
  • december 2024 interstellar transmission
    Dec 5 2024
    CARD: Knight of Dreams DECK: Blood Moon TarotHello, Glitch Witches,Welcome to the December Interstellar Transmission.Time sensitive updates: Tomorrow is STAR WALKER: An Experiential Workshop for Future Earth Leaders to Activate Galactic Remembrance.It’s from 12pm-2pm ET and the replay is included, PLUS some bonus guided Quantum Journeys inside the class portal so you can continue to create without guilt and stay grounded amidst growing world chaos (cause it ain’t slowing down, lol)—long after the class is over. It’s $22 to join the workshop (paid subscribers check the bottom of this email for the coupon code to get in free) but the price goes up to $44 after the workshop is over, once I sell the replay! I am also booking Mini Galactic Sessions for $50 and there are currently only 6 spots left for December. Grab yours here.In 2025 I’ll be changing some things around regarding pricing, offers, and opportunities to work with me. So if you like something you see, you’re gonna want to grab it now!Alright, onto this month’s message!Please note, it’s a bit spicier and more direct than I usually go (and I also get into some of my take on American politics at this time so…read and/or listen at your own risk.) DECEMBER INTERSTELLAR TRANSMISSIONWRITTENIt feels like lifetimes have passed since I last sent out one of these, back at the beginning of November after the United States presidential election. Something fascinating has been happening to me during this time.If you listened to my last transmission, I touched on this briefly, but it's become even clearer now: I am no longer invested in this system as a viable option for liberation.I’m invested in a world beyond this one—a world we haven’t even named yet, built on systems we can’t yet fathom. It’s a kind of world that might seem impossible, yet I feel it’s already here, beating, thrumming, and humming beneath my feet.We don’t need to collapse the system; it’s collapsing on its own. That process doesn’t need help. I’m not interested in destruction or tearing anything down.I’m invested in the subversion of building a new world as the old one dies. I’m committed to creating a new earth right under the nose of the old one—no replication, no resistance.There’s a saying: “What you resist, you become.” If that’s true, resistance ensures more of the same. Instead, I want to create a new reality entirely outside the bounds of the old.This might sound like bypassing or naivety, but I’m not suggesting we ignore, suppress, or repress what’s happening.The election reaffirmed that the world we dream of is happening no matter what. In 2016, I was devastated when he won. I felt debilitated, and collapsed under the weight of despair. I had to journey through that.'But last month, when he was reelected, I felt a shift.While I felt sadness and understood the real-world implications, I also felt resolute: I will not give you power over me. That inner sovereignty is what we’re building.I don’t know what the coming months hold, and I refuse to project a fear-based narrative. I see what’s happening. I hear what’s being said.Yet, as people scramble and panic, I feel it in my bones: it’s over. I don’t know what that means in practical terms, but I know it’s time for all of us who feel called to rise up and meet this moment.Refusing to cede our inner authority to figureheads who only hold power if we grant it to them is essential.I feel this conviction deeply. We must remain grounded and clear, powering up ourselves and the collective grid. Massive change is on the horizon, though it won’t be smooth sailing.With Pluto moving into Aquarius, we must remember that Aquarius’ utopian promise comes only after Pluto’s underworld.What’s happening now is the exposure of what has always been. This infection is rising to the surface to be healed.I can’t say whether Trump’s victory was “meant” to happen or manipulated, but either way, it is a powerful catalyst for evolution.We have a choice: collapse under fear or reclaim our power. This reclamation is a force beyond reckoning—not war consciousness, not “us versus them,” but collective empowerment.This shift in perspective hit me on the train the morning of the election results.After crying briefly, I felt a lightning bolt of clarity: Be so full of joy they think you’re excited about the results.I wanted people to see me and be confused…because of the joy I was emanating. Because of my unshakeable foundation.It wasn’t about denying my emotions—I allowed fear, sadness, and anger to move through me like waves—but about reclaiming my energy.No one, least of all Trump, was going to take my inner state from me. That, to me, is sovereignty.We are being called to commit at a new level to what we came here to do. Last month, I spoke about the Page of Swords and imagination as a portal.This month, I’m drawn to the Knight of Swords, or the Knight of ...
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    33 mins
  • november 2024 interstellar transmission
