• POTENTIAL | Stepping Into Your Purpose & Destiny | Troy Gramling
    Jan 8 2025

    Troy Gramling was a successful college and professional overseas basketball player set to become a Coach and Educator. Until God brought a small opportunity their way that had life-changing impact.

    Troy and his wife volunteered to teach a class for the young people in the small church they attended. Through this experience, God worked on their hearts and showed them a deeper calling for their lives.

    As Troy and his wife took risks and offered what seemingly little they had to offer, God opened doors for them to walk in the purpose they were created for.

    Troy now pastors a large church and wrote the book "Potential." Troy loves to help teach and inspire people to not give up on their God-given destiny. No matter where you might be in life, Troy wants to encourage you and reassure you that God can do more with you than you think, if you just take those first steps of what He's opening up before you. Just remember not to give up at the times you get discouraged.

    TROY'S BOOK: POTENTIAL The Uncontainable Power of God Within You

    AMAZON: https://a.co/d/jiYyqrP

    BARNES & NOBLE: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/potential-troy-gramling/1144254702

    WEBSITE: TroyGramling.com

    CONTACT: Troy@TroyGramling.com

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    33 mins
  • DIGITAL JESUS | What Does Church And The Gospel Look Like In The Metaverse | Christopher Adams
    Dec 10 2024

    Technology advancements have caused everyone to spend extended time engaged in digital spaces. Whether we like it or not, this trend keeps increasing. The world we are stepping into is continually growing drastically more digital.

    Digital universes or metaverses we interact in aren't all fake. When we interact with others online, it's an extension of ourselves. The scary part comes in because there is a merging of reality with fake spaces.

    Most of the time, the metaverses that exist do cause more harm to users. They're built to addict users to spend more time there which gains the builders of the platforms more money. And trying to keep people engaged isn't governed by moral obligations. Many times more deplorable content is introduced to suck users into these digital universes even more, even to their harm.

    So what can the church do? What role do or should Christians play in these digital worlds? Does Jesus want us to be involved in these metaverses or not?

    Christopher Adams, founder and developer of the digital metaverse called "Lands Of Elohim", speaks into all these topics and more. As a Christian who desires to spread the Gospel, Christopher tells us why the Church not only should be, but is already involved in great and positive ways spreading the love and truth of Jesus digitally.

    Listen as Christopher talks about the dangers that will come if the church runs away from this issue. But also the blessings and benefits that are coming as the church encounters those unreached people who would otherwise never come to the knowledge of the truth of the Gospel if it weren't for finding Jesus in the digital world.

    LEARN MORE ABOUT "LANDS OF ELOHIM": Christopher@LandsOfElohim.com


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    38 mins
  • FAMILY BUSINESS | Mixing And Managing Your Business With Your Family
    Nov 26 2024

    When pouring countless hours and so much strength into building a business, many times you'd like to pass it onto your children. But what does that really look like? Should your kids work for you? Is it good to bring your wife into your business? Is it best to completely separate your business from your family?

    When mixing your family with your business there can be a lot of pros and cons. Depending on the various situations, you have to be careful about how to best go about managing your business with your family. It's not always the best option to bring your family into your business.

    But, there can be great advantages to working with your family if you understand how to handle and manage things well. There are also varying degrees of how much you can merge your family into your business.

    If you're an entrepreneur who has questions about what it looks like to work with your family or you desire to pass your business onto your family, this is a great conversation to listen to. Join Brett Snodgrass & Michael Stansbury to hear their great insight into how to properly and healthily bring your kids and/or wife into your business.

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    39 mins
  • PRAYER IN YOUR BUSINESS | How Prioritizing Prayer Will Give You Increase | Kevin White
    Nov 19 2024

    Kevin White went from a broken family, to becoming a pastor, to becoming a Kingdom Building Entrepreneur. In Kevin's early walk with the Lord, he understood the importance of prayer and spending time with the Lord. But as he grew in position and projects, things seemed to get away from him.

    Kevin had to get back to the very basics of what breathes life into his own life, as well as what actually propels his business further than he can come up with on his own. Mattew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." As Kevin got back to this principle, he began to experience incredible divine acts of God in all areas of his life.

