• An Awakening After An Awakening #91
    Aug 21 2024
    Shared from my personal Substack website I continue the unwinding journey of writing out my experiences. I wrote this piece in December of 2023 after some revelations appeared in my life I wanted to not only share with the public but record for my future self. Thank you for listening. “Is anybody ever really awake? Just beneath the skin, always reminded You can only live so long as a fake Time is wearing thin, let our love begin” Incubus-Our Love I’m wondering how many times I can reintroduce myself and my beliefs as I stagger through this shift I was gifted with almost 5 years ago. Coming from a background in church benches, summer bible school and rolling on a bike in a humble small town all the way out to a small family farm I must admit to you on this platform if I never directly experienced a “Spiritual Awakening” I do not know if i would ever be able to comprehend the depth of change it can invoke in someone. I am not sure if I didn’t have this very personal experience that I would be writing this post to you today. I’ve been trying to make sense of what happened to me two weeks before my wedding. I’ve been a lover of Jesus since I was a child but could never subscribe to the boxed in teaching that so many church benches were trying to show me. It’s not that I didn’t believe in his story I just thought so much was missing in the story. I believe there is an ignorance that has been cast into modern day religions and the day I dropped out of college I vowed I would access the world as my school to find the answers I was searching for. Right before I dropped out I had my class list in my hand and I had signed up for a World Religions class. I had just experienced a expansion of perspective in a sociology class and was hooked to learn more of what was out there on the Spectrum on God. My first day of sociology class our professor opened the classroom up with a movie scene discussion and stated if you can prove the physical existence of God to me now in this classroom, in my hand, you have an A for the rest of the semester. My mind was frantically searching for the answer to the A I deeply yearned for in the academic realm. I was never an honor roll student; the school formats were a struggle for me to say the least. I enjoyed the world of music and poetry. Everything else seemed so out of touch for me. So, as I sat in my college classroom astounded, I had made it to college I was enamored with finding the answer. So many students replied with “Faith” as the proof of God. He reminded them he needed physical proof of God in his hand for their argument to be made. I was determined to answer the question, but my mind was blank with delivering the correct answer. I wanted so badly to dig back into the banks of my mind and be victorious in handing over God to my professor and solving the mystery for everyone. Instead of being discouraged I was not able to solve the biggest question in life I sat back and listened to the girl in front of me argue a valid point that still sticks with me to this very day. She said, “isn’t physically explaining the existence of God like trying to physically explain love? All of us have experienced love in some capacity but none of us can physically prove it is there. I cannot physically place love in your hand but I know it is real based on my personal experience with it.” The classroom went silent and the teacher I believe was also taken back by her answer. Although she did not physically prove it and put it in his hand she did bring up the profound correlation between God ( the highest, ultimate creator of all that exists) and love. It left me hungry for more answers and I was determined to pass that class and enter into the world religions class full speed ahead with deep diving into all the ways I and others choose to connect with the Divine. As i threw my class schedule in the trash and walked off the campus I looked up at the sky and said I don’t know what the plan is here but I am going to go out there and search for what I am looking for. Fast forward another year or so I find myself in a thrift store in a small town holding a book on world religions and gasping in remembrance that my quest to find any and all knowledge of the interpretation of God was still alive in me. Having a Christian background, you are taught that anything outside of Christianity and Jesus Christ is not the way to salvation and most paths are laced with demons and poisons to knock you off your eternal path leading you back home. On the other hand, you are also taught that God loves you more than anything, more than you can understand and if you repent, change your ways while allowing him in your heart the holy spirit will wash over you and you shall be saved. That was my favorite part of the faith. That although the humans around were not as quick at forgiveness as your creator, salvation could still be yours. My problem I found cropping up was ...
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    30 mins
  • Anxiety Free Living w/ Megan Nolan #90
    Aug 21 2024

    As a personal trainer and yoga instructor for over 19 years I believe that Yoga provides a foundational toolset for lifelong health and wellness.

    I have found in my 21 years of practicing Yoga that my experience has evolved from one of focusing just on the physical aspects of the practice to a deeper understanding of who I am and who I want to be.

