• Revival Starts Here // Participation
    Oct 13 2024

    God longs to bring Revival in His Church today. We are on the precipice of Great Spiritual Awakening in our nation. And, these Spiritual Awakenings have always started with Revival in God’s Church. Revivals occur when God’s people become fully devoted to His heart and mission. So often, we drift from the things of God and find ourselves devoted to the things of this world. Yet, God is constantly drawing us back to Himself. When the people of God become fully devoted to Him get ready, Revival will come. And, Revival will impact our lives, but also our nation and world. Come, Jesus, Come. Revival starts here.

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    36 mins
  • Revival Starts Here // Power
    40 mins
  • Missions Sunday
    Sep 29 2024

    As Christians (which means, “little Christ”), we have a call to be involved in missions. Sometimes we think missions is only for certain people, but Jesus actually calls all His disciples to the Great Commission and to be missionaries. Sharing our faith with others, praying for others, and serving others in the Name of Jesus is at the heart of the Gospel message and ministry. There are so many needs in our world and we can’t possibly do everything, but we can all do something. How will you be involved in Jesus’ call to missions?

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    40 mins
  • Faith Works: The Book of James // How to Be Rich
    Sep 22 2024

    The Book of James is so practical in how we live out our faith in Jesus. In James 5, he points out that our faith is seen in how we use our money, our suffering, and our prayers. As Christ-followers, these three areas should look different from the world - how we invest our money, how we are patient in our sufferings, and how we pray. May we be people who grow deeper and stronger in our faith. Let’s mature in our love and faith in Jesus.

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    35 mins
  • Faith Works: The Book of James // Submit Yourselves to God
    Sep 15 2024

    So why should we be faithful to God? Why choose friendship with Him over the world? Because God chose to enter into a relationship with us, fully knowing we would betray Him. Even after all the times we’ve walked away, made mistakes or said things we regret, God remains faithful.

    God chose to send His Son, Jesus, to redeem what was already His. We were created in His image, but sin had taken us away. So, what did God do? He bought us back from sin and slavery with the blood of His Son. Jesus paid the price for our redemption. And, when you understand all that God has done for you through Christ, the pull of the world loses its appeal.

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    34 mins
  • Faith Works: The Book of James // Taming the Tongue
    Sep 8 2024

    We have all been impacted by words. Words are powerful. James talks about the impact of words on our lives and others. We all carry hope and wounds from words said to us by a parent, coach, teacher or friend. And, at the same time, we too have the power to build up and destroy others with our words. James calls to us to live out our faith with our words. How we use our words - what we say, post, write and more - matters. As a disciple of Jesus, do our words reflect Christ? Have you declared Jesus with your mouth, and have you professed Him with your life?

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    36 mins
  • Faith Works: The Book of James // Faith & Deeds
    Sep 1 2024

    Salvation only comes through faith in Jesus. It is Jesus who saves a person. It is not about what we do, it is about what He has done. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and then conquered death so we can have eternity with God. However, James will say that “faith without works is dead.” While works do not save us, our good works for Jesus are the evidence of our faith. Can people look at your life and see your faith in Jesus? Behavior always follows belief. Are we living out our faith in Jesus? Let’s renew our commitment to Jesus today and live every day for Him.

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    36 mins
  • Faith Works: The Book of James // Favoritism Forbidden
    Aug 25 2024

    Favoritism has always been a problem for God’s people. Even in the Old Testament, there was dysfunction in families because of prejudice and favoritism. Favoritism is still a problem for Christians today. However, James calls believers in Jesus not to show favoritism but to live by a higher standard - love. How can we love others this week? Let’s start at home with our spouse, children, and/or roommates, and then love the people in our church, school, and work. Let’s show mercy and not judge. Let’s love others like God loves us. Spiritual maturity is measured in love.

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    37 mins