• 163. Connecting People to Hope: Christopher Beth
    Oct 17 2024

    Before his current position, Christopher Beth, director of The Bucket Ministry, didn’t know what he didn’t know. Unaware of how severe the world’s water crisis is, and how many people are affected by a seemingly hopeless situation, his eyes were opened on a mission trip to the Amazon. Christopher felt moved to show love through tangible help and got involved in ways to provide clean, safe drinking water for those who need it—opening a door to hope and connection.


    “I thought I was just going to be chaperoning my child on this trip, but what happened on that trip changed me, because I got to see things I was not expecting. I saw people without hope.” - Christopher Beth

    “God [was] opening my heart and softening my heart. I learned just how big the problem is from the water side and from the spiritual side as well.” - Christopher Beth

    “I believe that is maybe some of the greatest illustrations of God's love—wanting His people to be healthier. I think because of His love, He has allowed me to see where He's working and He's allowed me to join in that work. I've gotten to see miracles happen firsthand.” - Christopher Beth

    “I know I can't be perfect, but if I show people how I live by trusting Him and obeying Him, I don't have to be perfect. If they see me doing good things, if they see me worshiping God, if they see me being righteous, they will know who He is through my actions.” - Christopher Beth

    Guest’s Links
    The Bucket Ministry

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    The Bucket Ministry Facebook

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode

    Joshua Project


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    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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    17 mins
  • 162. God Will Give You Strength In The Storms: Jay Hewitt
    Oct 10 2024

    Jay Hewitt is a pastor, author, and motivational speaker. At the age of thirty-seven, he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, but despite the prognosis, he drew strength from his faith in God and embraced his calling as a storyteller—sharing his remarkable journey of striving to participate in the Ironman Triathlon while fighting cancer. Together with his wife and daughter, he continues to inspire others with his resilience, unwavering faith, and empowering messages, reminding us of the limitless strength we possess.


    “I've always used story as a driving force in my preaching and as a storyteller. God has given me a pretty remarkable story to tell.” - Jay Hewitt

    “All of these waves of life were just crashing all around me, and Jesus spoke to my soul and said, ‘Be still.’ And it obeyed him, and the grace that that was for me was unbelievable.” - Jay Hewitt

    “I now move forward in life knowing whatever I face—because I still have a terminal disease, there are still so many scary things that I'm facing—I know that if God is with me and if He's displaying His strength through my weakness, I can still accomplish the callings that He has put on my life.” - Jay Hewitt

    “Every time that I prayed for God to give me strength and to help me, He sent me one of His people. Now when I'm really struggling and I pray the one word prayer, ‘Help,’ I look around to see who God is sending to help me. I also hope that God will use me and will send me to help others.” - Jay Hewitt

    “I am strong because I want to help people learn to not only bear others' burdens, but to allow people to bear their burdens, to find a way to admit how weak they are so that they can become strong. Not only will they experience God's strength, they'll also experience God's love.” - Jay Hewitt

    “God's going to put dreams in your heart and a calling on your life. Do not be surprised when the enemy tries to steal those dreams and calling and kill your faith. Hold on to the hope of Jesus in His power. Get up, stay strong, and press on. I promise you, you will experience and see that nothing is impossible for God.” - Jay Hewitt

    Guest’s Links
    Jay Hewitt’s website

    Jay Hewitt’s Instagram

    Jay Hewitt’s Facebook

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode
    Dunkin’ Donuts

    Ironman Triathlon

    Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook

    Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram

    Sally’s website

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    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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    15 mins
  • 161. We All Have Opportunities to Change the World: Tim Ross
    Oct 3 2024

    Raised in a family deeply rooted in ministry, Tim Ross's path to preaching and leadership was not a part of his own plans, but unfolded naturally through deep searching and examination of his convictions. Through his podcast, speaking engagements, and writing, Tim speaks to the power of small acts of kindness in changing lives and reflects on the true measure of success—finding the peace that passes all understanding.


