• The Middle East Conflict & The Coming Kingdom
    Oct 16 2024

    It’s a time of uncertainty, a time when the world seems increasingly divided, and the future is unpredictable.

    For the Jewish people, the feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) is a reminder of God's faithfulness in the wilderness. But how do we hold on to that ancient promise in the chaos of today’s world, especially in light of the ongoing conflict in Israel?

    This episode of The Jewish Road Podcast is about the deeper significance of Sukkot, the existential battle facing Israel, and how believers can respond in solidarity and prayer.

    Key Takeaways:
    1. Sukkot as a Reminder: Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) is a reminder of God’s provision and faithfulness to the Israelites during their wilderness journey, symbolizing hope and trust in God’s presence.
    2. Current Events and Biblical Prophecy: The conflict in Israel today is not just another battle; it aligns with biblical prophecies and sets the stage for future events described in Scripture.
    3. Global Antisemitism: The rise of antisemitism worldwide, particularly following the October 7th attacks, mirrors historical patterns, but on a global scale, showing a spiritual battle against God’s people.
    4. The Christian Response: Christians are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and stand with Israel, advocating against anti-Israel sentiment and offering tangible support.
    5. God’s Promise of the Kingdom: Sukkot also points forward to a time when God will establish His kingdom on earth, dwelling among His people and bringing peace. This hope anchors believers amidst the chaos.
    Chapter Markers:
    1. [00:00 - 03:00] - Introduction and Context: Overview of the current season and the significance of Sukkot for the Jewish community.
    2. [03:01 - 08:00] - Sukkot in the Bible: Discussion on the biblical origins of Sukkot and its meaning as a reminder of God’s faithfulness in the wilderness.
    3. [08:01 - 13:00] - The Modern Battle: Analysis of the October 7th attacks, the global rise of antisemitism, and Israel’s ongoing fight for survival.
    4. [13:01 - 17:00] - Connecting Past and Present: How Sukkot ties into the future kingdom and the fulfillment of God’s promises amidst the current global unrest.
    5. [17:01 - 23:41] - Christian Response and Call to Action: Encouragement for Christians to stand with Israel, pray for peace, and participate in being a light in dark times.
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    25 mins
  • Rituals and Reflections on Yom Kippur
    Oct 11 2024
    Episode Summary:

    What if you waited your entire life, followed rituals painstakingly, prayed for atonement, but never really knew if you had been forgiven by God?

    This is the reality for many in the Jewish community during Yom Kippur.

    In this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, we explore the Day of Atonement, looking into its significance for both Jews and Christians. We unpack the biblical roots of Yom Kippur, discuss its modern observance, and ask the critical question: if Jesus is the ultimate High Priest and the final atonement, what does that mean for us today?

    5 Key Takeaways:
    1. Yom Kippur in Jewish Tradition: Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day in Judaism, where Jewish people seek to make things right with God, often unsure of whether their efforts are enough.
    2. Jesus as the Fulfillment of Atonement: The temple sacrifices and the role of the High Priest in Jewish history were shadows of what Jesus would ultimately fulfill as the final atonement for sin.
    3. The Significance of the Scarlet Thread: For 40 years before the destruction of the Second Temple, the scarlet thread on the Yom Kippur scapegoat stopped turning white, symbolizing that the sacrifices were no longer accepted - coinciding with the death and resurrection of Jesus.
    4. Jewish Rituals and the Messiah: Jewish traditions and practices, like the two goats on Yom Kippur, symbolically point to Jesus, who became both the sacrifice and the scapegoat for humanity's sins.
    5. The Growing Openness in Israel: Amid military tension, young Israeli soldiers are increasingly looking toward God, with many becoming open to the idea of Jesus as the Messiah.
    Chapter Markers:
    • 00:10 – Introduction: Yom Kippur, the High Holy Days, and Israel's current state
    • 03:00 – The Meaning of Yom Kippur and Jewish Rituals: A Time to Make Things Right
    • 05:00 – Leviticus 16: The Scriptural Basis for the Day of Atonement
    • 09:00 – Tale of Two Goats: The Sacrificial and Scapegoat Symbols
    • 12:30 – The Scarlet Thread and Its Prophetic Significance
    • 17:00 – The Shift in the Covenant: Jesus as the Final High Priest
    • 21:30 – The Talmud and the Mysterious Change 40 Years Before the Temple’s Fall
    • 26:00 – Hebrews: Jesus’ Role as the Ultimate High Priest and Fulfillment of the Atonement
    • 29:00 – Israel Today: Spiritual Awakening and Openness to Jesus
    • 31:26 – Closing Remarks: Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem
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    32 mins
  • An Arab Israeli Who Loves The Jewish People? (featuring Robert Bishai)
    Aug 30 2024


    How do you reconcile being both Arab and Israeli in a land of deep divisions?

