Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”LTo sponsor an episode please visit: get the daily chumash summaries in your email click here on SpotifySubscribe on Apple PodcastsPlease consider leaving a review on the platform of your choice! For comments and inquiries, email itistaught@gmail.comThe Inauguration of the CohanimG-d says that a sacrifice must be made in order to sanctify the Cohanim in their role.The sacrifice should consist of the following: 1 young bull (to atone for the sin of the golden calf which was a young bull), 2 Rams, and 10 loaves each of 3 different types of matzah, all made from fine flour. The 3 varieties of matzah were:1)Scalded matza bread: made by first cooking its dough in boiling water until it was edible, and then baked a little and then fried in oil, making it crispy. This had 1/2 a log* of oil in it. Which was double the amount used for the other two.*A log is equal to about 0.3 liters.2)Matzah loaves: Made by mixing the dough with oil and then baking it. This had a 1/4 of a log of oil in it.3)Matza wafers: baked without any oil (similar to matzos we eat nowadays), but anointed with (1/2 of a log of) oil after being baked. The anointing was made in the shape of the Greek letter "chi"*.*Side note: There is a dispute as to what this letter was exactly. It is unclear as to what Rashi's opinion is in this regard. See further commentaries for the varied opinions.On the day that the Mishkan is made, all of the items for this sacrifice should be brought to the courtyard.The inauguration of the Cohanim would then begin and take place following these steps:ImmersionAaron and his sons should be brought to the entrance of the Ohel Moed and immerse their entire bodies in water.The ClothingAaron should be clothed in all of the garments made for the Cohen Gadol, namely: 1)The Michnasaim (pants), 2)Kutonet (Tunic) 3)Me'il (Robe), 4)Ephod (Apron) 5)Choshen (Breastplate) 6)Avnet (sash) 7)Mitznevet (Turban) 8)Tzitz (Crown) (see earlier in this parsha for more details on these).Moshe is to then to anoint Aaron by pouring oil on his head and between his eyebrows and bringing this oil together with his fingers.Then Aaron's sons should be clothed in all of the garments which were made for them thus establishing their eternal priestly authority.The BullThen the bull should be brought up in front of the Ohel Moed and Aaron and his sons should place their hands on its head.Then, in the courtyard of the Mishkan, this bull should be slaughtered and using their fingers, some of its blood should be placed on the horns of the altar and the remaining blood spilled into the protruding band near the base of the altar that was situated one cubit above the ground.The membrane of the bull's rumen (first stomach), the diaphragm, a part from the liver and the 2 kidneys with their fat shall be burnt on the altar.Its flesh, hide and dung however should be burned on the outer altar outside of the camp as a sin offering*.*Side note: Other than the sin offerings which were involved in this inauguration of the Cohenim (there was also a calf that was sacrificed by Aaron on the 8th day of this ceremony that was similarly burnt in its entirely on the outer altar outside the camp), no sin offerings were burnt outside the camp like this, they were usually eaten by the Cohanim.**Another side note: Only sin offerings required that the blood be applied with a finger and sprinkled on the horn of the altar as it is the type of sacrifice whereby the Cohanim ascend the altar and sprinkle the blood from there. Other sacrifices required neither of these as the Cohanim sprinkled their blood from the ground, thus only on the lower part of the altar.The RamAaron and his sons should place their hands on the ram's head and then the ram should be slaughtered. Moshe would then take the blood in a vessel and sprinkle it on two diagonal sides of the altar, so it would be visible from any side.The ram should be chopped up and its innards and feet should be washed. Then all of this together with its head should be placed together and burnt up on the altar as a burnt offering. This will satisfy G-d for He willed that this sacrifice be made. Get full access to Sarede’s Substack at