• CARE - Joseph Smith-History 1:1-26
    Jan 11 2025

    Chapters: Introduction (0:00 - 0:47) JS-H 1:1-14 (0:48 - 10:50) Life Prep FSOY (10:51 - 15:05) JS-H 1:15-20 (15:05 - 25:48) JS-H 1:21-26 and Conclusion (25:49 - 31:43) Link to "The Apology" story from Friend Magazine - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/s... Elder Maynes' list of truths we can learn from the first vision can be found in this devotional address - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/s...

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    32 mins
  • CARE - D&C 1 and Life Prep 164
    Jan 4 2025

    0:00 - 1:50 Chapters -Introduction

    ⁠1:51⁠-⁠8:57⁠ – Lesson 4—Doctrine and Covenants 1, Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants – Hear the Savior’s voice in the Doctrine and Covenants.

    ⁠8:58⁠-⁠12:11 – Lesson 164—Strengthening Your Spiritual Foundation, Life Prep Lessons – Introducing them.

    Stick to the curriculum and show Elder Gilbert and Brother Webb’s video.

    This page contains download links and descriptions to a video from Elder Gibert and Brother Webb (9 minutes) addressed to teachers. It also has a video addressing students (9 minutes). You may have to sign in with your LDS account to access the page. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/si/seminary/new-life-preparation-videos?lang=eng#d

    12:12⁠-⁠20:59⁠ – Lesson 5—D&C 1:30-33 – The true and Living Church. Help our students overcome binary thinking.

    Mauro Properzi, Learning about Other Religions: False Obstacles and Rich Opportunities, https://rsc.byu.edu/vol-16-no-1-2015/learning-about-other-religions-false-obstacles-rich-opportunities

    Dale G. Renlund, “This is My Gospel”—“This is My Church”, General Conference, Oct 2024 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2024/10/15renlund?lang=eng

    21:00⁠-⁠31:50 – Lesson 6—D&C 1:37-38 – “Whether by mine own voice or the voice of my servants it is the same.”

    Help students practice looking for specific things in the scriptures to hear the Savior’s voice.

    Have them practice again using president Nelson’s talk, “The lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again,” General Conference, Oct 2024.

    ⁠31:51⁠-⁠33:04⁠ - Wrap-up

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    33 mins
  • CARE - Moroni 10
    Dec 13 2024

    Resources Summary and Links

    Scriptural References

    1. Moroni 10:4-5 (Terrell Givens reference) - Supporting scripture on revelation.
    2. 1:51–2:05

    3. Moroni 10 with James 1:17 - Cross-referenced with spiritual gifts.
    4. 14:35–14:55

    Quotes from General Authorities

    1. Elder Bednar, October General Conference: “In the space of not many years...
    2. 5:41–6:52

      • Purpose: Example of acting in faith and gaining testimony.
    3. Elder Matthias Held, General Conference: Reflection on Lehi's teachings.
    4. 9:01–9:34

      • Purpose: Example of overcoming opposition through faith.
    5. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference: Personal discipleship journey.
    6. 9:50–10:07

      • Purpose: Example of real-life application of faith.
    7. Elder Bednar’s 8 Principles on Spiritual Gifts (2021 Church News article).
    8. 13:08–14:07

      • Purpose: Guidance on understanding and seeking spiritual gifts.


    1. Christlike Attributes Video - Discussed as a key visual aid.
    2. 20:08–20:32

      • Purpose: Emphasize Christlike attributes and their relevance.
    3. Come Unto Christ Theme Song Video - Suggested for tying together themes.
    4. 24:52–25:03

      • Purpose: Reinforce the youth theme and connect to lesson content.

    Activities & Handouts

    1. Classroom Activity: Spiritual Gift Reflection via Parent Input
    2. 12:01–12:43

      • Purpose: Build student confidence and foster peer/parent connections.
    3. Final Class Reflection Activity (Passing Notes for Affirmation)
    4. 22:01–23:44

      • Purpose: Encourage self-awareness, class unity, and testimony.

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    27 mins
  • CARE - Moroni 7-9
    Dec 8 2024

    Chapters: 0:00-0:38 - Introduction 0:39-8:42 - Moroni 7:1-19 8:43-14:06 - Moroni 7:20-43 14:07-18:29 - Moroni 7:44-48 18:30-19:17 - Doctrinal Mastery: Moroni 7:45-48 19:18-24:56 - Moroni 8 and Wrap-up Elder Holland's Moroni 8 Story - Full Audio - • The Coolest Moroni 8 Story Ever (Elde... #lds #ldsseminary #bookofmormon #comefollowme2024

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    25 mins
  • CARE - Ether 12-15
    Nov 24 2024

    0:00-0:31 - Introduction

    0:32-5:18 - Ether 12:23-27

    1. Come unto Christ. 2. He will show you your weakness. 3. Recognize that He has given you weakness to help you be humble, and that His grace or help is enough for you. 4. Humble yourself before Christ. 5. Have faith in Christ. 6. Christ will make “weak things become strong unto you.”