    For Robert "Ruby" Bishai, this tension is not only part of his personal journey but also the heartbeat of his ministry. Ruby, an Arab Israeli believer in Yeshua, has found a profound calling to serve both the Jewish and Arab people of Israel. Growing up in a Jewish town as an Arab Christian gave him a unique perspective on the challenges and beauty of these two cultures colliding.

    Today, Ruby is a bridge between these worlds, striving to foster unity and bring the hope of Messiah to those who seem divided by history.

    Through Fields of Wheat, the ministry Ruby serves with, he mentors young believers and supports soldiers during times of war - often being a living testimony of love across cultural boundaries. His passion stems from a deep sense of destiny, recognizing that God has called him to stand in the gap between Arabs and Jews, seeing the promise of Isaiah 19:24,25 come to life.

    Ruby’s story is one of identity, reconciliation, and the unshakable hope that peace and salvation will come to both Arab and Jewish people.


    • Living as an Arab Israeli in Israel comes with its challenges, but Ruby Beshai embraces his unique identity and serves both the Arab and Jewish communities.
    • Fields of Wheat is a ministry in Israel that focuses on developing the youth and young adult believers and fostering unity between Jewish and Arab believers.
    • Ruby Beshai has had the opportunity to supply soldiers with equipment during times of war and has also shared the gospel with them, seeing an openness among the Jewish people.
    • Despite the conflicts and tensions in the Middle East, there is hope for peace and the salvation of both the Jewish and Arab people.


    00:00 - Introduction and Setting 01:24 - Ruby's Background and Identity 03:20 - Growing Up in a Jewish Community 04:17 - Embracing a Unique Identity 06:16 - Fields of Wheat Ministry 07:13 - Ministry During Times of War 09:10 - The Impact of the War on the Next Generation 10:39 - Identity and Perception 13:07 - Perception by Jewish People and Arab Brothers and Sisters 14:03 - Arab Israelis and Palestinians 16:00 - Struggles with Identity and Faith 19:21 - Hope in Fulfilling the Potential of the Jewish People 21:16 - Hope for Peace in the Middle East 22:12 - Perceptions of Israel and the Conflict 25:06 - Unity Among Arab Israelis 29:50 - Freedom and Hope in Israel 31:43 - Hope for Peace and Salvation 35:41 - Bringing Good News to the Jewish People 36:08 - Sharing Perspectives and Bringing Understanding
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    37 mins
  • The Weird Apostle (featuring Ryan Lambert)
    Aug 22 2024


    Imagine discovering that one of the most influential figures in Biblical history may have been misunderstood for centuries. That’s the compelling problem Ryan Lambert tackles in his book, The Weird Apostle. As a Messianic Jew, Lambert challenges the traditional portrayal of the Apostle Paul, urging us to see Paul not as a renegade who sought to break away from Judaism, but as a devoted Jew who remained faithful to the Torah.

    In our latest episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, Lambert shares his deep passion for building bridges between Christians and Jews, shining a new light on Paul's mission and his message.

    Lambert argues that by understanding Paul within his Jewish context, we can undo centuries of replacement theology that has strained Christian-Jewish relations. He points out that Paul never intended to create a new religion but sought instead to unite Jews and Gentiles under the worship of the one true God. And far from being a distant theologian, Paul was a real man writing letters to real communities, with a sense of urgency about the return of the Messiah.

    Lambert’s insights invite us to reconsider Paul’s legacy and the rich, shared history between Jews and Christians, opening the door to greater unity and understanding in our faith journeys.


    • Understanding Paul in his Jewish context can challenge the traditional narrative and improve relationships between Jews and Christians.
    • Paul was a faithful Jew who upheld the Torah and did not seek to replace Judaism with Christianity.
    • The Jewishness of Jesus is widely recognized, but the Jewishness of Paul is often overlooked.
    • Reframing Paul's role as a bridge between Judaism and Christianity can help foster dialogue and understanding. Paul believed that the end was near and expected the Messiah's return in his lifetime.
    • Paul's letters were intended for real communities and not as theological texts for future generations.
    • Replacement theology has created division between Christians and Jews and goes against Paul's message.
    • Paul's message was intended to join Jews and non-Jews together under the worship of the one true God.


