
  • [046] How to Cultivate Self-Awareness for a Thriving Life with Jennifer Lyall
    Aug 26 2021
    Yet we very often put ourselves last on the list. We don't check how we are, we just go on with our everyday routine and very often keep pushing even if our body is telling us that we'd better take a break.

    When we are aware of our energy and take the necessary steps to shift it when we realize it is low, we show up differently in life, we stay longer in a "flow state", we become happier, healthier and more prosperous.

    This is the topic of today's episode with Jennifer Lyall.

    This is what we cover in today’s episode:

    - The importance of becoming aware of your own energy
    - Feeling overwhelmed: a sign you are not aligned with your life vision
    - How to understand the opportunities that are a good match with your vision
    - How to understand when you aligned with your vision
    - How to shift your energy to bring it back into alignment
    - Pushing yourself is not productive
    - How to understand your body's messages and be sure you are not ignoring them
    - Cultivating self awareness is about checking with yourself before taking action
    - Self-care vs self-awareness
    - Navigating difficult times
    - The energy of prosperity
    - Jennifer's energy check-in process

    You can access the show notes of this episode here: https://www.thebridgecenter.net/046prosperityonair
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    50 mins
  • [045] [045] Reiki, Energy and Spirituality Conversation with Tina Eloise
    Aug 10 2021
    Reiki, energy and spirituality in everyday life: this is my recipe for living this life fully, connected to the natural rhythms of life and for creating what I desire.

    Scientists have proven and continue to prove that we are energy beings and that everything starts at the energy level: both what we want and what we don't want. There are thousands of studies that provide data and evidence about that.

    Becoming aware of our energy and learning how to balance and direct our energy towards what we want in life is not only necessary: it's the key and gateway to know who we really are and to own our power to live a joyful and fulfilling life. 
    This is what spirituality is about and Reiki is the spiritual path that my guest in today's episode, Tina Eloise, and I have chosen.

    This is what we cover in today’s episode:

    - Reiki as a spiritual path. How Tina met Reiki
    - Everything happens fist at the energy level
    - Energy healing and mental health in challenging times
    - Success starts within you and how taking care of your energy helps you to achieve the success you desire
    - Spirituality: a journey of self realisation and healing
    - The Reiki precepts: a practical guidance to go about life and to ground yourself
    - Energy healing has no time and physical constraints: we are all energetically connected
    - What “healing” really means: becoming whole and complete

    To access the show notes of this episode, visit the link: https://www.thebridgecenter.net/045prosperityonair
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    46 mins
  • [044] Practical Spirituality In Your Everyday Life with Bodhini
    Jul 16 2021
    In today's episode we focus exactly on the practical aspects of spirituality, on what you do every day to connect with and express your true nature, strengthen your subtle energy body and  live a joyful and fullfilling life.

    My guest today is Bodhini, a meditation and yoga teacher with a strong, heartfelt commitment to inspiring others to find peace and meaning in life through self-exploration and learning how to understand and integrate ancient wisdom and spiritual practices into our chaotic, modern lives.

    Bodhini lives in Hertfordshire, U.K and has been dedicated to her own personal and spiritual development since she began practicing meditation 25 years ago at the age of fifteen.

    This is what we cover in today's episode:

    This is what we cover in today’s episode:

    - Re-connecting to your true nature and expressing it
    - Loving ourselves also when we are shaken up
    - How meditation helps you distinguish your energy from the energy of the people around you
    - The importance of meditation in strengthening your subtle energy body
    - How compassion helps you to put yourself in somebody else's shoes and explore their feelings and views
    - The luxury of contemplation time
    - The importance of rest as a spiritual practice
    - Making spirituality practical in everyday life
    - The importance of a community to walk your spiritual path
    - A gift from Bodhini: a beautiful meditation at 0:25:47;16

    You can access this episode's show notes here: https://www.thebridgecenter.net/044prosperityonair
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    39 mins
  • [043] Leadership and Sustainability: A Necessary Combination to Bring About Innovation and Change
    Jun 5 2021
    Sustainability: how many times a day do we hear this term? Sustainable environment, sustainable project, sustainable intervention.... but what exactly does sustainability mean? And for sustainability to happen, we need leaders who can manage and preserve it, and who have specific skills.

    This is the topic of today's episode of the ProsperityOnAir podcast, together with a great professional with whom I have the pleasure of collaborating, Irene Magistro.

