• Hello, Beautiful!
    Jan 3 2025

    I dare you! I dare you to look deeply into your own eyes and say: Hello, Beautiful !

    Let your journey of self-love continue. To do so, you can either step right onto the path of self-love which is marked by self-kindness, self-knowing, self-compassion, and happiness - or - you can take a look at the shadow stuff that is holding you back.

    This episode will give you a little map to help guide you.

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    23 mins
  • Your Throat Chakra
    Dec 23 2024

    Your Throat Chakra has to do with Communication, Trust Issues, and Speaking Your Truth.

    When uncovering disruptive patterns to these areas of your life, I remind you of the importance of honoring the senses of your soul, and especially your ClairAudience and ClairSentiment when tuning in to the energy and findings stored in your Throat Chakra.

    I speak to common past life events that people often carry into this incarnation that will impair the Throat Chakra. For example: Gag orders, Vows of Silence, and more.

    Lies, pretending, and codependent behaviors can disrupt the energy of the Throat Chakra, as can disbelief, trust issues, manipulation, and miscommunication.

    For a balanced Throat Chakra, I remind you of what is important: Things like being honest with yourself about what is true for you, expressing your feelings, and having interpersonal relationships that incorporate honest communication, freedom of expression, and deep listening.

    The color associated with your Throat Chakra is Blue; the note I work with is D, but also G.

    Healing Crystals, Gems and Stones that I wear as jewelry (necklace, earrings, bracelets) or use when balancing the throat chakra: Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Lolite, Blue Calcite, and Turquoise.

    If you want to mediate with your hands in Buddhi Mudra, that is what I use when focusing on the Throat Chakra.

    If it is a healthy option for your, there are three yoga postures that I would recommend: Ustrasana: Camel Pose, Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose, or Baby Bird Feeding as a seated Pose.

    Remember, that some religions believe that God spoke the world into existence. Your words are powerful - the ones you speak to others and the ones you speak to yourself. So, it is also helpful to recognize that your words can shape your reality or your world; therefore, say what you mean and mean what you say. Join me as I explore what can create imbalance and balance to this important energy center of your being.

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    34 mins
  • When One Pivotal Experience Thwarts Self-Love
    Dec 16 2024

    My look at the energy of Self-Love and the Thymus continues. In this episode, I take you into a few illustrative stories to reveal how in one moment, your life can change in a way that doesn't serve you.

    When we are young and don't have the capacity to process a disturbing experience, it can affect us for the rest of our lives. The tentacles can be far-reaching and disturb our peace of mind, view of the world, and an otherwise positive sense of self-awareness and self-love.

    At times addictions, obsessions, perfectionism, and the like can be the aftershock of one profound moment of unacceptable pain. I have seen examples in my work as a psychic, especially when doing energy healing sessions.

    In place of avoidance, we have to learn to confront our pain, feel our feelings, and live our truth.

    These behaviors can lead to self-awareness and happiness, building our relationship with our self, increasing self-respect and our sense of self-love.

    Join me as I take a psychic's look at the effects of self-betrayal Vs refreshing soul time, outside affirmation Vs inside connection.

    I hope you don't need this, but if you do.... You've got this!

    Check out more on United States Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera at Poetry Foundation

    This episode comes with a content warning: sensitive material.

    Instagram LOVE NOTE for you!

    Facebook LOVE NOTE for you!

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Thymus: Self-Love
    Dec 13 2024

    If you feel nothing you ever do is good enough or you are just unsatisfied in your life, than this episode is for you.

    This one is all about exploring the building blocks of Self-Love!

    When doing psi work and reading energy imbalances around people's thymus, I often get to the source of what is blocking or thwarting their sense of self-love.

    In this episode, I look into infancy and childhood mishaps, being a people-pleaser, seeking approval from the outside world, and ways to turn the imbalance to the magnanimous energy of positive self-love.

    Once you commit to explore this part of your soul work, spirit will intervene with assistance: in whispers from your soul to books brought to your attention. You will need to pay attention to your attention. Let your Soul Awareness guide you.

    This episode will benefit anyone struggling with self-love, perfectionism, depression, feelings of not being good enough or doing enough, and/or dissatisfaction in their life and choices. It aims to give you the tools to move forward through life with self-awareness, self-respect, self-appreciation, and (therefore) self-love.

    It will be especially helpful for any person looking to do credible psychic reads, mediumship, and soul work. The offerings here help to negate the potential interference and projections from your own ego mind. To be a healthy reader means you recognize the benefit and importance of doing your own soul work along the way. I am hoping this will help you.

    Join me as I explore the energy of your thymus and self-love.

    Mentioned Books of Interest:

    "The Drama of the Gifted Child -The Search for the True Self" by Alice Miller

    "The Emotionally Exhausted Woman - Why You're Feeling Depleted & How to Get What You Need" by Nancy Colier

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    54 mins
  • Jobs In Heaven
    Apr 24 2023

    Did you know there are jobs in Heaven? Wait until you hear this truly amazing story. It is one of my absolute favorites!

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    8 mins
  • Love What You Do
    Apr 22 2023

    Your hands are intricately linked to your heart chakra!

    The energy runs back and forth from your fingertips, through your palms, wrists, arms, elbows, shoulders and all of the way through your heart, thymus (self-love), and spine. The hands and heart have an intimate effect on these areas of your body. It's helpful to notice when things are off, feeling cramped, tired or uncomfortable. What might that be telling you?

    Most of us use our hands daily, constantly. When I do my psychic work on people, looking into their energy and soul, I always notice the information of their hands: Are they truly loving what they do?

    In this episode, I tell you some of the things that I've learned over the many years of my life as an energy healer, psychic, and soul reader. If you would like to run more energy to these areas affected by the hand/heart connection, I suggest exploring meditation with Ganesha Mudra or the yoga asana - Uttana Shishosana: Extended Puppy Pose. Or you can simply stretch these areas out and, definitely, work with the natural healing power of your own hands. There are tremendous power vortices that fill them.

    -May you LOVE what we do -

    ( : (

    It's up to you!

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    Ganesha Mudra Image

    Uttana Shishosana: Extended Puppy Pose Image

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    25 mins
  • God, the Cashier
    Apr 21 2023

    I stopped at a fast-food restaurant off an interstate in New Jersey and found God.

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    9 mins
  • Self-Care & the Heart Petals
    Apr 15 2023

    Every year we may see challenges and opportunities - OR - challenges as opportunities. It's up to you. But it does take effort and, sometimes, a set of at-the-ready skills.

    When something troubling comes up, how do you cope? How do you come to the right solution for you? What exactly are you coping with? Do you know? Or is it a general feeling of unease or anxiety? Is it something from your past? Your present? Your future?

    I ask you to consider these for your own benefit. This way, you can pay attention to what may be disrupting your energy field, your chakras, your mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual health and wellbeing.

    This is especially important for sensitives or empaths who might be avoiding feeling at all or those who may be using outmoded coping skills to get by.

    Do challenges make you bitter or better?

    Join me as we look at all of these as well as ways for you to consider internal and external resources that may help you on your personal journey of self-empowerment, transformation, and betterment.

    Thanks for Tuning In!



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    32 mins