    Nov 12 2024
    CARD: Page of Dreams DECK: Blood Moon TarotHello, Glitch Witches,Welcome to the November Interstellar Transmission.The quantum theme for November is ”imagination is a doorway”. NOVEMBER INTERSTELLAR TRANSMISSIONWRITTENIn 2016 I was emotionally devastated by the election results. I could barely move or function. I felt physically and emotionally incapacitated. I was pregnant with my son (my oldest, who is now seven) at the time. I didn’t know it yet, but that was the beginning of a seven-year initiation into remembrance.On Wednesday I won’t say I was thrilled with the results (I was not.) I felt grief and sadness, disappointment, some fear.But I felt something else happening too...something wild and electric.It was like a big POWER ON feeling. I felt so grounded. I was able to let the emotions move through my body without fully dissociating. I felt such clarity of purpose and an intensity of amplifying power.So much despair is being reflected to me but I just…don’t feel that. I feel people wanting me to match their fear and their pain and their despair and I just…physically can’t.I am empowered. I am immovable. I am unshakeable. Portals of possibility have now opened. Hundreds, maybe thousands, maybe an infinite number.I see them shimmering before us. All of us. This is a potent time. We all have a choice in this moment. We can choose to stay asleep to our true power. We can allow ourselves to be lulled by the dream (or nightmare) of despair and futility. The interesting thing about despair is that, even though it doesn’t feel very good, it is quite seductive. Despair makes it easy to give up. To surrender.But despair is not the only choice available right now.We can also choose to remember.Remember who we are. Where we came from.Remember that we have creative agency—even when we don’t feel like we do. The paradox is that remembrance is not the “easy” path.Waking up, remembering, engaging life as it is requires some effort. Some challenge.Imagination is a doorway that leads us into what comes next.Imagination is NOT a luxury. It is NOT frivolity.Imagination is the very compass that will guide is through the labyrinth, that will show us the way forward, that will open up pathways and doorways in what seems like dead-ends or brick walls.Can you feel it, too? The inevitability of evolution sizzling and crackling in the air, like electricity?The energy field all around us is ALIVE with it. No one said it would be easy.But you know, deep in your bones—beneath the stories, beneath the projections, beneath the programs, beneath the conditioning—that you came here for this time. We have reached a turning point.And we are not alone.I did a contact meditation Sunday night before bed, and woke up at 1:08am on 11/11 to the TV in the basement blaring—as well as every single basement light turned on.Our galactic guides are with us, supporting our evolutionary transition across dimensions.But they are not here to save us. They are not gods or demons.They are collaborating with us. Energy is moving. Timelines are converging. My imagination shows me a world beyond all this. Beyond all the constructs. All the structures. Every last one.My imagination is bigger than anything we have built.I imagine a society beyond empire. Beyond capitalism. Beyond republics. Beyond democracy. Beyond communism. Beyond socialism.Beyond all of it. There aren’t even words invented yet on Earth for the kind of world and society I envision. It will be like nothing we have ever seen—in any lifetime.But birthing that world requires each of us to remember who we are and do what we came here to do.The external world is chaotic. The energy is intense. People have a lot of opinions about what other people should think, or what they should be doing. I wish I could say things will settle—but I sense that this frenetic energy will only amplify.This is an initiation.Amidst the swirl of fear and panic, people are attempting to find safety in a sense of control. (This attempt to control others is coming from every side, every angle. It’s not just one group—regardless of what any one group will tell you. It’s everywhere. The call is coming from inside the house.)Notice when you’re feeling a “should.”Notice when you want to share, speak, or create—but you “hold it back”, hold it in, for fear of what people will think, say, or do.For fear of being punished.These are control energetics at work in your system.Release them.These old, old programs of fear, control, and punishment are ready to be released.Welcome to the great unraveling.I cannot tell you what your “purpose” is. I cannot tell you what you are “supposed” to do in this moment in time.No one can. You must remember for yourself.When you can remember why you are here in the context of lifetimes throughout the galaxy, that context becomes your anchor.Not the tosses and turns of the fickleness of external reality.“What’s happening on ...
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    21 mins
  • galactic guidance: you are what you fear
    Nov 1 2024

