide ways to track your progress and how to make sure you are seeing improvement. 

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    28 mins
  • Episode 6 - Breaking Down The Game: Putting
    Jun 23 2023

    In this episode, Blake and Bobby want to break down the game of golf to hopefully make the ever so complicated game a bit easier for listeners. They specifically break down putting in this episode. They talk about the value of putting by providing percentages and real life examples. They also talk about how to practice putting by telling listeners what they should work on and providing drills to do so. Finally, they talk about the best ways to track your progress so you can see improvement. 

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    33 mins
  • Episode 5 - US Open Recap
    Jun 20 2023

    With having the amazing opportunity to go watch 3 days of golf at the US Open, Blake and Bobby wanted to share their experience in this episode and talk about the things that made it so great. They talk about how scary some of the holes looked at Los Angles Country Club, how thick that US Open rough truly is, how hilly the course actually is and how TV does not do it justice. They also share their thoughts on some of the controversy regarding the venue as well as some things they learned while watching the pros. Tune in now to hear more!

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    22 mins
  • Episode 4 - Everything About Drills
    Jun 9 2023

    In this episode, Blake and Bobby take a deeper look into practice and talk about drills. They talk about everything you need to know about drills like what to expect from drills, the reality of drills and the best way to do drills. They also discuss different types of drills and break them up into different categories than provide some examples for listeners to do themselves. Tune in now to hear more! 

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    31 mins
  • Episode 3 - How To Practice
    Jun 2 2023

    In this episode, Blake and Bobby discuss how Blake practiced in the main 3 stages of his golf career and the things he had to do to get better. They talk about what the more important aspects of golf are to practice and when in your career you should do so. They also talk about how Blake's practice went from just banging a bucket of balls on the range to using tools, training aids, taking video and many more things that helped get him to the next level. 

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    34 mins
  • Episode 2 - The Drive, Chip & Putt
    May 26 2023

    In this episode, Blake and Bobby talk about the Drive, Chip and Putt. They talk about Blake's experience and even talk about what it did for Blake in the long run. They also talk about the best way to practice for it before the day comes and then what to do on the day of the competition. Finally, they also talk about the details of the competition such as rules, locations, points and when it's your turn. Tune in often to listen to One More Bucket, hopefully as you drive to the range to hit one more bucket! 

    Locations can be found here: https://www.drivechipandputt.com/qualifying-locations

    Rules can be found here: https://www.drivechipandputt.com/rules-and-regulations

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    25 mins