    00:00 - Introduction and Prayer 01:16 - Meeting Ryan Lambert at the Israel Summit 06:54 - Discovering Messianic Judaism 10:48 - Passion for Building Bridges Between Christians and Jews 15:37 - Fascination with the Apostle Paul 23:36 - Paul as the Fulcrum of Jewish and Christian History 25:23 - Paul's Urgency and Expectation 27:14 - Paul as a Letter Writer 30:22 - The Impact of Replacement Theology 39:23 - Joining Jews and Non-Jews in Worship
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    50 mins
  • Should Christians Support Israel? (featuring Dr. Jeff Myers)
    Aug 17 2024


    Why do so many Christians misunderstand the conflict in Israel, and what should we do about it? In our latest episode, we dive into this pressing issue with Dr. Jeff Myers, President of Summit Ministries. Dr. Myers shares his insights from a recent trip to Israel and explores why the rising generation has so many misconceptions about this critical region.

    We discuss the complex layers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, breaking down the difference between geopolitical and theopolitical issues and why understanding the religious motivations behind the conflict is essential. Dr. Myers also sheds light on how current events in Israel relate to biblical prophecies and the multiple war fronts Israel is facing today.

    Together, we unpack the history of Israel, its ongoing conflict with Hamas, and the broader geopolitical implications. We explore the concept of a just war and why it’s crucial for Christians to support Israel. This conversation isn't just about taking sides—it's about engaging in informed, meaningful discussions that matter. Join us as we navigate this complex and vital topic.


    • Dr. Jeff Myers wrote a book inspired by his trip to Israel in January and the need to address the rising generation's misconceptions about Israel.
    • There is a difference between geopolitical and theopolitical conflicts, with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict being theopolitical due to varying understandings of religious truth.
    • Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled in the existence of the current nation of Israel, but there are still prophecies yet to be fulfilled.
    • Israel is facing multiple war fronts, including conflicts with Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and the West Bank. The situation in Israel is complex and constantly evolving, with the potential for conflict at any time.
    • Understanding the history and geopolitical implications of the conflict is crucial for informed discussions.
    • The concept of a just war is important in evaluating Israel's actions and defending its right to self-defense.
    • Young adults, including Christians, are increasingly influenced by anti-Israel propaganda and need to be presented with the facts.
    • Supporting Israel is not the same as agreeing with every Israeli policy, but it is important for Christians to stand with Israel in the face of rising anti-Israel sentiment.

    Sound Bites

    • "51% of young Americans sided with Hamas in the battle between Hamas and Israel."
    • "Young adults' views on Israel can be changed with the presentation of facts."
    • "Iran believes they cannot achieve their desired apocalyptic aims as long as Israel exists."
    • "Israel's policing of the West Bank. So any of these situations could break into a war at any time."
    • "Does Israel have a legitimate right to exist? And is it ever going to be possible to manage the peace in the region as long as Hamas exists as a military governing force?"
    • "A just peace is one in which righteousness prevails when right is done. An unjust peace or a shameful peace is a peace in which evil is allowed to prevail."


    • 00:00 - Introduction and Background
    • 04:23 - Inspiration for the Book and Trip to Israel
    • 08:41 - The Difference Between Geopolitical and Theopolitical Conflicts
    • 13:16 - The Impact of Facts on Young Adults' Views on Israel
    • 19:34 - The Religious Motivations Behind the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    • 21:31 - Biblical Prophecies and the Existence of Israel
    • 23:26 - Israel's Multiple War Fronts
    • 26:16 - The Theopolitical Nature of the Conflict
    • 28:59 - The Concept of a Just War
    • 36:09 - Why Christians Should Support Israel

    Find out more about Summit Ministries: https://www.summit.org/ Click here to get a copy of of Jeff's book, Should Christians Support Israel.

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    40 mins
  • First-Century Youth Ministry (featuring Heather Quiroz)
    Jun 9 2024
    Summary Heather Quiroz, founder of First-Century Youth Ministry, joins Matt and Ron Davis on the Jewish Road Podcast to discuss her ministry and the importance of understanding Jesus from within his Jewish context. Heather shares her experience of walking the land of Israel as a first-century disciple and how it radically changed her perspective on the Bible. She emphasizes the need to teach young people the Bible from its cultural and historical context, helping them see the deeper meaning behind the text. Heather's ministry aims to equip youth leaders with resources and knowledge to make disciples who have a strong foundation in the Jewish roots of their faith. Takeaways
    • Understanding Jesus from within his Jewish context can radically transform one's faith and deepen their understanding of the Bible.
    • Teaching young people the Bible from its cultural and historical context helps them see the deeper meaning behind the text and strengthens their faith.
    • Youth leaders play a crucial role in equipping young people with a strong foundation in the Jewish roots of their faith.
    • There is a need for resources and support for youth leaders to effectively teach the Jewish context of the Bible.
    Sound Bites
    • "Walking the land as if she were a first-century disciple following a rabbi."
    • "Knowing the Bible from within its near Eastern context helps all of scripture make more sense and come to life."
    • "Studying the Bible differently, not just reading it at face value, but considering the cultural and historical context."
    Chapters 00:00 - Introduction and Welcome 02:26 - First Century Youth Ministry 05:19 - Walking the Land as a First-Century Disciple 10:07 - The Impact of Understanding the Jewish Context 14:48 - Teaching Youth with Cultural and Historical Context 23:19 - Connecting with First-Century Youth Ministry
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    26 mins
  • Links To Messiah (featuring Rachel Kushner)
    May 28 2024

