The Fear Factor: How to Transform Fear Into Fuel For Success 2025 Key Points What Is Fear?Types of FearsAcronym for FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real)The Fear FactorHow to Transform Fear Into Fuel For Success 2025 What Is Fear? Fear is a natural emotion that everyone experiences. It appears when we face something new, unknown, or potentially dangerous. Emotions run deep within us, and sometimes they feel so powerful that we think we won’t make it through if we face them. So, we push them down or try to ignore them—until they build up and burst out, causing harm to ourselves and others. Think of yourself as a lighthouse. Your emotions, for example, fear, are like the waves crashing below. Some are small ripples, small fears, and others are huge and stormy, but the lighthouse stands strong, shining its light through it all. You might feel the impact of those waves, but you are steady, bright, and more powerful than the storms around you. Fear protects us but also holds us back, especially when we perceive things as scarier than they truly are. Understanding fear and learning how to manage it is a skill that can benefit both you and your kids. Also, fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat. It’s like an alarm system in our brains, alerting us to danger. When we feel fear, our bodies react by sweating, our hearts might race, or we might feel like running away. It is called the "fight, flight, or freeze" response, and it’s our body’s way of keeping us safe. However, not all our fears are about actual danger. Some are about things we worry might happen or situations that make us feel unsure of ourselves, such as reaching for our hopes and dreams. What is one hope or dream you have for 2025? Put it in the comments. Types of Fears Not all fears are the same. Here are the main types: Physical Fears: These fears are concerns about safety, such as health risks or physical challenges.Emotional Fears: Such as worries tied to feelings like fear of rejection, failure, or disappointment.Social Fears: These are fears about being judged, fitting in, or speaking up.Imaginary Fears: Fear of things that aren’t real or are unlikely to happen. By identifying the type of fear, you can take steps to address it more effectively. Put in the comments your biggest fear! I’ll be sharing mine later in the episode. Acronym for FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) The common acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real, but here is another one I am using this year by Zig Zigler, Face Everything And Rise. I am modifying that one by adding up to Rise, Face Everything And Riseup. This simple reminder encourages me to tackle challenges head-on. When I change my mindset, it isn’t about being fearless—it’s about acting despite my fears. The Fear Factor Here’s the thing: fear is the biggest obstacle to achieving our goals. It whispers, “Cathy, You can’t do this,” or “What if you fail?” But the truth is that growth only happens when we step outside our comfort zones. By facing our fears, we aren’t just opening the door to personal success—we’re setting a powerful example for the people around us, inspiring them to do the same, especially our children and grandchildren. Be that inspiration! This time of year, we are inundated with weight loss ads, SMART goal setting and motivational affirmations to help us reach our goals. This year, I am listing my fears to Face Everything and Riseup. Here are my top 5 fears I want to face this year: I want to get in front of the camera and not hide behind my microphone. To do this, I want to have guests for my podcast. In a couple of weeks, I will be recording video and audio with a dear friend, a fellow podcaster and author, about setting goals for the year. I was going just to use the audio, but I will upload both. What’s the worst that can happen? People make negative comments about my looks. Who cares. That reflects them, and their words will not stop me. They are just words!! Face Everything And Riseup! I am travelling solo. I thought I was going to Phoenix, Arizona, in February to accept my children’s book award, but the tickets are sold out. That will not stop me from travelling somewhere in 2025 by myself. I haven’t travelled solo in over five years. What am I fearing about it? My thoughts are, Cathy, you are nearing seventy. What if you have a medical emergency and you don’t have family? I know The Universe has my back. Face Everything And Riseup! Trusting my instincts because my instincts never fail me. This ties in with mindfulness. Too often, I have not trusted my instincts and listened to others, only to be mad at myself for not listening to my intuition. I remember this one time; in particular, I was heading out the door to go somewhere and heard that small voice saying, take your camera. It was sitting right there on the chair in front of me. My thought was, why do I need it? I couldn’t think of a ...