• E42: A story of 3 mentors & their fall from grace.
    Dec 3 2024

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    Join James as he shares a personal story of 3 mentors: 1 peer, 1 leader, 1 Pastor, who brought him to the Lord together, and how they fell away from Jesus over the years. James also shares the hope of deep roots and an eternal mindset as a lesson in hindsight.

    1) Gen. 1:27 (male and female)
    2) Matt. 7:13-14 (narrow is the road)
    3) John 14:6 (Jesus is the only way)
    4) 2 Sam. 11:1 (when kings go out to battle)
    5) Rom. 13:14 (no provisions for lusts)
    6) 1 Sam. 17 (David & Goliath)
    7) 1 Sam. 18-20 (David & Jonathan)
    8) 2 Sam. 6:14 (David rejoicing in loincloth)
    9) Jer. 17:8 (like an oak planted by the stream)
    10) 1 Pet. 5:8 (devil seeking to devour like a lion)
    11) 1 Kings 11:1-13 (Solomon took many wives)
    12) Ecc. 1:9 (nothing new under the sun)
    13) 1 Cor. 14 (tongues & prophesy)
    14) Matt. 7:24-27 (house built on sand)
    15) Rom. 12:1-2 (spiritual act of worship)
    16) Mark 2:1-12 (paralytic through the roof)
    17) 2 Cor. 5:17 (born again)
    18) 2 Cor. 12:7 (thorn in your side)
    19) John 11:25 (resurrection & life)
    20) Prov. 4:23 (guard your heart)
    21) Eph. 5:26 (washing of the Word)
    22) John 2:14-16 (Jesus flipped tables & whipped)

    Please follow, like, and share! Contact: TheBoxlessNutshell@gmail.com

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    36 mins
  • E41: When Kings go out to Battle!
    Nov 23 2024

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    James takes a dive into why David & Bathsheba ever happened, what led up to it, the stream of sin that followed, and the implications for all men from the story. Join us in digging into what the Scriptures say about this and how we can be encouraged in our call for diligence.

    -2 Sam. 11-12
    -1 Cor. 10:13
    -Rom. 13:14
    -1 Pet. 5:8
    -James 1:15

    Please follow, like, and share! Contact: TheBoxlessNutshell@gmail.com

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    34 mins
  • E40: What is the measure of a man?
    Nov 11 2024

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    It's good to be back. Join James as he checks in after a few weeks and a few life interactions later. Are we working hard enough? Should we be worrying and planning for the future? Do you have anxiety over your life that is NOT founded in the heart of God for you? Let's get into it.

    Please follow, like, and share! Contact: TheBoxlessNutshell@gmail.com

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    43 mins
  • E39: I just want my daughter to know I love her.
    Oct 4 2024

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    I just felt like sharing a real moment of grace, redemption, and sweetness. Joined me as I talk about the struggle of being the disciplinarian verse the safe place. Sometimes one must lose.

    Please follow, like, and share! Contact: TheBoxlessNutshell@gmail.com

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    10 mins
  • E38: Should you "love" the Church?
    Sep 21 2024

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    We've been told to love the Church. We've been told love is not a feeling. Join James as he dives into Scripture to see what the Word has to say on this highly debated issue. What does Jesus and the Bible actually say on the matter?

    Ephesians 5:25-32
    1 Peter 4:8-10
    John 11: 32-35

    Please follow, like, and share! Contact: TheBoxlessNutshell@gmail.com

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    25 mins
  • E37: We're not taking applications: Why we stop adding friends
    Sep 1 2024

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    Join James as he dives into why we stop making friends later in life. Is it because we have our core 4? Or are we afraid to risk it... again? After many years of using the mantra "We must be a Safe Place", James is still digging into why it's so hard to do this. After experiencing a powerful online community, he has some new insight. We hope you find it helpful!

    Please follow, like, and share! Contact: TheBoxlessNutshell@gmail.com

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    24 mins
  • E36: What is the purpose of the local Church?
    Aug 25 2024

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    If you're anything like me, you struggle with Church. Maybe you have some church hurt from poor leadership, gossip, money grubbing, or the barrage of other ways sinful people mess up what God intended for good. I'm not here to tell you to join a church, but I am here to tell you not to do it alone. The local Church just happens to be the most convenient way to do that. So let's take a look in the Word and see what God desires our gathering to look like.

    -Hebrews 10:24-25
    -1 Corinthians 12:12, 14:23-26

    Please follow, like, and share! Contact: TheBoxlessNutshell@gmail.com

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    25 mins
  • E35: Let Him father you.
    Aug 7 2024

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    As humans, we are well acquainted with disappointment in others. Maybe even our own Dad's. What if we truly let God father us? In the midst of an imperfect life with imperfect people who love us imperfectly, can we let Him fill the gap? Do you believe He can? Does your soul need restoration... or just... rest?

    Join James as he shares some hurt, and hang-ups, but chooses to turn it back to The Lord. There is a power there that your heart desperately needs to feel complete.

    -Mark 2:27
    -Matthew 11:28-30
    -Exodus 20:5, 34:14
    -Deuteronomy 32:35-36

    Please follow, like, and share! Contact: TheBoxlessNutshell@gmail.com

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    20 mins