    Welcome to this Galactic Guidance guidance transmission to wrap up the energy of October!

    Remember: these are QUANTUM transmissions, which means they are not bound by space and time.

    Though I’ve recorded this for you to close our October contemplations, it is meant for you exactly when it finds you.

    That is the MAGIC of the quantum.

    I am LOVING working with the Galactic Heritage deck. The deeper I go into this system, the more holographic and multidimensional it becomes. This is a language I was always meant to speak.

    For now, I am keeping these accessible to ALL.

    So, enjoy!

    And if you’d like your own Galactic Heritage Reading, see details below.


    👽GALACTIC HERITAGE READINGS: Explore your star lineage, karmic themes, and soul gifts. LIVE VIA ZOOM. BOOK HERE (NOTE: limited space so book now to hold your spots)

    🧬QUANTUM HYPNOSIS: Want to explore a past galactic life or revisit a suspect contact experience? BOOK HERE


    Until next time.

    Your conscious contact guide,


    Here are some ways I can support you more deeply in remembering who you are:

    Find me on Instagram, listen to The Glitch Witch podcast, schedule a 1:1 here, schedule a quantum hypnosis session here, and explore my full menu of energy healing, hypnosis, and psychic readings.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit lisaquigley.substack.com/subscribe
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    47 mins
  • october 2024 interstellar transmission
    Oct 7 2024
    CARD: Nine of Dreams DECK: Blood Moon TarotHello, fellow weirdos & dreamers!Welcome to the October Interstellar Transmission! The quantum theme for October is ”how fear stories distort reality perception”—particularly as it connects to our contact experiences. (And as you might remember from last month: “it’s all contact.”) FEAR. It’s a doozy.Welcome to Spooky Season.But first…UPDATES FROM THE GLITCH WITCH GALAXY👽GALACTIC HERITAGE READINGS: Dive into your star lineage in this reading that combines the Galactic Heritage Cards with my psychic and channeling skills. While no two readings are alike, this reading explores karmic themes & patterns, soul gifts, and galactic lineage. LIVE VIA ZOOM. BOOK HERE (NOTE: I’m only booking four per month—once these fill, I will close till November)🧬QUANTUM HYPNOSIS: Want to go deeper? In Quantum Hypnosis we go directly to the source. With your Higher Self guiding the way, I will take you on a journey into your subconscious to see the timelines, past earth or galactic lives, and multidimensional experiences to help you integrate more fully into this Earth incarnation and better understand what you came here to do. BOOK HERE🛸DREAM CONTACT CIRCLE: Many of us are conditioned to believe that Extraterrestrial Contact is something that happens TO us, often by chance. But did you know that you can initiate contact yourself? If you are new to this kind of work, dream contact is a great place to start. Includes: Dream Contact Induction audio track, micro Contact Signal track, a workbook, and Module One. NOTE: There is a lot more coming through on this, and I’ll be making this a much more robust experience. More modules on the way! JOIN HERE.OCTOBER INTERSTELLAR TRANSMISSIONWRITTENI'm going to continue with the discussion we've been having for the last couple of months. The next thing I'll be talking about, and spending time with this month, is the subject of fear, subconscious fears, and unconscious fears.The card guiding the discussion this month is the Nine of Dreams from the Blood Moon Tarot, which is also the Nine of Swords.So here we are again, in the realm of dreams and cognition. How can we trust our perception of the sense data coming through our filters? How do we interpret raw data, and can we always trust our interpretations?The beauty of being human is our ability to tell stories. The challenge of being human is knowing which stories to believe. All of reality is a story. We are constantly telling, editing, distorting, interpreting, and perceiving. All stories can be rewritten, and all interpretations are up for debate. How, then, can we ever know what’s real?Another challenge of being human is that we are not always aware of how raw data is being filtered, sorted, interpreted, and organized by our perception filters. This is something science calls the Reticular Activating System (RAS)*. I’m going to get nerdy for a second, so bear with me.The RAS is so good at its job that we don’t even know it’s doing a job. We think we are simply receiving reality as it is, objectively. We stop at a red light and go at a green light—simple. Except it’s actually not. Millions of bytes of raw sense data (light, vibration, etc.) come in through our sense perceivers like eyes and ears, and are interpreted by the RAS. The RAS is a highly refined processing system in our brains that checks incoming data against everything we know, everything we’ve ever experienced, and everything we believe (consciously and unconsciously). This process happens so rapidly, we don’t even know it’s a process.So, while sitting at that red light, you might blink 10 to 20 times. You don’t perceive those black screens because your RAS knows to edit them out, making your experience of reality smooth and seamless. There may have been other irrelevant sensory data filtered out by the RAS, as it wasn't necessary to notice at that moment.Imagine that some sensed data didn't align with your belief systems. For example, a spirit guide, a soft voice of intuition, or a UFO. Your RAS would say, "Unnecessary information," and hit delete before it reached your conscious awareness.This is why my talk about reality, perception, and filters isn’t just abstract—it’s based in actual neuroscience.All reality is literally filtered through each human’s RAS. Perception of reality is based on factors like past experiences, future predictions, and belief systems. This is important because it helps us understand that much of how we experience the world is determined by what we already believe, often on a subconscious level. Anything that doesn’t match pre-established belief systems is simply deleted, unbeknownst to our conscious minds.Most of our belief systems are subconscious, if not unconscious. This means that what we call reality is a filtered interpretation of raw sensory data. We’re not experiencing reality as it is, but rather as we are. This is why no two ...
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    22 mins
  • galactic guidance: body as spiritual technology
    Sep 26 2024

    Welcome September’s Galactic Guidance!