    Which is why I'm SO passionate about helping you put these life changing tools to use in your life too! By doing so not only will you get feel incredible but you'll be able to get everything done and still have time and energy to enjoy your life.

    I share more about this in my best selling book: The Warrior's Journey and in many of the speaking engagements I do!

    Connect with Megan:

    A Yoga Revolution by MEGAN NOLAN (megan-nolan.com)

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    49 mins
  • Kim Barder- The "I AM" Presence #89
    Jul 26 2024

    Kim Barder Shines as an accomplished author, poet, and intuitive healer. She embodies the essence of a pure, clear channel for the divine. Aligned with her “I AM presence,” she wholeheartedly serves the light, connecting with the Ascended and Angelic hosts, as well as the Ascended Cosmic Beings of infinite love and light. Her literary journey recently flourished with the unveiling of “Now, I AM,” a profound exploration of insights. Currently immersed in the creation of the enlightening series “Making the Call,” Kim simplifies Mastery with accessible invocations and affirmations, accompanied by clear explanations, empowering readers on their spiritual journey.

    Buy The Book: Kim Barder

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • AJ Parr- Spiritual Journalist NDE #88
    Jul 19 2024

    AJ Parr is a Spiritual Journalist hosting a YouTube channel dedicating to proving the existence of life after death. He has published accounts on many Near Death Experiences and comes on today to tell what inspired his journey into the afterlife.

    Connect with AJ Parr:


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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • Everyday Home Remedies for Body and Mind #87
    Jul 12 2024

    This episode explores everyday home remedies you can try on yourself to help your body flourish naturally. Most ingredients are already available in your home. So, dive into this episode and try out some of these mother nature recipes for your skin!

    If you like this content, consider leaving a 5 star review and sharing with a friend.