    “I like to remind people that we can all change the world around us.” - Tim Ross

    “We have an opportunity on a daily basis—our proximity to our neighbors, to our family, and our friends gives us the opportunity to really identify what a person needs. Just being prompted by the Holy Spirit and genuine acts of kindness, [we can] meet those needs in a way that allows them to receive and to feel God's love.” - Tim Ross

    “Jesus is literally taking off glory and putting on humanity so that He can dwell among us. He goes on to say, ‘If you're going to be the greatest, you will be the servant of all.’ So, the reward for reaching the top in the Kingdom of God, according to Jesus, is that you get to serve everybody.” - Tim Ross

    “It's very important for us to remember God's love for us on a day-to-day basis, because it orients how we navigate through our days, and ultimately, through our lives.” - Tim Ross

    “When we carry that recognition of God's love every day, what we realize is we're not trying to perform for His love, we're performing because we are loved. That shift changes the way that we see ourselves and others.” - Tim Ross

    Guest’s Links
    Tim Ross’ website

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    Tim Ross’ YouTube

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode

    U.S. Postal Service

    Ace Hardware

    Matthew 3

    Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones
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    Sally’s website

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    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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    13 mins
  • 160. Holding Sorrow and Joy Together: Gabe and Keely Scott
    Sep 26 2024

    When musician and restaurant owner Gabe Scott unexpectedly contracted a brain infection, he and his wife Keely knew they’d have a long road back to their normal lives. But what they didn’t anticipate was his continued memory loss, and how their story would become both beautiful and hard at the same time, even as they put the worst behind them. The Scotts share how they’ve learned to hold sorrow and joy together, and how to find happiness in the smallest of victories.


    “My prayers were just give me a date to just expect [Gabe’s memory loss] to be gone. We quickly learned once we got home and were in those first few months of recovery, that was not going to be what our future looked like. It's really unpredictable, which has been the hardest—and the most beautiful thing—to live in the moment.” - Keely Scott

    “We live with both a beautiful story and a hard story at the same time. It was such a freeing moment for both of us to still carry the sadness, but to recognize the beauty and who we've become.” - Keely Scott

    “Our job is to continually keep sowing and digging in hope and in perseverance, knowing that what Jesus said is true. And that along the way, we keep finding treasures of His love and friendship. And we're just digging in hope.” - Keely Scott

    Guest’s Links
    Gabe Scott’s Instagram

    Keely Scott’s Instagram

    Gabe Scott’s Facebook

    Keely Scott’s Facebook

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode

    Compassion International

    Ladybird Taco

    Andrew Peterson

    Andy Gullahorn

    Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook

    Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram

    Sally’s website

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    Sally’s Instagram

    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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    14 mins
  • 159. The Thread That Connects Us All: The Arcadian Wild
    Sep 19 2024

    Lincoln, Isaac, and Bailey from the band The Arcadian Wild share how music can be a collective experience that draws us all together—no matter our backgrounds, beliefs, or experiences. The trio shares their unique process in leaving space in their songs so that people can bring their own stories and insert themselves into it, creating beautiful, grace-filled moments.


    “I learned early on that there's something beautiful about taking a step back and looking at something as a whole—it's the sum of its parts that are making it really special. After we've all kind of put our fingerprints on the song, it's going to be so much better and so much more beautiful than anything that I could have done alone.” - Isaac Horn

    “Whenever we're hit with an idea to write a song, it's a very, very personal thing. Whenever we put it out into the world, we kind of let go of what we intended it to be, and we kind of open it up so the song becomes a new song every time a new person hears it. They meet the song with their own stories.” - Isaac Horn

    “I think that there's a certain degree of responsibility as a songwriter to make sure that there is space in the song and in the story for someone to insert themselves into it. That's when I really feel wrapped up in something that's bigger than myself.” - Isaac Horn

    “As the performers, we bring something different to the table each night. Maybe we've had a great day, maybe our tanks are really full, or maybe it's really close to empty. Everyone who is in the room with us brings something really unique to the table, too. But all of that kind of comes together and sings in a really, really beautiful way.” - Lincoln Mick

    “I think we're just trying to be awake to the unique things that God is doing in those little moments—knowing that we've never experienced them before and we'll never experience them quite that way again.” - Lincoln Mick

    Guest’s Links
    The Arcadian Wild website

    The Arcadian Wild Facebook

    The Arcadian Wild Instagram

    The Arcadian Wild Twitter

    The Arcadian Wild YouTube

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode

    Lipscomb University

    “Civil War” by The Arcadian Wild

    Tourette syndrome


    Andrew Peterson

    Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook

    Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram

    Sally’s website

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    Sally’s Instagram

    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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    13 mins
  • 158. Finding Harmony When You Live For Others: Jess Ray
    Sep 12 2024

    Through the ups and downs of working in the music industry, singer/songwriter Jess Ray has seen God’s grace most exemplified to her in other people who’ve lent her a hand along the way. By choosing to take a people-centered approach to life, Jess has found how friendships can open doors and how they also inspire a truer and deeper aspect to her music.


