In this episode, Jess (The Playful Domme), Lisa (The Poly Wife), and Ella (The Virgin) discuss navigating New Relationship Energy (NRE) and its impact on personal boundaries, autonomy, and relationship dynamics. They explore how NRE can lead to moments of self-abandonment, where individuals lose touch with their routines and identities as they dive into a new connection. Each host shares their experiences with balancing personal space, setting boundaries, and understanding what they want from relationships. Through candid discussions, they emphasize the importance of self-reflection and open communication in maintaining healthy, respectful relationships, especially within ethical non-monogamy.
[00:00:00] - Welcome & Introduction: Jess sets the stage for a vibrant discussion on NRE and ENM.
[00:08:00] - Lisa’s Weekend of Fireworks: Lisa reflects on the sparks and compatibility with her new lover, contrasting it with deeper connections in her polyamorous life.
[00:25:00] - Shibari and Surrender: Jess and Lisa explore the spiritual and sensual aspects of rope play, including Lisa’s recent class and its transformative impact.
[00:45:00] - The Cost of Abandonment: Jess shares her pattern of losing herself in relationships and the journey back to her own power and magic.
[01:10:00] - Navigating Jealousy and Possessiveness: Ella talks about setting boundaries and staying grounded while dating a partner with possessive tendencies.
[01:30:00] - Balancing Multiple Relationships: The trio discusses the challenges of time management, communication, and honoring each connection.
• More Than Two: A book on polyamory and ethical non-monogamy.
• Wheel of Consent: Framework for setting boundaries and understanding mutual agreements.
• The Playful Podcast Website: For access to community resources, workshops, and additional content.
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