    Love you guys

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    23 mins
  • Dis-Ease in the Body #86
    Jul 5 2024
    The concept of "dis-ease" in the body, particularly in the context of energy and metaphysical perspectives, suggests that physical illnesses may be manifestations of underlying energetic imbalances, emotional disturbances, or psychological stressors. Here’s an explanation of this idea: Dis-Ease and Energy Dis-Ease Definition: The term "dis-ease" is a play on words indicating a lack of ease or harmony in the body, mind, or spirit. It implies that physical illness might not just be a result of physical factors but also emotional, mental, or spiritual ones.Energy Flow: In various holistic and alternative medicine traditions, it's believed that the body is composed of energy fields or life force energy (e.g., qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine, prana in Ayurveda). These energies need to flow freely for optimal health. Energy Imbalances and Physical Illness Blockages and Stagnation: When the flow of energy is blocked or becomes stagnant due to emotional stress, unresolved trauma, negative thoughts, or spiritual disconnection, it can manifest as physical symptoms or illnesses.Chakras and Meridians: Systems like the chakra system in Hinduism or the meridian system in Chinese medicine describe specific pathways and centers of energy. Imbalances in these systems are thought to contribute to physical ailments. Psychosomatic Connection Mind-Body Connection: The mind-body connection emphasizes that mental and emotional states can affect physical health. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression can weaken the immune system, leading to various illnesses.Emotional Processing: Unprocessed emotions, such as anger, grief, or fear, can manifest physically. For example, chronic stress might lead to tension headaches or digestive issues. Spiritual and Metaphysical Perspectives Spiritual Lessons: Some metaphysical viewpoints suggest that physical illnesses can serve as lessons or messages from the body or higher self, indicating areas of life that need attention or healing.Holistic Healing: Healing from this perspective often involves addressing the root cause of the dis-ease, which may include emotional release, energy healing practices (such as Reiki or acupuncture), meditation, and spiritual practices. Practical Approaches Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices that promote mindfulness and stress reduction can help restore balance and promote healing.Energy Healing: Techniques such as Reiki, acupuncture, and qi gong aim to restore the natural flow of energy in the body.Emotional Release: Therapy, journaling, and expressive arts can help process and release pent-up emotions.Holistic Health Practices: Integrating physical care (like nutrition and exercise) with emotional and spiritual care for a comprehensive approach to health.Opening Your Mind To More Than Mainstream While the concept of dis-ease and energy imbalances is not widely accepted in mainstream medicine, many people find value in these perspectives as part of a holistic approach to health. Integrating these ideas with conventional medical care can provide a more comprehensive understanding of health and well-being. Keep in Touch with all of The Adventures Safe Space with Cheyenne Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5W7zl2R8XggkQbZGztDOY7?si=d84fbd2aa03f44a6 Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SSWC Linktree: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_header&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkpROGtVX01pZE1LZk84WnNRMEtScjhzYWVYd3xBQ3Jtc0tuc3c5Z0ZGOVpuQ1NZVGtvaEd3YUJhMkNLc3VzdkZCMXRaRVZfWmFXZkJtaWNRMV9jVDJaT21LVVVkTHdPTVB5MzJRNXVjSmwtbTVNRFVGV2VFbEc1RHNQR0c1UC1zUGw4aVhCellLUXBscXV0X0d4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fsafespacewithcheyenne Theme song is "Destiny" by Neovaii off the album “Twilight” https://open.spotify.com/track/1BeOgcUxyLBxZv3UolrlGq?si=2e2d49d216924d25 TODAY'S MUSIC sponsored by Vitality Xposed Performance Photography www.vitalityxposed.com Sharing: Neovaii Please download and share. Thank you for listening. I love you All. Spotify Playlist “SSWC Season 1 Music” https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lqywuSXqbpbsdu16kC6hq?si=bz0Z9GypRuKOX2PEvmRvdw Say hello to our partners at Hooser Media Network - They are “The Future of Media” providing access to numerous podcast programs discussing a variety of topics, interests, and discussions to fulfill the needs of any listener with any different interest! We work to give you the best in streaming content on multiple video and audio platforms. Sponsor the Safe Space Movement: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com Promote your products on the show: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com BE A GUEST ON THE SHOW: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com Vitality Xposed Concert Photography www.vitalityxposed.com https://instagram.com/vitalityxposed?utm_medium=copy_link Don't you miss the shows? the feeling of music flowing through your body as you sway in front of your favorite artists? Vitality Xposed is here to bring the concert feels to your living room...
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    40 mins
  • Dr. Lisa Thompson: Galactic Ambassador and Channeler #85
    Jun 28 2024
    Lisa Thompson supports and empower people to intentionally design their best life by living from their yes, so they can embrace self-love, trust their intuition, and gracefully move forward through their fears to take inspired action to live a life they love. ​ As a Galactic Ambassador and Channeler, I help you find your place in the cosmos and to remember who and what you truly are and where you come from. I am an Evolutionary Biologist who understands the embodiment of the ancient DNA within humans and guides you in the intergalactic realm. ​ With Galactic Ascension Channeling, I help you to remove the energetic, emotional, and physical trauma that is stuck in your body for optimal healing using a variety of modalities. ​ With Past/Parallel Life Regression, I help you to reveal and heal blockages and limitations holding you back from achieving all that you desire. I guide you to access hidden talents, skills, and abilities. I connect you with your galactic and spirit guides, angels, and loved ones. ​ Whether you need support in Love, Business, Life, or your Soul Journey, I provide the tools and experience to guide you. Come take my hand, and let's move you forward, step by step. It's time to CHOOSE YOU! Connect with Dr. Lisa Thompson: Destination Retreats | Dr. Lisa Thompson (mysticmanta.com) Keep in Touch with all of The Adventures Safe Space with Cheyenne Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5W7zl2R8XggkQbZGztDOY7?si=d84fbd2aa03f44a6 Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SSWC Linktree: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_header&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkpROGtVX01pZE1LZk84WnNRMEtScjhzYWVYd3xBQ3Jtc0tuc3c5Z0ZGOVpuQ1NZVGtvaEd3YUJhMkNLc3VzdkZCMXRaRVZfWmFXZkJtaWNRMV9jVDJaT21LVVVkTHdPTVB5MzJRNXVjSmwtbTVNRFVGV2VFbEc1RHNQR0c1UC1zUGw4aVhCellLUXBscXV0X0d4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fsafespacewithcheyenne Theme song is "Destiny" by Neovaii off the album “Twilight” https://open.spotify.com/track/1BeOgcUxyLBxZv3UolrlGq?si=2e2d49d216924d25 TODAY'S MUSIC sponsored by Vitality Xposed Performance Photography www.vitalityxposed.com Sharing: Daggers - Neovaii Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/05i2YhnMAiV2hNTuWuAbZ7?si=c8329ba21e384387 Please download and share. Thank you for listening. I love you All. Spotify Playlist “SSWC Season 1 Music” https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2lqywuSXqbpbsdu16kC6hq?si=bz0Z9GypRuKOX2PEvmRvdw Say hello to our partners at Hooser Media Network - They are “The Future of Media "providing access to numerous podcast programs discussing a variety of topics, interests, and discussions to fulfill the needs of any listener with any different interest! We work to give you the best in streaming content on multiple video and audio platforms. Sponsor the Safe Space Movement: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com Promote your products on the show: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com BE A GUEST ON THE SHOW: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com Vitality Xposed Concert Photography www.vitalityxposed.com https://instagram.com/vitalityxposed?utm_medium=copy_link Don't you miss the shows? the feeling of music flowing through your body as you sway in front of your favorite artists? Vitality Xposed is here to bring the concert feels to your living room or wherever you are - with professional grade shots of your favorite artists and true front row gratitude. Head on over to her Instagram and fall in love with every performer she shares. We love you Kellie thank you for all you do for the music and the arts community :)
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Sex & Spirit Alchemist of the Feminine Led Life w/ Lorna Gale #84
    Jun 21 2024

