• The Trident Room Podcast –63 – Lt. Anthony Castillo – Below the Surface
    Mar 5 2025
    In this episode, Lt. Anthony Castillo, the newest host to join the Trident Room Podcast team, dives deep into detailing his very unique naval career, spanning nuclear power training as an Electrician’s Mate (EM), to commissioning as a Nuclear Surface Warfare Officer, to now serving as a Health Care Information Systems Officer. He is currently at the Naval Postgraduate School, knee-deep, in the PhD program for Network Operations and Technology. Lt. Castillo is a native of the Central Coast of California. In 2013, he took the oath of enlistment and reported to Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. He then journeyed from Naval Nuclear Power Training Command (NNPTC) A-School and Nuclear Power School (where he was selected for the Seaman to Admiral (STA-21) program) to the Citadel where he earned his commission as well as a BS in both Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. As an officer, he served as the Combat Electronics Division Officer and the Strike Officer onboard the USS MUSTIN (DDG 89) out of Yokosuka, Japan, trained at Officer Nuclear Power School and at Nuclear Power Training Unit (NPTU), and became the first Reactor Networking Division Officer onboard the USS GERALD R FORD (CVN 78). Lt. Castillo‘s career took a sharp turn after reporting to the USNS COMFORT (T-AH 20) as Director of Operations. There he was selected to lateral transfer to the Medical Service Corps as a Health Care Information Systems Officer after which he joined us here at the Naval Postgraduate School for his master’s and now PhD in Information Sciences in the Network Operations and Technology program.
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    24 mins
  • The Trident Room Podcast - Episode 62 - Academic Arsenal Series, Amphibious Aircraft and the IndoPacific
    Jan 28 2025
    In the next episode of our new Academic Arsenal series – focused on NPS students’ defense-relevant research – host Eric Czaja speaks with two U.S. Air Force senior pilots in the defense analysis program whose examination of amphibious aircraft could offer an innovative solution to logistics challenges in the Indo-Pacific. Trident Room Podcast host U.S. Army Maj. Eric Czaja has a conversation with NPS Department of Defense Analysis students U.S. Air Force Maj. Bobby Strain and U.S. Air Force Maj. Tim Marti. This episode was recorded on August 31, 2024. Maj. Bobby Strain is a U.S. Air Force senior pilot with more than 2,450 flying hours in the C-5M and KC-135R/T. A 2011 ROTC graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, he has flown missions worldwide, including combat missions in support of Operations Enduring Freedom, Resolute Support, Inherent Resolve, and Freedom’s Sentinel. Maj. Tim Marti is also a U.S. Air Force senior pilot with more than 2,000 hours flying the U-28 and other various AFSOC aircraft, including combat missions in Operation Inherent Resolve. Together, Strain and Marti have authored a joint thesis entitled “Airpower Beyond the Runway: Amphibious Aircraft to Enhance Agility in INDOPACOM.” Their thesis explores how seaplanes, specifically amphibious aircraft, can support the U.S. Joint Force while also creating challenges for adversaries in the Indo-Pacific. The study explores the limitations of current assets and the advantages of utilizing seaplanes in two fictional scenarios. Utilizing a mixed methods qualitative/quantitative approach to compare seaplanes against various platforms – including aircraft, ships, boats, and submarines – the study showcases the seaplane’s unique advantages due to its speed, range, and access to remote locations. The study concludes with a series of recommendations for the DOD to inform decision-makers of the potential for investment in amphibious aircraft, and suggests courses of action to validate the requirement. ----------------- The Trident Room Podcast is brought to you by the Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation. www.npsfoundation.org For comments, suggestions, and critiques, please email us at TridentRoomPodcastHost@nps.edu, and find us online at nps.edu/tridentroompodcast. Thank you! The views expressed in this interview are those of the individuals and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the US Navy, or the Naval Postgraduate School.