    This is what we cover in today's episode:

    - What sustainability means for a leader
    - The 4 Ps of sustainable business: Purpose, People, Planet, Profit
    - Developing a sustainable leader starts with the person and the impact she will have on the community.
    - 3 core skills of a sustainable leader: sustainability mindset, system thinking, relationship building
    - Sustainability requires a team
    - Community vs. going solo
    - The "Leadership for Change" program: what it is and who it is for
    - Another of Irene's valuable contributions to sustainability: a book coming out soon

    You can listen to the episode and access the show notes here: https://www.thebridgecenter.net/043prosperityonair
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    27 mins
  • [042]How to Unleash the Energy of Words with Debora Luzi
    May 21 2021
    Word have a powerful energy indeed and I am so happy and honoured to have back on the podcast Debora Luzi, an author, writing mentor and word lover. Debora was my guest in episode 22 where we spoke about combining your intuition with strategy for the success of your business.

    Here’s what we will cover in today’s episode:

    - Power of words: the ultimate expression of what we are feeling
    - How words allow us to release conditions inside us
    - Why it is very common to have blocked energy in your throat chakra
    - I am: the two most powerful words
    - The often missed journaling tool
    - How to harness the power of words in your professional life and business
    - Owning your energy and who you are
    - Letting your intuition guide you to attract the right audience
    - How to let your energy be expressed through your words
    - Debora's book

    To access the show notes of this episode and know more about Debora Luzi, visit the link: https://www.thebridgecenter.net/042prosperityonair
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    55 mins
  • [041]The Gentle Marketing Revolution with Sarah Santacroce
    May 13 2021
    Gentle marketing is feasible and effective and you don't feel like you are selling at all, rather you focus on serving your clients in the best possible way.

    When I learned that Sarah Santacroce was about to publish her book "The Gentle Marketing Revolution", I bought it immediately. I've known Sarah for quite some time and I was sure her book would be exactly what I and many other entrepreneurs would need to finally give ourselves permission to market in a way that is more aligned with what we are and feel good about it!

    Here’s what we will cover in today’s episode:

    - What is wrong with traditional marketing
    - Why a gentler marketing really works
    - Some examples of ‘Hype’ Marketing and how to turn them into gentle marketing
    - How to bring more empathy to the business world
    - Why introverts struggle more with self-promotion?
    - Sara's version of the 7 Ps of Marketing
    - The 3 phases of gentle marketing
    - "The Gentle Marketing Revolution" book
    - Sarah's book launch campaign on Kikstarter

    To access the show notes of this episode, visit: https://www.thebridgecenter.net/041prosperityonair
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    40 mins
  • [040] Slowing Down For Your Health and Wellbeing
    May 7 2021
    Slowing down? I cannot, I have so many things to do every day and I only have 24 hours. This is most of my clients' first reaction when I suggest them to slow down.

    Gandhi once said, "There is more to life than increasing its speed." However, today life seems to be all about speed. Whether we are making a meal, going to the gym, driving your kids to school or even visiting your doctor, life moves so quickly, that you risk to sacrifice enjoyment for efficiency.

    Luckily science shows us that sometimes it's better to slow down with remarkable benefits on you health, wellbeing, but also on your productivity, efficiency, clarity of mind.

    Here's what we cover in today's episode:
    - what forced me to take seriously stock of my lifestyle and slow down
    - what scientific research has found about the benefits of taking downtime moments
    - what I have implemented in my life and business to make sure I slow down
    some suggested reading

    Click on the link to access the show notes of today's episode: https://www.thebridgecenter.net/040prosperityonair
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    29 mins
  • [039] Leading from the Heart with Tanja Bogataj
    Apr 29 2021
    In our western culture, the image of the heart is mainly associated with kindness, emotions, maybe weakness. However, the heart is also a strong and powerful force of life.

    How to be a heart-centered leader is the topic of today's episode with my friend, Leadership and Transformational Coach and Consultant, Tanja Bogataj.

    Here is what we've covered in our time together:

    - what being able to lead from the heart means;
    - the importance of devoting time to know yourself to better interact with others;
    - being present to lead from the heart;
    - leadership and vulnerability;
    - leadership and spirituality;
    - leading multicultural teams so that diversity is a value enriching the team;
    - the importance for a leader to be open to learn;
    - Tanja's suggestions for leaders who want to start leading more from their heart.

    To access the show notes of this episode, visit: https://www.thebridgecenter.net/039prosperityonair
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    39 mins