• Ep.13 | How to know you will be ok (Part 2)
    Dec 13 2024
    Here we deep dive into the real questions, the sometimes scary questions we avoid asking ourselves because it means we have to face our truth. It can be frightening, because what often reveals itself is that we have created a life - we are living a life that goes against what our inner knowing speaks to us about, a life that counters the truth that is within us. Here are the questions for you to think about (remember to be truly honest with yourself) not from a space of the mind but instead the senses that come from within. Have fun - question your beliefs - share your thoughts with others (heck I would love to hear about your discoveries) In the video I say that Ive asked 10-15 questions (turns out it was 25 questions - opps) Questions: 1. Why do I believe the things I believe (here we break it down) look at key areas of your life - religion, culture, spiritual leaders, artists, musicians, social media influencers. 2. If you recognize there are some parts within the belief system you have adopted that you don't fully believe - why? why don't you fully believe in (XYZ) - what are the discrepancies for you? 3. What do you long for within yourself? 4. Where did that longing come from? Has it been there since you are a young child? 5. What is your mission here on earth? Does it feel like you have one? 6. Can you find a mission? 7. Is there something specific that you want to do to better the world? 8. What is the kind of music you listen to? (name all the genres) why do you listen to it? What does each type provide to you? How does it make you feel? What emotion does it evoke? How does it change your state? 9. Does the pain and challenges you have endured in your life offer you the ability to connect to empathy? Does it allow you to see people from a different light? 10. Can you assign meaning to the things you have gone through? (this Is not a simple yes or no response) - If yes what meaning have you assigned to the things you have moved through.... is this meaning truth? If no... why not? 11.Do you want children? (what is your purpose for having children) 12. What does your career look like? What are your career goals? What are your ambitions? 13. Does your career welcome growth? 14. Does growth matter to you? or - do you prefer the comfort of that remains the same? 15. Do you want to retire some day? 16. What kind of energy are you attracted to? What are the people you want to surround yourself with? What energy do they provide you with? 17. Do you enjoy being surrounded by people whom make you question yourself? Who makes you question life? People that help you grow? That install this excitement and this drive within you? 18. Are you currently surrounded by the energy you are looking to attract more of? 19. Do I want to travel? Do I like travelling? 20. Do you want to get married? Does marriage matter to you? If you want to get married why? What is it about marriage? What does marriage mean to you? 21. How do the lessons you have experienced shape who you are today? 22. Can you look at some of the hardest moments in your life and see the lessons within it? (if so what are they? what have you learned) 23. Are you able to take the teachings and move through life? 24. Can you take deep grief and deep sorrow and use it as a driving force to move through the next chapter of your life? 25. Are you ok with the way you are being loved? Are the ways you are being loved acceptable to you? Are you being seen in the ways you want to be seen? Is it the way you want to be connected to? Book Reference: Bitter Sweet - Authror: Susan Cain @SUSANCAIN Who is SabriNa Lise: A registered holistic nutritionist, health and wellness coach - and a mental health advocate passionate about helping clients navigate the ups and downs of their jourNey towards better health and change their well-being for good. Instagram: mindbodyspirit.work Please note that everything shared on this channel is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice and is separate from my practice as a wellness coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.
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    18 mins
  • Ep.12 | How to know you will be ok (Part 1)
    Dec 13 2024

    This episode can be controversial to some but it is how I live my life.

    Here we speak about your inner knowing - what it feels like - tapping into truth. Most importantly we discuss how - spirituality - is not what most people perceive it to be. We chat about how trusting in your inner knowing also provides you with the ability to see individuals for who they are at a soul level which truly helps you heal from the pain that can be endured when we feel hurt by the actions taken by others.

    Who is SabriNa Lise: A registered holistic nutritionist, health and wellness coach - and a mental health advocate passionate about helping clients navigate the ups and downs of their jourNey towards better health and change their well-being for good.

    Instagram: mindbodyspirit.work

    Please note that everything shared on this channel is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice and is separate from my practice as a wellness coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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    16 mins
  • Ep.11 | Losing Friends During A Break-Up
    Dec 13 2024

    In this episode we speak about the loss of friendship - specifically when moving through a break-up. We speak about it taking true bravery to speak your truth through your pain but most importantly not allowing anyone to make you question the integrity of who you are.

    We speak to questions you can ask yourself as you move through the loss of friendship - to help you attain acceptance. 6:50


    1. Did they truly know me? - Do they know who I am as a person?
    2. Was our friendship based on past memories?
    3. Do you have a lot in common?
    4. What is the glue that keeps the friendship together?
    5. What is so different that is keeping your friendship apart?
    6. 6. Do you truly know them? - Can you hold space for who they are?
    7. Is this a true reflection of me?
    8. What does this loss of friendship mean about me?
    9. What is the storyline are you telling yourself?What is your current state of reality? - The facts in this moment (not the storyline.

    Most importantly what I want you to remember is - if people have grown out of your live - these people are meant to be with the unhealed version of you.

    Who is SabriNa Lise: A registered holistic nutritionist, health and wellness coach - and a mental health advocate passionate about helping clients navigate the ups and downs of their jourNey towards better health and change their well-being for good.

    Instagram: mindbodyspirit.work

    Please note that everything shared on this channel is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice and is separate from my practice as a wellness coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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    20 mins
  • Ep.10 | How Healing Can Lead To A Break- Up
    Dec 13 2024

    In this episode I give personal and intimate details - insight into why me and my partner ended. I speak to the challenges we both faced and how my healing resulted in us growing apart.