    Lorna Gale is a visionary Somatic Sexologist , Award- Winning Speaker and Sex & Spirit Alchemist of the Feminine led life. She specializes in reconnecting individuals with their sacred space. Guiding you to foster a deeper connection with your inner wisdom, creativity, and strength. Lorna Gale shares her personal story of her sexual awakening

    along with practical guidance on how to awaken and honor this powerful energy within you, leading to a more balanced, intuitive, and fulfilling existence.

    As the host of “Reclaiming Eden” Lorna brings a community together on erotically alive sex education as a support for Women to reclaim their sacred power, sexuality and leadership so they can live in the fullness of their feminine purpose and pleasure.

    Whether you're seeking to heal, grow, or simply reconnect with your true self, this conversation offers invaluable tools and inspiration. Tune in and embark on a transformative journey back to your sacred space.

    Keep in Touch with all of The Adventures

    Safe Space with Cheyenne Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5W7zl2R8XggkQbZGztDOY7?si=d84fbd2aa03f44a6

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SSWC

    Linktree: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_header&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkpROGtVX01pZE1LZk84WnNRMEtScjhzYWVYd3xBQ3Jtc0tuc3c5Z0ZGOVpuQ1NZVGtvaEd3YUJhMkNLc3VzdkZCMXRaRVZfWmFXZkJtaWNRMV9jVDJaT21LVVVkTHdPTVB5MzJRNXVjSmwtbTVNRFVGV2VFbEc1RHNQR0c1UC1zUGw4aVhCellLUXBscXV0X0d4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fsafespacewithcheyenne

    Theme song is "Destiny" by Neovaii off the album “Twilight”


    TODAY'S MUSIC sponsored by Vitality Xposed Performance Photography


    Sharing: Neovaii

    Please download and share.

    Thank you for listening. I love you All.

    Spotify Playlist

    “SSWC Season 1 Music”


    Say hello to our partners at Hooser Media Network - They are “The Future of Media”

    providing access to numerous podcast programs discussing a variety of topics, interests, and discussions to fulfill the needs of any listener with any different interest! We work to give you the best in streaming content on multiple video and audio platforms.

    Sponsor the Safe Space Movement: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com

    Promote your products on the show: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com

    BE A GUEST ON THE SHOW: safespacewithcheyenne@gmail.com

    Vitality Xposed Concert Photography



    Don't you miss the shows? the feeling of music flowing through your body as you sway in front of your favorite artists? Vitality Xposed is here to bring the concert feels to your living room or wherever you are - with professional grade shots of your favorite artists and true front row gratitude. Head on over to her Instagram and fall in love with every performer she shares. We love you Kellie thank you for all you do for the music and the arts community :)

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    52 mins