    Remember: these are QUANTUM transmissions, which means they are not bound by space and time.

    Though I’ve recorded this for you in September, it is meant for you exactly when it finds you.

    That is the MAGIC of the quantum.

    I am LOVING working with the Galactic Heritage deck. The deeper I go into this system, the more holographic and multidimensional it becomes. This is a language I was always meant to speak.

    For now, I am keeping these accessible to ALL.

    So, enjoy!

    And if you’d like your own Galactic Heritage Reading, see details below.


    👽GALACTIC HERITAGE READINGS: Dive into your star lineage in this reading that combines the Galactic Heritage Cards with my psychic and channeling skills. While no two readings are alike, this reading explores karmic themes & patterns, soul gifts, and star lineage. LIVE VIA ZOOM. I only have FIVE SPACES available in October. BOOK HERE (NOTE: once five are booked, spaces will close till November)

    🧬QUANTUM HYPNOSIS: Want to go deeper? In Quantum Hypnosis we go directly to the source. With your Higher Self guiding the way, I will take you on a journey into your subconscious to see the timelines, past earth or galactic lives, and multidimensional experiences to help you integrate more fully into this Earth incarnation and better understand what you came here to do. BOOK HERE

    🛸DREAM CONTACT CIRCLE: Many of us are conditioned to believe that Extraterrestrial Contact is something that happens TO us, often by chance. But did you know that you can initiate contact yourself? If you are new to this kind of work, dream contact is a great place to start. Includes: Dream Contact Induction audio track, micro Contact Signal track, and a workbook. NOTE: There is a lot more coming through on this, and I’ll be making this a much more robust experience. This price will be increasing to $77 on 10/1 (it’s currently $35 to get access), but everyone who purchases now will maintain access AND get all the forthcoming upgrades! JOIN HERE.

    Until next time.

    Your conscious contact guide,


    Here are some ways I can support you more deeply in remembering who you are:

    Find me on Instagram, listen to The Glitch Witch podcast, schedule a 1:1 here, schedule a quantum hypnosis session here, and explore my full menu of energy healing, hypnosis, and psychic readings.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit lisaquigley.substack.com/subscribe
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    33 mins
  • september 2024 interstellar transmission
    Sep 5 2024
    CARD: Ten of Dreams DECK: Blood Moon TarotHello, fellow weirdos & dreamers!Welcome to the September Interstellar Transmission! The quantum theme for September is ”system update: reality”.This is some real refined s**t, we are moving into the “advanced curriculum” here on Planet Earth.But first…UPDATES FROM THE GLITCH WITCH UNIVERSE👽GALACTIC HERITAGE READINGS: Dive into your star lineage in this reading that combines the Galactic Heritage Cards with my psychic and channeling skills. While no two readings are alike, this reading explores karmic themes & patterns, soul gifts, and galactic lineage. LIVE VIA ZOOM. BOOK HERE🧬QUANTUM HYPNOSIS: Want to go deeper? In Quantum Hypnosis we go directly to the source. With your Higher Self guiding the way, I will take you on a journey into your subconscious to see the timelines, past earth or galactic lives, and multidimensional experiences to help you integrate more fully into this Earth incarnation and better understand what you came here to do. BOOK HEREIn This Issue You’ll Find* The September Interstellar Transmission | audio + written* Info on the Dream Contact Circle (fully distance!) PAID SUBSCRIBERS: respond to this email for a 50% off coupon code!* Resources for further contemplationSEPTEMBER INTERSTELLAR TRANSMISSIONWRITTENWelcome to the September Interstellar Transmission.September is going to be a big month. I have so many exciting things to share and so many things planned, and I also think there are going to be some surprises along the way, just because of the way things are dropping in for me at the moment, including this month's transmission.After I did the dreams and Dream contact theme throughout August, I had actually planned on a different theme and trajectory for September. But my guides, my parallel self, interjected and intersected me at the pass, dropping in a new theme. Although I don't know if we can quite call it a theme, this is what is meant to come through.Yesterday, when I pulled my tarot card of the day—I've been working with the Blood Moon tarot deck throughout the summer, ever since around the solstice—I like to swap out my decks seasonally just because I have so many tarot decks that I love, and I like to get a chance to use all of them.However, I’m vibing so much with the Blood Moon Tarot that I’m going to keep using it a little while longer. It’s really aligned with the kinds of things I’m channeling and the kind of stuff that’s coming through for me. It’s opening up the tarot archetypes in a really multidimensional way that I’m really into right now—particularly the Suit of Dreams, which this tarot artist has renamed the suit of Swords.It actually took me quite some time to understand why Swords would be Dreams because I often thought about dreams as this more watery type thing. I still do, especially when thinking about dreams as the subconscious. But I started to come into a more nuanced understanding of dreams and how this tarot artist was channeling this idea.Anyway, yesterday I pulled my card of the day, and it was the Ten of Dreams, which is Ten of Swords in the Blood Moon tarot. Instantly, I had all these downloads coming in. I began my regular morning journal, which usually consists of one or two pages of journaling after I pull a card.But very quickly, I started channeling, and I realized there was a lot to say. A lot started pouring out, and I went into a semi-trance channel space.As I was about halfway through writing, I realized, “Oh, this is the transmission for September. This is what I’m supposed to be sending out.”So here we are—this is it. This is actually ideal because last month we talked about dreams on many levels. So, I’m going to get started with the transmission.First, we have this notion of dreams and how I’m obsessed with dreams and dreaming. That obsession is becoming even more pronounced as I continue my work and development, especially in the dream space and the dream time.These are important terrains that hold keys and clues to unlocking and dissolving the doors and barriers between compartmentalized sections of consciousness. Taking my dreams more seriously has been a key component in the process of deep de-compartmentalization.Secondly, there is the process of re-patterning, deprogramming, deconditioning, and reconditioning. The word "dreams" stretches farther and expands in meaning—dreams not just referring to a plane or state of consciousness, but referring to our actual perception of the world itself.In truth, we are all dreaming. There are collective dreams and individual dreams. I feel I need to break this down further.In Lyssa Royal Holt’s book Preparing for Contact, which I’ve referenced a lot and highly recommend, she talks about how one of the reasons it’s so challenging for humans and ETs to find common ground for meeting or contact is because we are not dreaming the same dream. Our perceptions of reality are so vastly different ...
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    23 mins
  • galactic guidance: diversity is multidimensional
    Aug 30 2024

