• The Rest of Your Story Episode 10: Sanctify
    Dec 9 2023
    The first time that the word "Sanctify" is used in the scriptures isn't in connection with a person, place or thing . Rather, it is first used in connection with time!
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    30 mins
  • The Rest of Your Story, Episode 9: Intimacy and Connection
    Nov 25 2023
    We are hard wired for connection. On the first day of humankind’s existence God began the hard-wiring that would provide for the foundation of the relationships needed for a healthy existence.
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    32 mins
  • The Rest of Your Story Episode 8: Trust
    Nov 17 2023
    “The Sabbath isn’t about math; God wasn’t trying to see if humankind would successfully be able to count from 1 to 7. Instead, the Sabbath was God establishing a foundation of Trust as the basis for the relationship that would exist between humankind and the Creator.“The idea was that God demonstrated his trustworthiness to the First Pair (Adam/Eve) by showing what God had already done for them, and furthermore by then entrusting them with everything. This great act of Trust – on God’s part – invites the newly-created couple to respond in-kind, to live in a trusting way towards God.“That’s still what Sabbath intends to do: to remind us that God is faithful, and to invite us to respond faithfully in return.”
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    30 mins
  • The Rest of Your Story Episode 7: Shabbat Nuakh
    Nov 17 2023
    The Rest of Your Story is a 30 minute podcast that utilizes the Sabbath motif from Genesis as a lens through which to view the redemptive work of God. By removing the Sabbath from the legalistic, duty-oriented perspective that we often employ (to convince people to observe it), we can then better understand why God placed it at the forefront of human existence. Listeners may then come away with a heightened appreciation of all that God has done to secure and provide for them. Better still, the Rest Of Your Story will inspire a spirit of Sabbath celebration in the heart, rather than a sense of servile obligation in the mind. Hosted by veteran pastor, W. Nick Taliaferro, you can rest assured that The Rest of Your Story will be a journey into Joy, not a dry exploration into doctrine. Then, join us for the Rest of Your Story Tuesday Talkback, as we engage in conversation after The Rest of Your Story, and opening up for questions on other subjects. Moderated and co-hosted by Linda Anderson, ROYS-TT will allow for a midweek refreshing for those who tune in. Tuesdays, on Facebook and YouTube, messagemagazine, 8 p.m., Eastern.
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    34 mins
  • The Rest of Your Story Episode 6: Rest and Work
    30 mins
  • The Rest Of Your Story Episode 5: Sleep In Peace
    Nov 19 2021
    It’s the end of the week, perhaps your chance to catch up on some rest, sleep. Fear of missing out, letting go, or losing control keeps us driving past our opportunity for restoration. Hit the pillow, go to sleep, and your body goes to work building the immune system, repairing cell damage, and “taking out the garbage” –the toxins in the body. Enjoy this week’s podcast with Nick Taliaferro, and conversations with Dr. Lourdes DelRosso and Dr. Jermaine Nicholas, as they discuss the most important activity of the day, sleep!
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    30 mins
  • The Rest Of Your Story - Episode 3 ”The Gift with Your Name on It”
    Oct 8 2021
    The Gift with Your Name on It
    The Rest of Your Story,” puts peace and trust into the headline of your harried mind. This audio experience is your Friday evening detox to the stress and pressure of this week. Talk about TGIF! Put your earbuds in, sink into your easy chair, while Nick Taliaferro walks you through insights and inspiration that will lead you to the peace you seek.

    This week, Pastor Nick unwraps the mystery behind the precious gift, so seldom taken. Why don’t we rest? The answer could be because our work, our image, our pride stems from the idea that we make things happen. We hold it all together. We are strong enough, powerful enough to never need a break, down time, or time to reflect.

    Pull back; emancipate yourself from the slavish drive to try to be your own god.

    We hope you enjoy this episode of “The Rest of Your Story.” Share it, will you?
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    30 mins
  • The Rest of Your Story - Episode 2
    Sep 24 2021
    The Rest of Your Story, Episode 2
    Who are you, really? Can you answer without saying what you do, or what you have? Today's conversation with James Wadley, Ph.D, and Diane Wagenhals, family educator and therapist, unpack personal worth and value--outside of titles and possessions.

    "The Rest of Your Story," puts peace and trust into the headline of your harried mind. This audio experience is your Friday evening detox to the stress and pressure of this week. Talk about TGIF! Put your earbuds in, sink into your easy chair, while Nick Taliaferro walks you through insights and inspiration that will lead you to the peace you seek.
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    30 mins