
  • The Hour is Near
    Jan 14 2025

    In Romans thirteen eleven (13:11), Paul tells us, “Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed.”

    Well, what does he mean when he says, “do this?” In order to know that, we have to go back a few verses to where Paul exhorts the Christians of the church to love one another and to love their neighbors. He calls them to faithfulness and to serving fellow believers and their communities. Truly, we find ourselves in days where commitment to God at that level may cost us something.

    But I want to encourage you today—it is worth it. When you choose to love others by sharing the Gospel with them, you see more lives changed to God’s glory. And the day when Christ returns is coming more quickly than we think. So let’s be faithful to share God’s love with others.


    ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.

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    1 min
  • The Time of God's Favour
    Jan 13 2025

    The Apostle Paul quotes in second Corinthians six two (6:2) these words from Isaiah, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” Paul continues by saying, “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” And I would say the same to you today!

    We do not know the time that we have. We are not promised tomorrow. So today is the day to share the best news another person can hear—and that is salvation through Jesus. If you think about your own life, there was a day, an hour, a second that you may have made that decision yourself, and Jesus became your Savior and Lord. Today could be that day for another.

    The Holy Spirit will be faithful to changes hearts who invite Him in. We get the privilege to be a part of the process by sharing the Gospel.


    ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.

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    1 min
  • Share Hope Today
    Jan 10 2025

    Is it the end of time? Well, I don’t know! Only Jesus knows when that day is. But based on what we are seeing these days and what the Word of God says, I think it’s likely that we’re living in the end times. And if we are, you know, there’s a lot of people who are sadly not headed toward Heaven. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not ok with that! I (and I hope you too!) would say the same as Spurgeon...that if someone is going to hell, it would not be because they were unwarned or unprayed for.

    And it would not be without “our arms wrapped around their legs, begging them not to go.” We cannot keep the hope of the Gospel to ourselves! There is an urgency to share today. If our time is limited, let our goal be to pray for every person in our community by name and then share the Gospel with each and every one of them.


    ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.

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    1 min
  • Looking for Hope
    Jan 9 2025

    How important is it for you to have hope in your life?

    In a study we did with Lifeway Research, we found that eighty-eight percent of people said that it was either important or very important to have hope in their life! Eighty-eight percent! But even without these numbers, we know how vital hope is. Take Michelle for instance, who shared her testimony on what’s my story dot org. She wrote, “Trusting in myself brought me nothing but anxiety, depression and a sense of doom. Trusting in what Jesus has done for me has brought me peace, hope, and a future that I feel joyful about. I pray that others will receive the gift of eternal life and join me and millions of others that are now in the family of God.” That’s our heartbeat at Evangelism Explosion.

    Is that your prayer as well? Let’s not delay in sharing this hope that we have in Jesus with those around us.


    ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.

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    1 min
  • What is True Hope
    Jan 8 2025

    You know, at times I think we misunderstand hope. Some think it is merely optimism — choosing to see how circumstances could work for the best. But Biblical hope isn’t based off of the circumstances that we find ourselves in.

    Many people of faith in the Old Testament faced difficult times, not knowing if things could ever get better. But they chose to place their hope in God anyway. Even the prophets lamented of the injustice and evil that they saw in the world; and yet, they still looked to God for hope. And it was not misplaced. From the very beginning when humankind fell to sin, God had a plan. It was through Jesus. His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead brings an eternal hope of Heaven to all who would put their trust in Him alone.

    When we believe, we gain an everlasting hope that does not change with our circumstances. Who can you share this with today?


    ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.

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    1 min
  • The Greatest Impact
    Jan 7 2025

    Who has had the greatest impact in your life?

    Maybe a parent, sibling, coach, friend, teacher, mentor...the list could go on and on. Why do they have such an influence? Well, most likely, they were there for you through thick and thin. Whatever you faced, they braved it with you. They had compassion, understanding, words of advice, and they weren't afraid to tell you when you were wrong. They did all of that because of their great love for you.

    So let me challenge you that as you make new goals for yourself this year to consider finding another person to pour into just like you’ve experienced. You can make an incredible impact in their life. If they don’t know Jesus personally, God may be giving you an opportunity to share your faith with them.

    If they do have a relationship with God, you may be the mentor that they’ve been looking for. The love that Christ has shown to us, we have the opportunity to share with others.


    ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.

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    1 min
  • A Fresh Start
    Jan 6 2025

    Do you make New Year’s resolutions?

    Whether or not you are someone who creates a habit of that or not, a New Year is a great time for a fresh start. Many people decide that it’s the perfect time to learn something new! Whether it's a language or skill, they resolve that it's time to start mastering it. Can I challenge to do the same in your spiritual walk with Christ?

    One area where many Christians would like to grow is as an everyday witness for Jesus. Even though we know that Christ has left us the Great Commission—"to go make disciples of all the nations"—many Christians feel ill-equipped to share their faith. They don't know where to begin. Let me encourage you today to start sharing with others what God has done in your life. He’ll use your testimony as a way to open doors to spiritual conversations.

    Not sure what to say after that? Well, we’d love to help. We have a free online training course available just for you! You can visit us at sharelifeaafrica.org


    ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.

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    1 min
  • The Christ of Christmas
    Dec 25 2024

    "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6

    Merry Christmas! Today, we celebrate Jesus' birth! We’re gathered with our loved ones, exchanging gifts, reading Luke two and other passages that tell about His coming. Today, our hearts are full of joy as we remember the best gift this world has ever received — the Messiah, come to save us from our sins. But the final picture of the Christ of Christmas that I want to share about today is the Christ after Christmas — Jesus offering a fulfilling and everlasting life to all who would put their trust in Him. And that impacts every day of the year, and every year of our lives until one day we go to be with Him in heaven.

    • To get a free copy of the 25day Christ of Christmas Devotional, visit; THEBEST.NEWS
    • For tools and resources for confident and effective Sharing of the Gospel, visit sharelifeafrica.org

    ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.

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    1 min