    “Music and my relationship with God was very intertwined.” - Jess Ray

    “It's really the kindness of so many people over a long time, giving me a shot, getting to learn from them, and honing my craft—learning from people who are so good and have walked this road in front of me.” - Jess Ray

    “At this point, I'm just continuing to try to make art that is compelling to me, that feels true and authentic, and that's not afraid to push against the boundaries of what we might say. I see God in everything.” - Jess Ray

    “I realize literally there is no greater job than our part to play here. I'm like, I don't want to be playing for thousands of people. I would rather be writing music for people to play on their very worst days and helping them get through that.” - Jess Ray

    “When it comes to seeing God's love in the things around me, it normally starts with accepting today as a gift and not being in such a hurry with my own plan that I'm only frustrated when things don't go the way I want—instead having this heart that is open to what God will bring into my day.” - Jess Ray

    “Honestly, a big shift for me the past few years has been a change to being people-centered, to shape my life around caring for people and what they need is something that does not necessarily come naturally for me. But when I've shifted my heart around that, I'm flooded with the love of God in the people around me.” - Jess Ray

    Guest’s Links
    Jess Ray’s website

    Jess Ray’s Facebook

    Jess Ray’s Instagram

    Jess Ray’s YouTube

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode

    Christa Wells

    “Held” by Natalie Grant

    Jenny & Tyler

    Third Day

    Brandon Heath

    Ben Shive

    Andrew Peterson

    Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook

    Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram

    Sally’s website

    Sally’s Facebook

    Sally’s Instagram

    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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    10 mins
  • 157. Relighting the Spark of Your Imagination: Liz Marie Galvan
    Sep 5 2024

    Interior designer Liz Marie Galvan has been reimagining spaces and places since childhood—but as the responsibilities, demands, and challenges of adulthood set in, she found it harder to tap into her imaginative side. Determined to harness her creativity once more, Liz enrolled in a design program, and found the spark once again, using her reactivated imagination to help others create cozy spaces.


    “I knew that refreshing a space, cleaning, and rearranging truly could make you feel good and really harvest an environment to nurture you in whatever you're going through.” - Liz Marie Galvan

    “I think it's so important to continue to use your imagination into adulthood. I think ignoring that imagination side of you really kind of puts your passions to the side, and not exploring that can really just not be using your gifts in this world.” - Liz Marie Galvan

    “We have this gift to use our imagination God gave us so that we can explore our passions and use that in the world for His good.” - Liz Marie Galvan

    “I think that's such a cool part about being a parent—to have that excitement in a child, to see the Bible through a child's eyes, and to have that renew your love and excitement for these stories that we've heard so many times.” - Liz Marie Galvan

    Guest’s Links
    Liz Marie Galvan’s website

    Liz Marie Galvan’s Facebook

    Liz Marie Galvan’s Instagram

    Liz Marie Galvan’s Twitter

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode
    United States Marine Corps

    Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook

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    Sally’s website

    Sally’s Facebook

    Sally’s Instagram

    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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    16 mins
  • 156. We’re All Part of a Bigger Song: Ben Shive
    Aug 29 2024

    From the highs of getting to work with inspiring Christian music artists of the day to the lows of burnout and career challenges, Nashville producer, arranger, and musician Ben Shive has carved out a special space in the music industry by always striving to bring the best out of the people he works with. In this episode, he shares how he has been able to spiritually invest in his fellow musicians, acknowledging the beautiful narrative God has woven through music and friendship.


    “In my twenties and thirties, God's love was evident to me in that I was trying to make a living in music. God was so gracious in the way that He sort of lured me into it and then provided for me every step of the way, not usually abundantly, but just the perfect provision for the daily need. It was just clear to me that I couldn't deny that God was watching over me and my family and really making up for all of my shortcomings and failures.” - Ben Shive

    “So much of producing is just learning how to connect with another person, listen to them, and sometimes push back, and sometimes give in. There's a lot of compromise and a lot of collaboration, so I've gotten the opportunity to get to know a lot of people on a really deep level.” - Ben Shive

    “Even if the music doesn't last, the effect that the music has on people, I believe, will last beyond my lifetime.” - Ben Shive

    Guest’s Links
    Ben Shive’s website

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    Ben Shive’s Twitter

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode
    Rich Mullins

    A Liturgy, A Legacy, & A Ragamuffin Band

    The Beatles

    Spike Jones

    Looney Tunes



    Belmont University

    Andrew Peterson

    I Dream of You Volume II

    Keith and Kristyn Getty

    Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson

    Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook

    Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram

    Sally’s website

    Sally’s Facebook

    Sally’s Instagram

    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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    12 mins