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    25 mins
  • The Trident Room Podcast – 61[1/2] – Road Trip, USA – An International View
    Dec 19 2024
    The Trident Room Podcast Senior Producer, Alanna Youngblood interviews two NPS International Students about their whirlwind summer cross-country road trip and experiences many different national locales through a bright and new viewpoint. This episode was recorded on September 18, 2024. This episode captures the southern leg of Commander Aang Iskander and Commander Erwin Tan Tolentino’s road trip with their families where they visited sites including Area 51, NASA, the Coca Cola Museum in Georgia, Key Largo, the Everglades and everything in between. Please join us for a heartwarming adventure and stay tuned for the second installment detailing the northern half of their journey coming soon! The Trident Room Podcast is brought to you by the Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation. www.npsfoundation.org For comments, suggestions, and critiques, please email us at TridentRoomPodcastHost@nps.edu, and find us online at nps.edu/tridentroompodcast. Thank you!
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    22 mins
  • The Trident Room Podcast – 61[2/2] – Road Trip, USA – An International View
    Dec 19 2024
    The Trident Room Podcast Senior Producer, Alanna Youngblood interviews two NPS International Students about their whirlwind summer cross-country road trip and experiences with many different national locales through a bright and new viewpoint. This episode was recorded on September 18, 2024. This episode captures the northern leg of Commander Aang Iskander and Commander Erwin Tan Tolentino’s road trip with their families where they visited sites including the Washington Monument, U.N. Security Council Building, Graceland, The Badlands National Park and everything in between. Please join us in our continuation of a heartwarming adventure and catch the first half (part 1) already on your streaming platform if you missed out! The Trident Room Podcast is brought to you by the Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation. www.npsfoundation.org For comments, suggestions, and critiques, please email us at TridentRoomPodcastHost@nps.edu, and find us online at nps.edu/tridentroompodcast. Thank you!
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    24 mins
  • The Trident Room Podcast Episode 60 – Academic Arsenal Series, Arctic Revisited
    Oct 2 2024
    In the first episode of our new Academic Arsenal series – focused on NPS students’ defense-relevant thesis research – the 2024 Operation Ice Camp research team revisits their experiences in the Arctic, details the trove of data collected, and offers insights into how NPS research connects to strategic naval priorities. Welcome back to the Trident Room Podcast. I'm LCDR Colleen Wilmington. If you’re a returning listener, you may recognize me from METOC Me-talks, if you’re new welcome to NPS! Today we're introducing a new series, the Academic Arsenal, focusing on the theses and dissertations being completed here at NPS for DOD applications. The Naval Postgraduate School Oceanography Department team, composed of professors from the Ocean Acoustics Lab and students from METOC/USW program participated in Operation Ice Camp Whale to collect data to understand the physics of acoustic propagation under, through and above the sea ice. Their research intends to lay the scientific foundation for sea ice property inference and future multimedia Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. The Operation Ice Camp (formerly Ice Exercise) 2024 team are: - Dr. Ben Reeder, Research Professor, CDR (Ret) - John Joseph, Research Associate, CDR (Ret) - Taylor Hudson, Student, LCDR - Colleen Wilmington, Student, LCDR Check out episode Trident Room Podcast episode #47, METOC on the Rocks with Lt. Cmdr. Wilmington for more on Operation Ice Camp. And check out this NPS news story, Operation Ice Camp Yields Treasure Trove of Arctic Data for NPS Students, Faculty, for a detailed progress report on the team’s current research. The Trident Room Podcast is brought to you by the Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and Foundation. http://www.npsfoundation.org For comments, suggestions, and critiques, please email us at TridentRoomPodcastHost@nps.edu, and find us online at nps.edu/tridentroompodcast. Thank you!
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    30 mins
  • The Trident Room Podcast – Episode 59 – METOC ME-talks with CNMOC Operations Officer, Cmdr. Casey Gon
    Sep 4 2024
    In this METOC ME-talks episode, hosts Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Wilmington, Lt. Cmdr. Alanna Youngblood and Lt. Daniel Petersen discuss with Cmdr. Gon, his METOC experience and howthe U.S. Navy utilizes CNMOC. This episode was recorded on March 15, 2024. Cmdr. Casey Gon received his Master’s of Science in Meteorology and Oceanography from NPS in 2013 and his Ph.D. in Oceanography from NPS in 2019. Cmdr. Gon’s diverse operational history and educational experience at NPS is a unique METOC path. The podcast centers around his METOC career and includes lessons in leadership, taking advantage of opportunities in life and how Navy METOC influences other services around the world by setting the standard for fleet support. Whether that is by supporting other ice services, shutting down a command, Fleet Survey Team, to reallocate support or as the Operations Officer of CNMOC, where Cmdr. Gon is responsible for ensuring that support to the fleet is timely, accurate, and applicable. His oversight in transitioning science to operational use in a global maritime operations center, which is made up of operations, intelligence, and international programs, is vital to the continued success of our community. The Trident Room Podcast is brought to you by the Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and Foundation. http://www.npsfoundation.org For comments, suggestions, and critiques, please email us at TridentRoomPodcastHost@nps.edu, and find us online at nps.edu/tridentroompodcast. Thank you!