    As I healed I discovered much of my purpose and meaning is the work I do today - helping and guiding others. My curiosity of the brain - why we humans do what we do and cultivating a deep spiritual connection to self became important to me. It was not just important to me - it was instilled within' me. What we desired in the form of connection was different - the things we wanted as a unit began to change.

    Ultimately if we both wanted to live a full, whole and complete life - from a space of self actualization, potential - and peace - we would grow better apart.

    What is a karmic relationship: A karmic relationship is a spiritually significant connection that serves as a means for both individuals to resolve past life karma, learn important lessons, and ultimately grow spiritually. They are marked by a series of intense challenges that can make them emotionally draining and difficult to navigate. One of the primary challenges is the recurring cycle of conflict. Partners in a karmic relationship often find themselves navigating the same arguments or facing similar issues - as the relationship is designed to bring unresolved karma to the surface.

    The temporary nature of a karmic relationship can be challenging. Despite the strong connection - these relationships are not meant to last forever. This can create a sense of loss or confusion when the relationship ends, especially if one or both partners are not ready to let go. The end of a karmic relationship is necessary for both individuals to fully integrate the lessons they've learned and continue on their spiritual jourNey.

    Who is SabriNa Lise: A registered holistic nutritionist, health and wellness coach - and a mental health advocate passionate about helping clients navigate the ups and downs of their jourNey towards better health and change their well-being for good.

    Instagram: mindbodyspirit.work

    Please note that everything shared on this channel is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice and is separate from my practice as a wellness coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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    17 mins
  • Ep.9 | How long does grief last? This may surprise you!
    Dec 13 2024

    This episode was a challenging one to create but so fitting. The night before this video the grief I felt was an understatement. Moving through a separation is challenging but what's more confusing is understanding how it is the right thing to do and yet some how you can still be filled with so much grief. The right thing is often the hard thing.

    I was moving through so much pain knowing I would be leaving my home as it prepares to sell. I was grieving the loss of my marriage and wishing it would have been different. I was looking at Aura (my spirit fur babe) and wondering how I could leave him behind. I then thought about all the pain within the last year. Giving Moon up for adoption (our husky) - the loss of my grandfather, my coach dying by suicide - a friend passing by suicide - dads hospitalization - the loss of a twin flame .... friendships... so much grief I didn't know what I was crying about as the thoughts would bounce from one loss to the other.

    As I cried - I wondered what the purpose could be - what was the meaning - the lesson - when would the grief be over...and then I remembered...

    Grief does not go away but instead - you learn to move forward.

    Time Stamps

    • Grief cycle - 4:00
    • Types of tears - 8:14
    • The hormone released when you cry - that acts like a pain killer: Leucine Enkephalin (this helps to alleviate pain and improve mood)
    • Broken Heart Syndrome - 11:14 - Mayo clinic (source)

    Who is SabriNa Lise: A registered holistic nutritionist, health and wellness coach - and a mental health advocate passionate about helping clients navigate the ups and downs of their jourNey towards better health and change their well-being for good.

    Instagram: mindbodyspirit.work

    Please note that everything shared on this channel is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice and is separate from my practice as a wellness coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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    28 mins
  • Ep.8 | Why you should NOT jump into a relationship after a break up
    Dec 13 2024

    This was a tough video for me to create. I get vulnerable and share how I fell for someone right after my marriage fell apart. I also share how despite the feelings I had for this person - I knew I had to mourn my marriage - I had to grieve a 17 year relationship.

    In the end I not only ended up having to grieve my marriage - but this person.

    I speak to the connection shared - and how it felt like "right person - wrong time" - Quoting ‪@thematthewhussey‬ (12:27)

    I speak to how it felt to fall for someone as the "healed" version of me - and how old patterns were already showing up with this person.

    I provide you with the reasons why you should hold off on jumping into the next relationship (13:20)

    Who is SabriNa Lise: A registered holistic nutritionist, health and wellness coach - and a mental health advocate passionate about helping clients navigate the ups and downs of their jourNey towards better health and change their well-being for good.

    Instagram: mindbodyspirit.work

    Please note that everything shared on this channel is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice and is separate from my practice as a wellness coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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    16 mins
  • Ep.7 | Why you don't want to recover
    Dec 13 2024

    In today's episode we discuss what recovery, what healing from your mental health challenges can look like and why you might be staying stuck.

    I share some of the reasons it took me longer to heal then it had to and how often these reasons rest in our subconscious mind.

    We then deep dive into what kind of changes we can experience while healing and though they are often uncomfortable they are so beautiful.

    Who is SabriNa Lise: A registered holistic nutritionist, health and wellness coach - and a mental health advocate passionate about helping clients navigate the ups and downs of their jourNey towards better health and change their well-being for good.

    Instagram: mindbodyspirit.work

    Please note that everything shared on this channel is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice and is separate from my practice as a wellness coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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    22 mins
  • Ep.6 | Feel better in the middle of a break-up
    Dec 13 2024

    In this episode I take you into my world. I share my experiences with you. I discuss how prior to my separation I was one person and during my separation I was another. I became someone I didn't recognize - perhaps you have been there too.

    I speak to self compassion - holding space for yourself to be beautifully human. Most importantly I share tips on how you can start to feel better right now - if you are moving through a seperation (tips begin at time stamp 8:19)

    I hope you find this helpful.

    Who is SabriNa Lise: A registered holistic nutritionist, health and wellness coach - and a mental health advocate passionate about helping clients navigate the ups and downs of their jourNey towards better health and change their well-being for good.

    Instagram: mindbodyspirit.work

    Please note that everything shared on this channel is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice and is separate from my practice as a wellness coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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    20 mins