    Michelle Craig quote.

    5:19-10:37 - Doctrinal Mastery – Ether 12:27

    Focus on the principle of adopting the curriculum and then adapting it to your class’s needs. We can focus on adaptations that increase relevance as we feel the Spirit guide us to helping our classes. We also can reframe the conversation in terms of the plan of salvation.

    10:38-15:39 - Ether 12:28-41

    Supplemental learning activities. Jeffrey R. Holland video, Testimony of The Book of Mormon. Question: What can we learn about he character of Jesus Christ from Ether 12:29-41? Possible answers: His will is righteous. He comforts us. He provides miracles for the faithful. He shows himself in great power. He has prepared mansions for us. We can have more excellent hope through Jim. He loves the world so much He laid down His life for it. He took His life back again. He has true charity for me. He is a perfect judge. He will talk to us. We will see Him again.

    15:40-21:02 - Ether 13-15

    The contrast of three characters and what happens to Coriantumr, Shiz, and Ether. Consider looking for “What should followers of Christ teach and do in this time of toxic communications? What were His teachings and examples? How do we move from avoiding temptation to becoming a peacemaker? Dallin H. Oaks, Following Christ, Oct 2024, specifically quote from RM Nelson.

    21:03-22:55 - Asses Your Learning and Conclusion

    Review the highlights that speak to your students and reflect on how those days impacted you.