    Jesus spoke about the Kingdom much more than He did about "church." Kevin has learned how the workplace is where Jesus is bringing us into His Kingdom today through the workplace and how prayer plays a central role.

    Kevin is a best-selling author currently having written 8 books. Kevin can attest that as He prioritized prayer and surrendered His ideas to God, that God brought greater and better ideas and business plans. Kevin's publishing company first order is prayer which enables the publishing to follow.

    Listen to Josh and Kevin share how putting prayer first can greatly impact and influence your business and all areas of your life.

    SPIRIT MEDIA: https://spiritmedia.us/

    KEVIN'S SITE: https://kevinwhite.us/

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    40 mins
    Nov 12 2024

    Pastor & Political Science Major, David Tillman, speaks on the hard topic of how Christians should engage in politics. Some Christians wonder if they should engage of politics at all, but David makes it very clear that Christians from a Biblical perspective, are supposed to engage in politics.

    Yes, Christians belong to a spiritual Kingdom that Christ is king of, but Christ also has us here in the earth, placed in a specific nation and systems that we're in to be a light and bring change and impact. As US citizens, we have a responsibility to affect policies by exercising our vote.

    30 million evangelicals didn't vote in the last election. This is a staggering number. If the church abdicates our role from helping to direct the nation's policies with righteous morals then wicked people will influence laws and policies with anti-biblical morals.

    Some argue we shouldn't push our morals on other people, but many policies our government enacts are admitted as moral matters. There are always moral views being pushed in public policies, whether it's the church or non-Christians. Listen as Mike & David discuss this important topic.

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    41 mins
  • TALENT STEWARDSHIP | Stewardship of Talents According to the Bible
    Nov 5 2024

    Do you know what you're Designed for? Most people don't even know what their giftings or talents are. Or if they know, they have a small understanding. Or even more, they may know exactly what their strengths and talents are, but don't know what to do with them or how to best utilize them.

    How can we fulfill the purposes God designed for our lives if we don't even know what talents we possess? And furthermore, what do we do with these gifts and talents?

    Brett & Josh discuss biblically the mandate God gives us for using the talents He has blessed us with. They get into what it looks like to using and developing these talents. Many times there is risk involved, but that shouldn't be a deterrent from stepping out and using what God has blessed us with.

    Listen to Brett & Josh share about ways we can grow in utilizing our gifts and talents more effectively, and how we can help others grow, so that none of us will be found wasting our talents when God comes to ask us what we've done. We can live in a much fuller potential if we truly understand how God can bless even the very little He puts in our hands.

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    40 mins
  • BETTER TOGETHER | The Advanced Power of Men Working Together for a Single Purpose
    Oct 29 2024

    Men, in our western culture, typically live much more isolated than men in a lot of other cultures. There's so many burdens men try to carry alone. This becomes wearisome for men and it isn't productive.

    Brett, Mike & Josh team up on this episode to discuss the need of men doing life together. They share great examples of the power of men working together and spending time together from other cultures, marked stories, and personal experiences.

    One horse alone can pull a certain amount of weight. But when you have two horses pulling together, it doesn't just double the weight, it goes way beyond. In like manner, men in community together are better together. They advance much farther with each other than without.

    Listen as the guys share the importance of Men together with a single purpose and how this is a major goal that Iron Deep is attempting to accomplish. It may seem like a hard feat to accomplish, but it's actually easier than you might think. Hear the practical tips the Iron Deep guys have to share.

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    35 mins
  • DISCIPLESHIP AT HOME | How to Disciple Your Family Well | Brett Snodgrass & Josh Howard
    Oct 15 2024

    Many times we desire to minster and disciple others, but at what cost to our family? We can spend hours diligently focusing on our work & the rest of our time in other discipleship outside of our home, but who is discipling our families?

    As men, our first ministry should be toward our wives and our children. If we neglect this aspect of spiritual leadership in our homes, chaos and disorder will run rampant within our families. And there won't be any good way for us to disciple others at that point.

    There is only one person who can be a husband to your wife and a father to your children, and that's you. Are you doing a good job discipling your family at home?

    Josh & Brett share their struggles and triumphs of discipling their families. Listen as they share lessons they've learned to help be better spiritual leaders in the home.

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    35 mins