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    30 mins
  • The Trident Room Podcast – 58 – Eric Czaja – Below the Surface
    Aug 14 2024
    Episode 58 – Eric Czaja – Below the Surface In this episode, U.S. Army Maj. Eric Czaja discusses his career from his time as a platoon leader leading up to experiences as an NPS student and his thesis research focusing on regenerative agriculture. This episode is hosted by U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Karl Flynn. This episode was recorded on April 12, 2024. Watch Maj. Czaja and his thesis partner, Maj. Ian McAlpine discuss their research in the NPS Student Profile video. Download a transcript of this episode. Segment 1 of 3 – Operational Experiences - [0:00] Segment 2 of 3 – Homesteading and Agricultural Thesis Research - [11:25] Segment 3 of 3 – Advice to Students - [30:20] Eric is a graduate of Marquette University and commissioned as an Infantry officer in 2011. He served as a Rifle Platoon leader, Reconnaissance Platoon Leader, Company Executive Officer and Assistant Operations Officer in the 2nd Infantry Division at Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA. After successfully completing the Special Forces Qualification Course in 2018, Eric served as a Special Forces Operation Detachment- Alpha Commander in 3rd Special Forces Group. Eric has successfully led Soldiers in Africa and Afghanistan and is a June 2024 graduate with an M.S. degree in Defense Analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School. [Disclaimers] The Trident Room has been brought to by the Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and Naval Postgraduate School Foundation. The views expressed in this interview are those of the individuals and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the US Navy, or the Naval Postgraduate School. For comments, suggestions, and critiques, please email us at TridentRoomPodcastHost@nps.edu, and find us online at nps.edu/tridentroompodcast. Thank you!
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    30 mins
  • The Trident Room Podcast – 57 – Rear Adm. John A. Okon – METOC ME-talks
    Jul 31 2024
    Episode 57 - METOC ME-talks with Maritime Space Officer (MSO) Flag Lead RADM John Okon. In this METOC ME-talks episode, hosts LCDR Alanna Youngblood and LT Daniel Petersen swap leadership outlooks for every occasion and hard-won life transitions with RADM Okon. This episode was recorded on March 6, 2024. Rear Adm. John A. Okon is a native of Syracuse, New York, and graduated from the State University of New York Maritime College at Fort Schuyler in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology and Oceanography. He holds Master’s Degrees in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography from the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California, and in National Security Studies from the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. Upon commissioning, he initially served as a surface warfare officer and transferred to naval oceanography in 1995. He now serves as a member of the Navy’s Information Warfare Community. At sea, Okon served aboard USS Ticonderoga (CG 47) as first lieutenant, administrative officer and navigator and aboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) as meteorologist and oceanographer Ashore, he served as optimum track ship router at the Naval Atlantic Meteorology and Oceanography Center; aide to commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command; operations officer and executive assistant to the deputy director for regional operations, Joint Staff; senior oceanography assignment and placement officer, Navy Personnel Command; and executive assistant to the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare and director of naval intelligence. Okon commanded Naval Oceanography Antisubmarine Warfare Center in Yokosuka, Japan, and Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center in Monterey. As a flag officer, Okon commanded Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command and served as the oceanographer of the Navy, navigator of the Navy, and hydrographer of the Navy. Personal awards include the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal and various personal, campaign and service awards. The Trident Room Podcast is brought to you by the Naval Postgraduate School Alumni Association and the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation. http://www.npsfoundation.org For comments, suggestions, and critiques, please email us at TridentRoomPodcastHost@nps.edu, and find us online at nps.edu/tridentroompodcast. Thank you!
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    38 mins