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    23 mins
  • CARE - Ether 6-11
    Nov 15 2024
    0:00-0:35 - Introduction 0:36-6:37 - Ether 6 Likening scriptures to ourselves, helping establish relevance with verses 3, 7, and 10. Help your students see, How could we compare their journey across the ocean to our journey through mortal life? You might help your students see how to avoid the darkness in the world, the spiritually being drowned or destroyed by the monsters of sin that are all around us. After identifying these things, you might ask them: How is Jesus Christ the Light that allows us to escape the monsters around us? How do I see Christ’s light in my life? Elder Rasband quote. Finally, you might emphasize Ether 6:8, see if you can find Jesus Christ in this verse and what it teaches us about Him? 6:38-11:13 - Ether 7-11 The consequence of not listening to prophetic warnings. Yellowstone Warning signs. You can use summarize to help cover more material. Young Adult Weekly Article, "A Look at Our Prophet's Ongoing Warning Call." Boyd K. Packer, Teton Dam story. 11:14-16:59 - Ether 8 Speeding through stories, share a few details and see if anyone can finish the story. What is a secret combination, or making secret plans. Neil L. Andersen quote. You might compare and contrast, how does Satan gain power over us? How does the Lord impart His power into our lives? Sister Tamara Runia story. Is what I’m about to do helpful or hurtful? Satan is always trying to inhibit or harm. Jesus is always trying to help and lift. You might use 2 Nephi 26:33 to emphasize this truth. 17:00-21:09 - Ether 12:1-22 Help students see what it means to act in faith. Interrogate the text with questions like these: How is faith connected to hope? What would happen for better or worse if faith was seen? What do you think is meant by a trial of your faith? What do you think is meant by receiving a witness? Why is a trial of faith often necessary before receiving a witness? Do you think you’ve ever had a trial of faith? How did you exercise faith and cling to hope until you received a witness? What do you think it means to act in worthiness on an impression? Why would anyone want to try their faith? How might teenagers recognize confirming evidence from the Spirit? Avoid question burnout by focusing on questions from this list that you think will help them. Elder Scott quote. A fun activity might be, have a pair of students bring some examples of them exercising their faith, put into the Ether 12 format: “Behold, it was the faith of Samantha that helped her seek the Lord’s strength in winning the volleyball championship.” (see video or audio for more examples). 21:10-24:56 - Doctrinal Mastery and Conclusion Ether 12:6 – The bolded headings are not just titles but they are the three phases of doctrinal mastery. Maybe have students make a meme or poster or text the meaning of the scripture using only emojis. There are miracles all over these chapters. Help students identify that they are being helped by the Savior and what ways they are being helped. If you can comment in the video or on the podcast in ways that these videos are help you lead your students closer to Christ.
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    25 mins
  • CARE - Ether 1-5
    Nov 10 2024
    0:00-0:33 - Introduction 0:44-4:37 - Ether 1 Sincere Prayer: LDS Chatbot. https://ldsbot.com/ . How is the brother of Jared’s prayer different from a chatbot prayer? How might the brother of Jared’s prayer be different from our prayers? V. 42 – There will I meet thee. 4:38-9:13 - Ether 2 We can solve our problems through prayer: as we call upon Heavenly Father in prayer and do our part to solve our problems, we can receive the Lord’s help. Invite your students to think of a scriptural story where the Savior helped someone. Juan Pablo Villar quote on God helping us if we trust Him. Ask your students to think of a time when the Savior answered your prayers. What He did for you, if it’s not too personal? How has prayer helped you receive help from God? What are some other ways you have received help from God? Maybe ask them, how does your experience with prayer help you identify attributes of Jesus Christ? Boyd K. Packer quote on Prayer. 9:14-14:22 - Ether 3 One of the best ways to bring about relevance is to get our students to come together to help someone in need. You could do this through a case study. You could ask your students to think of someone who is struggling with their faith right now. Without telling us who it is, describe their needs to us. Then use that story as a case study to think of what you could do to help them. Video example of a case study, rebuilding my faith because I felt lost watch first 2:16. What might you use to teach your friend or this young man in the video? Why might it be important for our friend to recognize his or her own dependence on the Lord? What might help your friend develop greater trust in the Lord? Also, consider how inviting students to strengthen the faith of others accomplishes the objective of seminaries and institutes of religion. 14:23-20:32 - Ether 4-5 The process of receiving revelation. Ether 4:6-13, have them look for ways to increase our power to receive revelation. You may need to give them an example of the kinds of things they are looking for. After they give answers, consider follow up questions like, why does repentance increase my power to receive revelation (if their answer was to repent)? This will help them to understand doctrine. What would happen in your life if you were to receive more revelation? When is a time that you feel like you have received revelation (please don’t share details that are too personal)? You could have them find a general conference talk that relates to the thing they found (for example, if they focused on repentance, have them look for a talk on repentance). 20:33-23:57 Doctrinal Mastery Review 24 and Conclusion Help students to discover what their questions are. What does it mean…? Why does the Lord…? What would happen if…? How do I…? Sister Browning, Seeking Answer to Spiritual Questions, GC, Oct 2024. Please do not skip Doctrinal Mastery. Alternate Idea/Object Lesson: "If the Brother of Jared's Sixteen Stones were Prophets and Apostles" - • If the Brother of Jared's Sixteen Sto...
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    24 mins
  • CARE - Mormon 7-9
    Nov 3 2024
    Introduction - Welcome and discussion about the object lesson recommended last week. (0:00 - 1:39) Mormon 7 - We can focus on the Savior in difficult times. Mormon 7:5-7 have students look for all the amazing things Moroni emphasized about Jesus Christ despite the difficult times he lived in. Which of these truths would lift people when times are difficult? Joseph Smith Quote, happiness is the object... you could share and brief discussion activity. Also, RM Nelson quote happiness versus joy? You might ask, when are some times when you have felt the joy the Savior offers? And how did that time bring you closer to Christ? (1:40 - 6:03) Mormon 8:1-26 - The worth of the Book of Mormon. Feeling the importance of the Book of Mormon in your life is directly connected with feeling the importance of Jesus Christ in your life. Elder Alvarado's story, man steals woman's Book of Mormon and finds Christ. Joseph Smith once mistakenly sought the plates for personal wealth and was shocked. Activity, challenge your class to write their testimony and share it with a friend. Value of the Book of Mormon. (6:04 - 10:58) Mormon 8:27-41; 91-6, 27-37 - One way to introduce the lesson is talk about someone who helped you be prepared for something (I share an example). Two key verses Mormon 8:34-35. How can we avoid being the person who is unprepared for the Second Coming? Understanding Jesus Christ's character, helping us prepare for His return. ET Benson quote, they saw our day. Book of Mormon study strategy, why did the inspired writer include this or that in the Book of Mormon? Why is it relevant for us in our day? (10:59 - 14:46) Mormon 9:7-27 - Relevance could be seeking to identify the miracles in your life. RA Rasband quote 1; quote 2; quote 3. Suggested questions, How many of you believe that you have witnessed a miracle or know someone that has witnessed a miracle? What did this miracle teach you about God? Was it big or small? Why do you think magnitude does not distinguish a miracle? What is a miracle you would like to see in your life? What do you think is one of the most important miracles that could happen in a teenagers life? DH Oaks quote about a mighty change of heart. Look for what Mormon said we need to do to have miracles happen in our lives. Concluding recommendation on a way to not get bogged down with feeling students have to answer every question. (14:36 - 19:22) Doctrinal Mastery Review 23 - memorizing with flash cards to quiz your partner, then play a game of slap jack. Variety can energize the class. A little bit of fun can go a long way. Be careful not to over emphasize memorization, but not neglect it either. (19:23 - 21:15) Conclusion - Thank you for being here with us. Check the notes for a summary of the video or podcast. Podcast version available on Spotify or Amazon. (21:16 - 22:18)
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    22 mins