    Welcome August’s Galactic Guidance!

    Remember: these are QUANTUM transmissions, which means they are not bound by space and time.

    Though I’ve recorded this for you in August, it is meant for you exactly when it finds you.

    That is the MAGIC of the quantum.

    I am LOVING working with the Galactic Heritage deck. The deeper I go into this system, the more holographic and multidimensional it becomes. This is a language I was always meant to speak.

    For now, I am keeping these accessible to ALL.

    So, enjoy!

    And if you’d like your own Galactic Heritage Reading, see details below.

    👽GALACTIC HERITAGE READINGS: Dive into your star lineage in this reading that combines the Galactic Heritage Cards with my psychic and channeling skills. While no two readings are alike, this reading explores karmic themes & patterns, soul gifts, and galactic lineage. LIVE VIA ZOOM. Now booking into September. BOOK HERE

    🛸DREAM CONTACT CIRCLE: Many of us believe that Extraterrestrial Contact is something that happens TO us—often by chance. But did you know that you can initiate contact yourself? In fact, our star kin are waiting for us to do just that. If you are new to this kind of work, dream contact is a great place to start. Included: Dream Induction Track, Dream Contact Signal Micro Track, Dream Contact Guidebook. JOIN HERE. Check out the August Contact Discussion Board here.

    Until next time.

    Your conscious contact guide,


    Here are some ways I can support you more deeply in remembering who you are:

    Find me on Instagram, listen to The Glitch Witch podcast, schedule a 1:1 here, schedule a quantum hypnosis session here, and explore my full menu of energy healing, hypnosis, and psychic readings.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit lisaquigley.substack.com/subscribe
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    35 mins
  • 3 states of dream consciousness for ET contact
    Aug 22 2024

    Today I'm sharing three states of dream consciousness in which contact with extraterrestrial beings can occur.

    Those three states are:

    • Unconscious
    • Aware
    • Conscious

    We begin with Presupposition #1: Dream reality is real.

    (Make sure you're subscribed to PORTALS & PRISMS to receive the rest of the contact presuppositions!)

    If you'd like to start exploring dream contact, you can join my virtual Dream Contact Circle here. This is a fully distance container and includes a dream induction audio, a micro dream signal track, and a workbook to help you process and integrate any dream contact experiences you may have. Sign up now so you'll be notified when all materials are uploaded tomorrow!

    If you're a paid PORTALS & PRISMS subscriber, reach out for a code for 50% off. PLUS, you'll have access to an exclusive discussion thread where you can share your dream contact experiences, read about others', and receive support and encouragement on your contact adventures and experiments!

    Remember: this is supposed to be FUN. Enjoy!

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit lisaquigley.substack.com/subscribe
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    38 mins