    In this conversation, Ron and Matt Davis interview Rachel Kushner, the CEO (Chief Enthusiasm Officer) of Links to Messiah. They discuss Rachel's background growing up in a Messianic Jewish home, the inspiration behind her ministry, and the importance of bridging the gap between the Old and New Testaments.

    Rachel shares how Links to Messiah provides resources and activities for families to engage with Jewish holidays and traditions, helping them understand the Jewish roots of their faith. The conversation highlights the significance of family engagement and the joy of learning about the Bible in a fun and interactive way.


    • Links to Messiah is a ministry that provides resources and activities for families to engage with Jewish holidays and traditions.

    • The ministry aims to bridge the gap between the Old and New Testaments, helping families understand the Jewish roots of their faith.

    • Family engagement is crucial in teaching children about the Bible and creating a lifelong relationship with Jesus.

    • Learning about the Bible can be fun and interactive, and it doesn't have to be boring.


    00:00 - Introduction

    02:49 - Rachel's Background

    05:49 - Rachel's Father's Story

    07:23 - Links to Messiah Ministry

    10:01 - Connecting the Hebrew Scriptures to Yeshua Jesus

    12:01 - The Importance of Family Engagement

    15:45 - Bridging the Gap between the Old and New Testament

    19:51 - The Role of Links to Messiah in Equipping Families

    21:24 - Rachel's Enthusiasm and Joy

    23:04 - Upcoming Events and Resources

    25:02 - Closing Remarks

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    29 mins
  • Israel At The Epicenter (featuring Dennis Karp from Jerusalem)
    May 25 2024
    Summary Dennis Karp shares his journey of moving from the United States to Israel and the challenges in the transition. He discusses the need for marriage and relationship counseling in Israel and the growing openness to the Messiah among the people. Dennis also talks about the spiritual climate in Israel and the work his ministry does with Holocaust survivors and young believers. He shares his perspective on sending children off to war and the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments in the media. The conversation covers various themes related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the impact on families, the role of the American church, and the importance of biblical knowledge and understanding. Takeaways
    • Moving to a new country and culture can be challenging, especially for children who have to adjust to a new language and education system.
    • There is a growing need for marriage and relationship counseling in Israel, and many people are open to seeking help in these areas.
    • The spiritual climate in Israel is changing, with more openness to the Messiah and a willingness to explore faith.
    • The ministry focuses on counseling, discipleship, and outreach to Holocaust survivors and young believers in Israel.
    • Sending children off to war is a difficult experience for parents, but there is a sense of pride and support for those serving in the Israeli army.
    • There is a significant amount of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment in the media, which adds to the challenges faced by the people living in Israel. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an existential war for Israel's existence, not just a war for land.
    • The American church needs to upgrade its knowledge of scripture and worldwide politics to ask the right questions and confront false accusations against Israel.
    • Yom HaZikaron is a day of remembrance for fallen soldiers in Israel, while Yom Ha'atzmaut is Israel's Independence Day.
    • The Israeli educational system is facing challenges, including the dumbing down of curriculum and the introduction of biased ideologies.
    • There is a need for biblical scholarship and literacy in the church to counter ignorance and indifference.
    Chapters 00:00 - Introduction and Background 05:15 - The Challenges of Moving to Israel 08:04 - The Need for Marriage and Relationship Counseling in Israel 09:32 - The Changing Spiritual Climate in Israel 12:25 - Ministry Focus: Counseling, Discipleship, and Outreach 16:39 - The Experience of Sending Children Off to War 18:06 - The Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 25:08 - Remembering Fallen Soldiers and Celebrating Independence 28:28 - The Miraculous Protection of Israel 30:30 - The Role of the American Church 34:18 - Challenges in the Israeli Educational System 36:24 - Biblical Scholarship and Literacy in the Church
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    37 mins