• Ugly Truth of The Black Hawk Collision
    Feb 7 2025
    The Blackhawk Collision

    An American Airlines jet and an Army helicopter collided over Washington, D.C., Wednesday night. All 67 people aboard the aircraft and three Black Hawk helicopter personnel are deceased.

    A man at Reagan National Airport, anxiously waiting for his wife, shows a reporter the last messages he received from her before the tragic crash of a plane carrying 60 passengers into the Potomac River. His wife had texted that she was about to land in 20 minutes. His response, however, did not get delivered. Curious …

    (to see videos, Black Hawk Collision)

    In this eye-opening analysis, Captain Steve breaks down the tragic mid-air collision over the Potomac, using real ATC (air traffic control) communications to uncover what led to this devastating accident.

    This is a video of the actual air trafic controller screen of the plane and helicopter on a collision course before colliding and plunging into the Potomac River.

    This happened on approach to RUNWAY 33. What do we know about the number 33???

    The fact that the helicopter’s transponder was turned OFF as well… THAT IS NOT NORMAL. NOT AT ALL. THIS REEKS OF A FALSE FLAG!!!

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    32 mins
  • Ugly Truth of Pope Francis
    Sep 19 2024

    Pope Francis is under fire now for saying all religions are a path to God.

    Pope Francis to children in Singapore: “All religions are paths to reach God. They are—to make a comparison—like different languages, different dialects, to get there. But God is God for everyone. If you start to fight saying ‘my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn’t’, where will this lead us? There is only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christians; they are different ways to God.”
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    32 mins
  • The Ugly Truth of iPad Kids
    Sep 14 2024

    The internet and connected devices are both a blessing and a curse. The immediate access to information is making users dependent because they feel more intelligent. It’s a false sense of security. So what if it all goes away? Are we all doomed?

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    34 mins
  • 9-11 Truth Rising
    Aug 16 2024

    23 years after the event, we are still trying to figure out exactly what happened. In 2021, the 9-11 documents became delcassified, yet the true story is still eluding the public. Information continues to leak, some more accurate than others. Common sense calls the ‘official’ story into question on several points.

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    41 mins
  • Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
    Aug 16 2024

    Euthanasia for humans is illegal in the majority of the United States. As of June 2021, the only jurisdictions that allow this procedure are Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont. But assisted suicide and euthanasia is legal in several countries.

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    30 mins
  • Presidential Assassinations
    Aug 11 2024

    Assassination attempts and plots on the President of the United States have been numerous, ranging from the early 19th century to the present day.

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    59 mins
  • Ugly Truth of Lyme Disease
    Aug 11 2024

    In 2008, a documentary was released that exposes the hidden epidemic of Lyme disease and reveals how our corrupt health care system is failing to address one of the most serious illnesses of our time. But how did we even get here? Where did Lyme disease even come from?

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    29 mins
  • Ugly Truth of Climate Change
    May 29 2024

    Is climate change a hoax or just another fear tactic to control ad tax the masses?

    What CHANGES weather? Let's explore the factors...

    So in our research on HAARP, we came across this interesting article: “HAARP, the most powerful ionosphere heater on Earth“.

    Since 2000, HAARP has produced many interesting and unexpected results, perhaps most spectacularly the production of an artificial ionospheric plasma generated by radio waves.

    Make sure you also listen to our latest Truman's Matrix podcast. It's part of a double feature with this one. https://www.trumansmatrix.com (Man Made Auroras?)

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    31 mins